
Reincarnated as the weakest sorcerer: A sorcerers tragedy

DionStudios · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

The wrath of the Archangel

But just when it seemed that all hope was lost, a blinding light pierced through the darkened sky. It was a radiant beam of heavenly energy, descending from the heavens themselves. The ground quaked as a figure of awe-inspiring majesty materialized before the shocked combatants.

Archangel Michael, the embodiment of divine wrath and justice, had descended from the celestial realms. His presence was as resplendent as a thousand suns, and his wings unfurled to span the horizon. In his hand, he wielded "The Blade of Divinity," a sword forged from the essence of the cosmos.

With a gaze that could pierce the darkest of souls, Archangel Michael looked upon the pitiful state of Selena and the Order of Saints. His voice, like thunder echoing through the heavens, rang out, "This malevolence shall not stand!"

In a flash of divine speed, he closed the distance between himself and Gai, whose laughter had turned to a mocking sneer. Gai's elongated, grotesque hand reached out toward Selene and her companions, but before he could complete his malevolent act, the Blade of Divinity swung down with unparalleled swiftness and precision.

The sound of the blade cleaving through the air was like the roar of an avenging comet. Archangel Michael's strike was true and just. Gai's hand, still wreathed in the twisted power of the Demon god, was severed cleanly from his body. An agonized scream of disbelief escaped Gai's lips as he clutched his bleeding stump.

But Archangel Michael was not finished. In a single, fluid motion, he raised the Blade of Divinity high above his head, its edge shimmering with otherworldly light. With a final, resounding strike, he severed Gai's head from his grotesque form.

The head of the Demon god tumbled to the ground, its malevolent flames extinguished. The body, now lifeless and grotesque, collapsed in on itself, dissipating into a cloud of noxious darkness.

Archangel Michael stood amidst the dispersing darkness, his wings outstretched and his sword radiant with celestial power. He turned to Selene and the Order of Saints, his gaze unwavering.

"If this malevolent entity was what gave you pause," he declared, his voice a symphony of divine authority, "then know that you are not  destined for far greater battles. Evil shall not prevail while the heavens watch over this realm."

Selene and her companions, humbled by the awe-inspiring display of divine might, bowed before Archangel Michael. The soldiers on both sides, released from the grip of Gai's malevolence, fell to their knees in gratitude and relief.

The battle was far from over, but the realm had been granted a respite from the encroaching darkness. As the soldiers of light and the Order of Saints regrouped, they knew that they would face even greater challenges ahead. But with Archangel Michael by their side, they embraced the future with unwavering resolve, ready to stand against any malevolence that dared threaten their world.