
Harvest Festival (12)

Hugging my thighs, the Duchess brought her lips closer and began to give my pussy the attention it so desperately craved, her plump lips pressing against my lower lips as she kissed it, sending sparks traveling up my spine at such a simple gesture.

Her fingers sunk into my upper thighs as she kept them pulled apart, whilst her tongue trailed up from the bottom of my pussy all the way up to my clit, which she kissed as well before wrapping her lips around it and suckling on it, making me moan as I grabbed the edge of the table as hard as I could to steady myself.

Looking up at me, the Duchess' blue eyes were sparkling with amusement and lust as she continued to suck on my clit, drawing another moan from my lips and making her squeeze my thighs before lowering herself back to my pussy, her tongue tracing out the entrance and making me shiver as my lower lips quivered at the sensation, wanting her to plunge inside instead, and yet...

Moaning once more, I bit my lip and stared down into those sky blue eyes of hers, trying to find it in me to voice out my 'displeasure' at being teased, only to lose my train of thought as she gave my entire pussy a lick again, her tongue dancing dangerously nearby my entrance and teasing me further.

Amusement and mischief radiated off of her expression as she buried herself into my pussy, while her hands enjoyed themselves as she played with my plump, pillowy thighs as much as she wanted, the Duchess doing everything to memorize my taste, my smell and the feeling of my body as she kissed my lower lips passionately.

Clenching my fingers over the edge of the table, I shuddered as sparks of pleasure jolted up my spine and continued to muddle my brain, each time her tongue caressed my pussy creating explosions of rapturous glee that did everything they could to make me gush out my excitement whilst keeping me away from an orgasm.

The Duchess worked away at me with expertise as she teased me, tasted me, and pleasured herself all at the same time, ensuring I would love every second of her tongue on my cunt whilst also being unable to reach the bliss of orgasm, something that remained lingering inside my mind as I was thoroughly devoured by the red head below.

Returning to my clit, the Duchess giggled softly as she nipped the small bud that adorned my pussy, making me gasp and blush as she muttered "So you like feeling pain as well~? Interesting..."

She gave it another playful nip before returning to drink down the juices that leaked from my vagina, slurping them down elegantly as she maintained eye contact with me the entire time, making me feel like the veil wasn't there even though I knew it was.

After she gave my thighs another squeeze, she removed her face from my pussy and licked her lips, cleaning them off of my juices and nodding to herself as she said "That was an excellent~ way to quench some of my thirst, Astra~! But I can't help but notice that you seem to be wanting something more~? Is that a risk that you're willing to take..?"

One of her hands pulled away from my thighs, allowing her to trail a finger up between my lower lips and flick my clit once, before doing so again as she went back down, stopping just shy of my entrance and making me shiver as she smiled at me rather devilishly...

Swallowing hard, I panted as I felt her finger continue to play with my lower lips, the woman trailing her fingertip around my pussy and teasing me some more as she watched me closely, waiting for me to answer her question and give her the consent she so desperately craved.

With a nod, I managed to say "P-Please, Duchess..! P-Please m-make me cum..!" before moaning loudly as she grinned at me, her finger instantly slipping into my pussy and going knuckle deep without any hesitation, my vagina welcoming her finger easily thanks to it being accustomed to much thicker, longer things.

However, even just a finger was enough for me to moan crazily, the prior kisses and licks increasing my sensitivity by quite a bit and allowing her to toy with me using just her finger, which she hooked back towards herself and pushed around the walls of my vagina with ease, making me moan loudly as she started to search around for a pleasure point, watching me closely and grinning the entire time.

My pussy quivered around her finger, and it spasmed when she used her other hand to pinch my clit, making my vision go white as I orgasmed swiftly from just her fingers and her lips, the Duchess making me cum so easily despite not being even halfway inside my pussy.

Pressing her lips against my pussy again, she drank down my juices as I orgasmed and did so with shining eyes, her amusement at my current predicament put on display inside those orbs as she drank everything down without hesitation, as well as how she began to lap at my pussy and clean me off afterwards, ensuring every lost droplet was gone as she returned to giving me oral pleasure.

When she finally finished, I was reeling from the sudden build up of lust to it rushing out of my loins at a rapid pace, my mind spinning at this not so unique but always welcome version of an orgasm, but I still craved more, something the Duchess sensed as she gave my pussy and thighs a loving kiss before saying "Apologies, Astra, but we are rather short on time... and unless we want the food to get cold, we should probably eat. But..."

Kissing me again, she gently helped me put my panties on before watching as I buttoned on the pencil skirt, her eyes hot with lust as she ogled my curves blatantly, before cleaning everything off and sitting me down beside her, her hand roaming my thighs again as she added "We can always do more later, no~?"

Smirking at me, she then gestured to Shelur as she added "And while I don't mind Shelur being present, I think I'd rather it be just the two of us, y'know? So tonight, after dinner, we can head back to my vacation home together or shack up here inside the city? What do you think?"

I leaned into her chest and moaned softly when her hand landed on my stomach again, my womb aching for something to roughly pound into it even though my pussy felt like it was in bliss at the moment.

"Yeah... that sounds good... just the two of us..."


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts
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