
Reincarnated as the Only Human

Astra woke up in a forest with no recollection of her precious life. The only thing she knew was that she had a system with two parts; one was a Survival System, and the other was a... Wait, what?! A Breeder System?! Finding herself in a forest, Astra now has to survive on her own, fending off the sexual and violent advances of all the other forest inhabitants; none of which are Human! Will Astra be able to survive on this hectic, pleasurable forest? Or will she lose herself to lust? --- Additional Notes: Female MC is pure Woman for now; there is futa, and all the characters are either women or futa. There will be both light hearted moments and dark moments, and this novel is mainly centered around her trying to survive in this new world, all while living her life to the fullest.

Ketsueki_Hasu · Fantasy
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586 Chs

Seryn Augustia

Seryn was much more different from Lyna, her seductive smirk and fully nude body already at odds with her sister, while the fact that the room smelt of sweep syrup and her fingers were currently knuckle deep inside her snatch.

"Miss Rhefia~! I have to admit, listening to my normally reserved, collected older sister moan her brains out as you ravished her got me a little... wet. So... let's skip past the guidance and get to fucking, hmm~? Unlike my dear sisters, I know a thing or two about sex~! Though, if you're looking for a hymen, I do regret to inform you that I tore mine months ago..."

She just grinned at me as I walked over to her, and the Boarkin spread her legs to reveal her sopping wet pussy as she said "I haven't had sex, but I've enjoyed the warmth of a cock before... one of the maids gave me some... guidance on how to suck a cock, and she loved~ fucking my breasts... So come here and let me experience that pleasure, Miss Rhefia~! I don't need foreplay, just your achingly large cock deep inside my womb~!"

I just smirked at the Boarkin as I asked "So does that mean I can do as I please then?"

Seryn returned my smirk as she placed her hands on my abs, feeling them up as she whispered "Not at all~! Lay on the bed, Miss Rhefia... I want to move... no, I NEED to move~! Just thinking about being bred is filling me with such~ energy... and it needs to be let out..."

"Very well then, Lady Seryn. I look forwards to what you have in store for me..."

Her smirk continued to widen as I laid down leisurely beside her, the Boarkin looking me over before throwing her leg over my body, properly mounting me.

My cock rested against her back, and I chuckled softly as I saw her blanch at my size, realizing just how deep I could go.

However, Seryn didn't back down; if anything, the fact that I was as large as I was only seemed to arouse her further, and she licked her lips as she began to rub her ass against my shaft.

I watched her continue to rub herself against my cock, our eyes locked together as the mood slowly began to shift to something more wild; her blatant teasing warred with my thinning patience, and I tried to strengthen my resolve as best I could.

Resting her palms on my abs, Seryn moaned softly as she switched her strategy, moving my cock from her back to her stomach, the Boarkin letting out more moans as she started to rub her slick pussy lips against my shaft, lubing me up.

Our body heat transferred back and forth, and she laid on my chest, smiling teasingly at me as she rubbed my cock with her cunt.

"Lady Seryn... Did you not say you don't need foreplay?"

Giggling, she rested her cheek against my chest, grinning childishly at me as she replied "I don't... but it feels so~ good, doesn't it~? Such a thick cock resting under me... mine to pleasure - or not to pleasure..."

I took a deep breath before smiling at her, my hands moving from behind my head to her perky ass, making her flinch.

"Well, Lady Seryn, foreplay is rather entertaining, but... sometimes, when you tease your partner too much, it becomes... something more."

Spreading her ass, I pulled her up a little before pressing my cock against her pussy, both of us smiling at the other.

It would seem that Seryn was a bit of a versatile partner; one second she's teasing you, the next she's almost begging you to fuck her senseless...

Lifting my hips off of the bed, I pushed myself inside her slick cunt, while Seryn herself guided me further in by sitting down.

Unlike with Lyna, Seryn only moaned comfortably as I filled her pussy with my girth, her eyes glowing with lust as she began to gyrate her hips, riding me to her pleasurable high.

I started to sync my motions with hers, making sure I was always stuffing her tight hole as much as I could, leaving her womb filled with my tip as she laid on my chest.

"Ah~! M-Miss Rhefia~! Y-You feel so~ much better than those toys~! Mm~! It's so hot~!"

My smirk returned as I massaged her perky ass, enjoying the way she slowly grew accustomed to clenching and clamping down on my dick as she rode me.

"I would certainly hope so~!"

We shared a chuckle as she started to find her rhythm, bucking her hips faster and faster as she continued to massage my shaft with her insides.

Seryn lifted her hands from my abs to my nipples, and I moaned softly as she started to pinch and twist them, her teasing smile returning as she found another pleasure spot to play with.

Of course, the young Boarkin was far from knowledgable on this subject despite her own 'research' and 'experminents', so I could only grin as she gasped, her eyes widening in shocked pleasure as I slipped a finger into her ass, curling it instantly and hooking it inside her.

"Two can play at that game, Lady Seryn~! Shall we continue~?"

Her moans filled the room as her hips dropped back onto both my cock and my finger, surprising me for a moment, only for me to chuckle as she moaned "M-More~! Fill me more~!"

"Very well then~!"

My heartbeat began to race as I stuffed another finger into her ass, all while I sat up and began to thrust deep into her womb.

Seryn let out a scream of pleasure as I stuffed her like she asked, before she rested her head against my chest and stifled her moans as she sucked on my breast.

I had to bite my cheek to stifle my own moan as she tightened up considerably after the second finger, her pussy clamping down hard on my shaft as she started to orgasm.

It felt like if I moved, she would tear my cock off; that was how tight she was, yet at the same time it felt so damn good inside her as she spasmed in my arms.

