
Reincarnated as the weakest sorcerer: A sorcerers tragedy

DionStudios · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Bonus chapter:Unleashing the Malevolent Crown - Naragi's Reign of Darkness

Unleashing the Malevolent Crown - Naragi's Reign of Darkness

The air was thick with an eerie tension as I entered the dimly lit chamber, guided only by the flickering torches that lined the walls. The scent of incense hung heavy in the air, its aroma mingling with the foreboding energy that seemed to permeate the very atmosphere. Before me, an intricate circle had been etched into the stone floor, its symbols radiating with an otherworldly glow.

Seth, his eyes ablaze with a sinister anticipation, stood at the center of the circle. The chaotic power that had driven him to commit heinous acts of cruelty now manifested as a twisted determination. He had become a master of summoning, and his next creation would be his crowning achievement—a demon of malevolence, an entity known as Naragi.

As I watched, my heart heavy with a mix of dread and morbid curiosity, Seth's chants filled the chamber. His words were laden with a dark energy that seemed to twist reality itself, pulling at the very fabric of existence. The air crackled with an otherworldly electricity, and the symbols within the circle seemed to come alive, writhing like living creatures.

A gust of wind swept through the chamber, and suddenly, there it was—an entity that sent shivers down my spine. Naragi materialized in a burst of shadow and smoke, its form a nightmarish fusion of crow and demon. Its eyes glowed with a malevolent fire, and its wings spanned wide, casting a haunting silhouette against the torchlight.

Seth's voice resonated with a mixture of awe and triumph as he addressed his creation. "Naragi, the Malevolent Crown, I summon you to my service. With your power, I shall shatter those who dared to mock and belittle me, stealing their very skills and abilities, amplifying them for my use."

Naragi's response was a chilling caw that echoed through the chamber, a sound that seemed to pierce through my very soul. It spread its wings, casting a shadow that seemed to swallow the light itself. The air grew colder, and a feeling of unease settled within me, as if the very presence of Naragi was a poison seeping into my veins.

With a motion of its clawed hand, Naragi extended its power toward the edges of the circle. The symbols etched into the floor glowed brighter, and a ripple of energy spread outward, enveloping the chamber. It was a power that was both mesmerizing and terrifying—a force that seemed to command the very essence of magic itself.

Seth's laughter filled the air, a sound that held both madness and triumph. "With Naragi by my side, I shall bring the realm to its knees. No longer shall I be the victim of their cruelty. Now, I shall be the one who wields power beyond imagination."

Naragi's wings unfurled, and a surge of dark energy radiated from its form. The air itself seemed to warp, and I felt a disorienting sensation as if reality itself were being bent and manipulated. In that moment, I understood the extent of Naragi's power—a power that could neutralize and steal the skills of its victims, amplifying them for Seth's malevolent purposes.

As Seth's laughter continued, I backed away from the scene, my heart heavy with a sense of dread. The ritual's eerie atmosphere and the emergence of Naragi had served as a stark reminder of the depths to which one could descend in the pursuit of power and revenge. The darkness that fueled Seth's ambition had given birth to a nightmarish force that threatened to plunge the realm into even greater chaos.

In "Reincarnated as the weakest sorcerer: A Sorcerer's Tragedy," Chapter Twenty delves into the malevolence that drives Seth to summon the demon Naragi. The ritual's eerie atmosphere and Naragi's emergence are a haunting portrayal of the depths to which one can descend in the pursuit of power and revenge. With a power that neutralizes and amplifies victims' skills, Naragi serves as a nightmarish embodiment of the very darkness that fuels Seth's ambition, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the realm's future.