
Reincarnated As Young Master In One Piece

Reincarnation! It must be every weeb’s dream at least once in their live right? But why did it have it to be this character out of everyone in the world?! And why did it have it to be this late?!!! Please save me someone. (Mc is reincarnated as Helmeppo at the start of plot.)

Andy_Andy_3552 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter-5{Training Camp}

After I woke up, the doctor in charge who was unfortunately not a hot woman but rather a middle aged-man told me "Normally you would've been in bed for at least a month more with your injuries but your resilience is stronger than normal people, so you need to rest for another 3 more days before you're good to go."

Koby also apparently went for 'training'.

After 3-4 hours with me trying to use observation haki to sense something and failing, I heard a familiar laughter.

"Bwahahahaha, Kid it looks like you're good!"said Garp while eating rice crackers.

"And whose fault do you think it is?" I talked to him for the first time.

"Bwahahaha, don't sweat it! Besides didn't you gain something as well?" As expected Garp has noticed that I have awakened Observation Haki.

"You know what's the name of the power I've awakened?" I asked him 'cluelessly.'

Garp's expression suddenly changed and it became a little bit dignified and serious.

"You've awakened Haki, to be precise Observation Haki." Told Garp while eating his third bag of rice crackers.

[I will skip the Haki explanations, because I guess most of you would know it by now.]

"I see, so how can I get more proficient in Haki?" I asked Garp who is undeniably one of the strongest person in this world with all three types of Haki.

"Bwahahahaha, that's easy!" Said Garp while laughing.


"The fastest way to improve Haki is just fighting." said Garp.

"Well then I will see you later kid, I've gotta go and break the rice crackers eating record definitely today Bwahahahaha!" Said Garp while walking away.

Well it was quite surprising he didn't fall asleep while talking to me.

But as expected the fastest way to improve your Haki proficiency is by fighting.

Three days went by quickly with Kobe visiting me occasionally and informing me about this so called training camp.

The instructor here is surprisingly not Zephyr but Monkey D Garp.

Garp also informed me to gather at the training ground today with a huge grin which immediately screams red flag.

"Helmeppo-san, follow me I will guide you to the training ground." said Koby.

Koby's such an reliable guy.

After arriving at the training ground, I saw Garp wave at me and beckoned me to his side.

"Helmeppo you stay here, Koby you go join them in the front." Said Garp with a huge grin.

"Yes! Vice Admiral Garp!" Saluted Koby and went to the group of trainees were gathered in front.

"Bwahahaha Kid it looks like you've recovered well!" Said Garp smiling.

"Yeah, thanks to the doctor." I replied to Garp.

Suddenly Garp turned his head towards the trainees in front of me and shouted.

"Oi you kids! Listen up today there is a slight change to the usual training."

"Today's mission for you guys is simple." Said Garp as he grinned revealing his tooth shining.

"Take down this guy here next to me." Said Garp as he pointed me next to him.

I knew it there will never be a day with this guy not troubling me.

"Oho Garp-san are we talking turns and fighting him one-on-one?" Asked a young woman with long light red hair.

Garp simply grinned in reply and turned his head towards me.


"Don't you guys get it?" I spoke to the trainees who were murmuring and looking towards me for the first time.

I pointed my finger towards Garp and said "What he means is that you all come and fight me at the same time."

If my estimation is correct these these trainees must be people with potential as Garp would never train them otherwise, so they must have talent that differentiate themselves from other so naturally there would be some people with pride.

"I will even give you guys a handicap and even close my eyes after all you guys are… weak." I said to them with a mocking smile and closed my eyes.

And as expected there were few hot heads who charged right at me.

(3rd Person POV)

A guy with red hair cut in tomahawk hairstyle charged first and attacked him right at his face yelling with a huge grin "Eat this!!"

While the marines trainees thought there was no way a guy with blindfold can dodge an attack from the infamous 'Grount'.

Contrary to their expectations they say Helmeppo slightly tilting right and evading his attack.

Grount's eyes widened and he again continued attacking you but this time in your chest to increase the chance of him attacking Helmeppo.

This time instead of dodging Hemeppo blocked the attack with his wooden sword.

Grount eyes widened as he thought there is no way a wooden sword can withstand his strength and continued exerting strength against it.

Helmeppo slightly retreated and seeing this Grount's raised his lips and thought ' Sure enough my strength is stronger.'

Helmeppo smiled and said "Playtime's over."

As soon as he said that he instantly deflected his punch with his sword and directed sliced him vertically.

Grount's eyes widened as he looked at his chest with blood and he fell down weakly losing his strength.