My fingers continued to play around with her unused anus even as she came, and the Boarkin moaned into my chest as she began to squirt, staining my legs and the bed in her juices.

With such an intense orgasm wringing out my cock, of course I too reached my peak, and I held the Boarkin close as I started pumping my semen into her womb, spurting out thick ropes even after an hour of breeding Lyna.

If this was before I had met Astra, I wouldn't be able to go past a dozen orgasms in an hour, but now...

Well, Astra seemed to just make me cum buckets whenever she wanted me to, and I never felt tired or empty when I was with her...

Maybe she had 'trained' some more stamina into me?

Either way, I was still ready for the rest of my time with Seryn, as well as the hour with Tessa - who I was looking forwards to mating with the most.

However, the here and now was me emptying my balls current load into the Boarkin Noblewoman, and I moaned softly as I bloated her womb with a single shot.

Seryn came and came on my cock, pushing some of my sperm out and staining the sheets under us more, all while her eyes were rolling around in her head.

Smirking down at her, I continued to finger her asshole and enjoy her pussy massaging my cock, ejaculating a few more ropes inside her as she massaged them out.

Giving the girl a few moments, I simply sat on the bed and basked in the syrupy scent that mixed with my minty scent, my heart warming considerably at her addictive scent.

"Seryn~? Hey, Seryn~? Ready for some more?"

She shuddered at my words, her hazel eyes finding mine as she gulped, before nodding.

"Well, I was thinking~! Since you seemed to enjoy my fingers in your ass, how about we have some fun with that hole as well~? I'll stuff both holes with my cum during this hour..."

My cock throbbed inside her as I imagined the tightness of her ass, and she bit her lips as she nodded wordlessly, her pleasured face letting me know she was incapable of speech.

I pushed her onto her side, giving me better access to her crotch, and I licked my lips as I pulled out, a waterfall of semen spurting free from her pussy, making her moan into the bed.

Rubbing my tip against her pussy, I applied some of our juices to my cock before pressing myself against her slightly gaping ass, my fingers having loosened it up a little.

Not giving her a warning, I pushed forwards and slipped into her ass, enjoying the scream she let out as I filled her second hole.

Seryn twisted herself to lay flat on her stomach, trying to alleviate the painful pleasure I was giving her by using a new position, but...

I grabbed ahold of her plump butt and started slamming my hips forwards, grinning as I began to fuck her searing hot ass, all while her pussy leaked my semen.

She bit into the sheets and stifled a scream, but considering how she lifted her ass for me and took me even deeper, the Boarkin was enjoying my cock inside her ass quite a bit...

As for me, I was loving looking down at her toned olive back and loose black hair, the teasing girls face now buried in her bed as I pushed her down, taking control of our intimacy and pounding my dominance into her ass.

Bouncing just above her ass was her short, black haired tail, which trembled as I took her.

Her two cheeks were just over a handful for me, and I squeezed them hard as I slammed my hips against them, the rippling of her thighs and ass adding more to my visual and auditory stimulus.

Fucking her deep and quick was enjoyable, but to spice things up I leaned over her body and slid my hands upwards, hooking an arm around her neck and turning her head with the other, forcing her to look at me.

Without speaking I began to kiss her, placing more emphasis on gouging out her intestines than just fucking her, and the Boarkin moaned into my mouth as we kissed.

Relishing her sweet taste, I eventually came hard inside her ass, flooding her insides with my semen before I pulled out again, enjoying the sight of both her holes being filled with my cum.

Seryn struggled to get up, but she managed to turn herself around and wrap her lips around my cock, taking me into her throat as she started to clean me off, ignoring the taste of herself as she focused on the mint.

When she gulped down another load of cum, I saved a rope for her face and surprised her with a facial, smirking at her as she gasped in surprise.

Playfully, she pushed me down and mounted my cock, glaring at me with a cum covered face as she started to ride my cock hard, finding her strength again through arousal as she fucked herself silly on my cock.

Just like with Lyna, someone knocked on the door as I was balls deep inside the Boarkin, continuing our tango as we traded positions of top and bottom over the course of the hour, but my stamina proved to be just too much for the young girl.

Hence why I was raising and dropping her on my cock, sitting on the edge of the bed as I prepared to shoot out my last load of semen for our hour.

Taking a peek over my shoulder, I raised a brow as I saw Lady Lizbeth standing at the door, her cheeks crimson as she watched me ejaculate deep inside her daughter.

Pulling free from Seryn, I glazed her bruised ass and stretched, giving the Lady of the house a good look at my body as I slipped outside, looking down at her as I pinned her to the wall.

"Lady Lizbeth... Did you come to check up on your daughters? I can assure you, Lady Lyna and Lady Seyrn are doing rather well..."

The pink skinned Boarkin - a rarer variant of Boar in the south - blushed hard as I allowed my scent to wash over her, all while my cock just barely brushed against her dress.

"O-Oh... U-Uh, y-yes..? I c-came to look f-for them... Y-Yeah..."

She blushed harder as I raised a brow at that, before I lowered my head and stared into her eyes, whispering "Why did you really come here, Lady Lizbeth? Tell me, and I might just grant your desires..."

The woman's eyes widened as my breath brushed against her neck, and I kissed the soft, supple flesh of her jawbone before moving towards her cheek, enjoying her moan as she remained where she was - despite their being a clear way for her to leave the position she was in.

She bit her lip and looked up at me, and I grinned as I heard her speak her desires to me.


Yup, cliffhanger~!

Say hi~!

Shouldn't be more of these, but I do believe we need a break from Rhefia for the moment (and this chapter is 2200 words long) so we'll be moving to Astra next~!

Then we'll return to Rhefia for her some of her last chapters of this arc!



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts