
Reincarnated as the weakest sorcerer: A sorcerers tragedy

DionStudios · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Nightmare at Balsam

Emerging from the depths of the foreboding cavern after their harrowing battle against the Weeping Widow, the Order of Saints was met with a scene that struck them to their core. The radiant light of victory was swiftly overshadowed by a burning, malevolent glow in the distance.

Maki, with her heightened senses, felt a chilling presence in the air, and a sinking feeling settled in her heart. As they neared the exit of the runes, their steps quickened, dread gnawing at their souls.

When they finally reached the exit, their worst fears were realized. Balsam, the once-thriving village they called home in the Fifth Realm, was engulfed in flames. The village that had once been a haven of peace and unity was now a nightmarish tableau of destruction.

Monstrous creatures, grotesque and hungry, feasted upon the innocent—mothers and children who had once shared laughter and dreams. The sight was enough to make even the most battle-hardened hearts falter.

Kamo, usually the stoic strategist, fell to his knees in disbelief. His bell, which had brought solace to so many, clanged against the ground with a mournful tone. Tears welled in his eyes as he realized the true cost of the war they were fighting.

Garon's expression hardened into a mask of anger and determination. His Cleansing Sword gleamed with purification energy, ready to strike down those responsible for this heinous act.

Emissary Selene's celestial wings blazed with an intensity that matched her fury. She knew that the responsibility for this tragedy rested on their shoulders. They had been away, battling the Weeping Widow, while darkness had descended upon their home.

Maki's hands trembled with a mixture of grief and rage. She had sealed away a malevolent deity, but it seemed that the forces of chaos were endless. Her sealing scrolls were now stained with the ashes of her home.

With grim resolve, they understood that the battle they faced was not confined to grand caverns or distant realms. It was here, on the soil they had sworn to protect, that the true horrors of war were laid bare.

The Order of Saints exchanged a solemn glance, their unity unbroken even in the face of such devastation. They knew that Gai, the sinister figure who had led the attack, was close. And they were determined to hunt him down, to bring him to justice for the atrocities he had unleashed upon their realm.

As they prepared to confront the malevolent force that had wrought this destruction, their hearts burned with a newfound resolve. The battle was far from over, and the price of victory weighed heavy on their souls, but they were ready to face whatever darkness lay ahead.