"Grount!!!!!" Shouted two guys in anger and rushed at Helmeppo who dodged the first guy's attack and kicked the first guy in the direction of the second guy who was attacking making the second guy stop his attack and catch the first guy but without giving them time to rest Helmeppo charged at them and attacked them with his sword defeating them in a matter of seconds.

"Even Bonham and Zappa are no match for him!" Some guy in marine exclaimed.

Helmeppo after finishing of them both charged right at the marine trainees who began to panic and some even began to retreat.

At this time a voice with confidence sounded "What are you guys getting scared off?!"

"He is just one guy and if we all work together we surely can defeat him. Just follow my orders."

The marine trainees who were scared at first, slowly started to gain their confidence back and shouted with red faces "Kujaku-sama we will definitely follow your orders."

At the same time Kujaku spoke to the girl beside her "Hibari what are you waiting for? Shoot him already."

"Yes, just leave to me." Spoke Hibari confidently and took her sniper behind her and aimed at Helmeppo and shot him without hesitation.

Helmmepo who was charging suddenly swung his sword in the air cutting the bullet that was coming for him and without stopping charged at full speed.

"Surround him in a circle and attack him!" Ordered Kujaku.

But Helmeppo attacked the weak point of her circle and disrupted her formation causing chaos and was defeating them with just one precise calculated attack.

Kujaku at the back watched this with shock and thought 'He's obviously not stronger than the strongest here and not that fast , the only thing that is exceptional about him is his sword skill but why, why is that he is destroying us with such ease and with a blindfold at top of that?!'

While she was thinking all this she saw a marine trainees who was flying towards her who was attacked by Helmeppo.

Kujaku could only dodge him and swing her whip in the direction of Helmeppo but Helmeppo avoided her whip and could only watch him helplessly attack her but before he could do so a bullet intercepted him.

Helmeppo could only withdraw his attack and defend against this bullet.

Helmeppo quickly decided to get rid of the sniper as she is the only threat that he could sense here and immediately rushed at her with great speed while dodging the bullets that was coming towards him and slashing any of the marines in his path and when he finally got close to the sniper a familiar man blocked him in his path.

"Koby." Helmeppo said to the man in front of him.

"Sorry Helmeppo-san but if you want to reach Hibari, you could only do so by defeating me!" Spoke Koby like a righteous shounen protagonist.

"Koby!!" The girl behind him exclaimed his name lovingly.

'Oi what's going on here?! While I was lying in the hospital fighting for my life, this guy here was flirting with a cute girl?!!' Thought Helmeppo with his teeth gritted.

Koby suddenly felt a chill run down his spine.

"Is that so?" Replied Helmeppo with a grin.

Koby saw Helmeppo swinging his sword and thought confused 'Why is Helmeppo-san swinging his sword when there is some distance between us?'

But he got the answer for that in the next moment.

"Tobu Zangeki!" Said Helmeppo as he swung his sword with enough force and speed to create a powerful pressure in the form of a compressed air blade which hit Koby within a second and continued to advance towards the sniper and hit her and finally the attack subsided.

(Helmeppo's POV)

I didn't expect to use Flying Slash here, I thought with my lips twitching.

After another ten minutes finally the battle was over with myself being the last one standing.

There were two extremely important factors which allowed me to win.

First is me mastering the primary use of "Observation Haki." I didn't think I could master it thay quickly which only proves what Garp said is right. I was already pretty close to use it at will and after this battle, I could use it quite well.

The second factor which allowed me to win is "Combat Experience."

Gintoki himself is extremely rich in terms of Combat Experience which proved to be fatal factor in deciding the victory against these trainees.

Switching up the movement patterns, disrupting their formation and using their against themselves and intimidation and many more factors involve combat experience.

But defeating these guys is nothing.

At the age of 19 Luffy defeats Kaido and becomes one of the Four Emperors who can defend these guys just with their Conquerors Haki.

What I mean is these guys except some are just cannon fodder and I couldn't get cocky defeating these guys.

"Bwahahaha Kid it looks like you're grown somewhat from the past fight." Said Garp while patting my shoulders.

"So what now?" I asked him pointing towards the unconscious marines.

"Don't worry about them, because you didn't hurt them that much they could recover in 2 or 3 days." Said while picking his nose.

"And as for what you will do now is.. getting your scrawny body some strength." Said Garp while pointing towards a huge rock which just by the size alone is massive nit to mention it's weight.

"So for starters, lift it till you faint." Said Garp while grinning like what he said is not a big deal.

'Is coming to the marines the right decision?' I thought and walked towards the rock with a resigned face.

(A/N:- Sorry for the late update as I was dealing with joining universities but finally I joined one. So from now on I will try to update regularly That's it for the rant, Have a good day.)