
Reincarnated as the weakest sorcerer: A sorcerers tragedy

DionStudios · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Chapter Twenty one: The Beast Within - Part two: Seth's Malevolent Triumph

The battlefield had become a swirling maelstrom of power and chaos, a symphony of clashing strikes, stolen abilities, and malevolent magic. Seth's laughter echoed through the air, a haunting accompaniment to the blood-stained battle that raged on. The Malevolent Crown, Naragi, amplified his strength to unimaginable heights, making him a force that seemed almost impossible to overcome.

Aron, Fina, and Takashi fought valiantly, their determination unwavering even in the face of Seth's overwhelming power. Each strike they launched was met with a cruel counter, each maneuver anticipated by the malevolent force that Seth had harnessed. Despite their skill, their unity, and their unwavering commitment to the realm's survival, it was becoming clear that the odds were stacked against them.

Seth's laughter seemed to pierce through the chaos, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. He reveled in his power, in the feeling of dominance over his adversaries. As he moved with a fluid grace, his every action seemed preordained, his stolen abilities enhancing his movements with a deadly precision.

Aron's Roar Hariki clashed against Seth's malevolent force, creating sparks that illuminated the battlefield like fleeting stars. Fina's spear danced through the air, each strike an attempt to find a weakness in Seth's defenses. Takashi's katana sliced through shadows, his movements like a whisper of death itself. But even their collective might could only do so much against the malevolent strength that Seth wielded

As the battle raged on, the realm itself seemed to shudder as if it mourned the impending doom. Seth's laughter, a chilling sound that sent shivers down the spines of those who heard it, echoed through the air. The bloodstained ground bore witness to the horror unfolding, a testament to the sacrifices made by those who had fought to the last.

Fina's movements grew sluggish as her strength waned, the weight of Seth's power bearing down on her. Takashi's katana faltered as he struggled against the malevolent force that was overwhelming him. Aron's lightning-infused strikes grew feeble, his once-dazzling technique now a fading ember.

In a moment that seemed to stretch into eternity, Seth's malevolent power culminated in a final, devastating strike. The Malevolent Crown's dark energy converged, and with a terrifying speed, Seth's attack tore through the defenses of Fina, Takashi, and Aron.

Their screams of agony echoed through the battlefield, their forms illuminated by the Malevolent Crown's malevolent glow. The ground beneath them shook, a mournful rumble that seemed to mirror the realm's despair. The earth itself seemed to weep as the battle drew to a horrific close

With a final, shuddering breath, Fina, Takashi, and Aron fell to the ground, their life force extinguished by Seth's malevolent triumph. The battlefield was a scene of carnage and devastation, the bloodshed a testament to the malevolence that had prevailed.

The Malevolent Crown's power resonated with a triumphant malevolence, Seth's laughter mingling with the despair of the fallen. The earth was stained with blood, the air thick with the weight of loss. The realm had witnessed a horror beyond imagination, a battle that had crushed hope and replaced it with the cruel reality of Seth's dominion.