
Reincarnated As The Vampire Progenitor

Liam, an ordinary young man, is having the worst day of his life. He loses his job and his girlfriend breaks up with him, all within the span of a few hours. In deep depression and despair, Liam contemplates the worst. As he gazes into his bleak future, a mysterious message appears on his phone: "Do you want to start over and become the first representative of the vampire race in a new world?" With nothing left to lose, Liam clicks "Accept." He loses consciousness and awakens in a different body, that of a legendary creature: a vampire. ------------------------------------------------ Warning ! The novel contains extremely violent elements, and the romance arrives quite late in the story. The main character is not heroic, but he is not a psychopath either. He is pragmatic and decisive. This is a weak-to-strong story, the main character has significant vulnerabilities at the beginning. I repeat, the novel is violent; don't expect a vampire who is clean and polished from the start. If you're still here despite these warnings, welcome aboard.

FadedNomad · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Craving for more

The farmer hurriedly and silently guided Liam through the village, flanked by Primus and Solarius.

He pointed to a large stone house with an upper floor in the center of the village, he then turned to Liam and pleaded, "This is his house. Please, may I..."

Primus cut him off, driving his fist into the villager's stomach, causing him to collapse in pain, gasping for breath. Primus then grabbed him by the throat and lifted him off the ground.

Liam fixed his gaze on the man's pleading eyes and put a finger to his lips, signaling for silence.

"Put him to sleep," Liam instructed Primus.

Primus released the man and delivered a punch to his jaw, knocking him out before hoisting him over his shoulder.

Liam approached the village chief's house and pushed against the heavy wooden door, but it was locked.

Noticing an open window on the upper floor, he scaled the wall, his fingers effortlessly gripping the stone facade, closely followed by Primus and Solarius.

Peering through the window, he saw a small room where a child was sleeping.

"Damn, he has a child," Liam thought.

He climbed through the window and leaned over the bed, gently waking the child. As the little girl awoke, she froze in terror at the sight of him. Liam gestured for her to stay quiet, saying, "Please, don't make any noise. We're friends of your daddy. Answer me quietly, is there anyone else here besides you and your daddy?"

Before the girl could respond, Primus climbed through the window, gently laying the unconscious villager on the floor. Solarius followed suit.

"Look at me," Liam said to the girl. "Don't be afraid of them, they're my friends. Now, answer my question."

The girl opened her mouth to scream, but Liam quickly clamped his hand over her mouth, stifling the sound.

Turning to Solarius, Liam instructed, "Take the child. Keep her quiet, but don't hurt her."

Solarius took the girl into his arms.

Liam then left the room and swiftly found the master bedroom. Opening the door, he saw a slender woman in her twenties with curly hair, and a man in his thirties with a lean, sinewy body and a short beard.

"Wake up," Liam said quietly.

The woman stirred slightly, but the man did not react.

"Wake up!" Liam repeated, louder this time.

The woman sat up, her eyes widening in fear, but before she could do anything, Primus grabbed her roughly and pinned her to the floor, knocking her out with a blow to the head.

The man, watching the scene, sat up in bed.

Liam motioned for him to stay still and said, "I sincerely apologize for intruding in your home. Your wife was put to sleep because I do not wish to alert your entire village, which would force me to massacre everyone. You see, I dislike drawing attention."

He gestured for Solarius to bring the girl closer.

"I suppose you can't clearly see her in the dark, but that's your daughter in my servant's arms," Liam continued. "I wanted to show you that aside from the blow to your wife, I have not harmed your family."

The man stammered, "Take all my money, I'll give it to you."

Liam responded, "I am not a common thief. No, I want your village and all its inhabitants."

The man recoiled, saying, "I don't understand."

"You will understand very soon," Liam said.

Primus grabbed the man and pinned him against the wall as Liam approached, his canines extending.

[Low Bloodbonding Ritual detected. Please choose the servant's race:

- Lesser Vampire

- Obscure Devourer

- Bloodsucking Minion]

He needed the village chief to remain under his control to manage the village without risking drawing attention.

The village chief had to represent the village externally, so it was necessary for him not to fear sunlight. He chose to transform him into a Bloodsucking Minion.

The man collapsed to the ground, convulsing. Liam sensed that the purity of his blood would allow him to convert more creatures easily.

He turned to Primus and ordered, "Fetch me the farmer."

Primus placed the farmer before Liam, who transformed him as well.

[Low Bloodbonding Ritual detected. Please choose the servant's race:

- Lesser Vampire

- Obscure Devourer

- Bloodsucking Minion]

The creatures with the strongest physical abilities he could create were the Obscure Devourer, and the farmer was already a sturdy man. Liam chose to transform him into an Obscure Devourer.

The farmer's body also trembled and fell beside that of the village chief.

A few moments later, the village chief and the farmer woke up.

They looked at Eamon and then each bowed their heads, saying, "Master."

Eamon turned to Primus and Solarius, saying, "I don't have time to manage the troops. From now on, the training and supervision of my troops will be your responsibility."

He added, "Primus, you will take care of the Obscure Devourers, and Solarius, you will handle the other Bloodsucking Minions."

Both creatures lowered their heads.

Primus remarked, "It's an honor, Master."

Solarius chimed in, "Your wishes are commands, master."

Liam turned to the village chief, saying, "You will choose the three strongest men from your village and guide Primus and the farmer to their homes, then bring them back here."

Liam turned to Primus, saying, "As long as we don't fully control the village, discretion remains paramount. If they have families, either put them to sleep or, in the worst-case scenario, kill them."

The village chief interjected, "Master, I think..."

Primus violently slammed the village chief to the ground before delivering a kick, breaking his ribs. "You are no one to question the master's orders."

Liam waved them off, "Go now."

He watched them leave before turning to the little girl still held by Solarius, her gaze fixed on her mother's body.

Liam said, "Don't worry, she's asleep." Then he asked her, "Will you scream if my friend lets go of your mouth?"

The little girl shook her head.

Liam said, "Very well, let go of her mouth, Solarius."

Solarius complied, and the little girl remained silent.

Liam asked, "What's your name?"

The little girl replied, "My name is Alice."

Liam said, "It's a beautiful name, and I'm called Liam. Don't be afraid Alice, but be happy. It will take time, but I will transform your small village into something grander, much grander."