
Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

[A COMPLETE OVERHAUL OF THIS NOVEL IS CURRENTLY ON PROGRESS] «Damn, I don't have enough money on my bank account... I need to transfer some money manually at the bank» As lazy as he is, Chase still needs to get out to the bank and face society. After a few minutes of walking, he arrives at the bank and suddenly a robbery happens at the bank. There were a few short screams when the robber released a few shots. «FBI! OPEN UP!» Chase's alarm was deafening as it startled the other robber that taking them hostage in the vault. The robber shot Chase using his gun. Chase sees that someone walks towards him, and the closer the person gets to him, the bigger it gets. A weird pop up suddenly appeared in front of Chase as the person standing near him. «What the hell is this? Is this a character stats?» Chase was quite confused about the situation as his brain could not think about what has happened to him. Chase feels that he has put down by someone as he began to realize something weird about himself. "Ehhh! I'm a Ring!..." ------------------------------------------------ Contact Me: instagram.com/ex_chaser

ExChaser · Fantasy
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203 Chs

Ripper's Crypt (II)

"To think that your magic ability able to make me reveal my original look." The demon continues to laugh.

I was suprise that the skull is actually a demon, I should realize it sooner as he have the demonic voice. I check his stats.

[Carcharoth] Level 81

HP: 20000

MP: 12000


Str- 22/100

Dx- 31/100

Ag- 40/100


Int- 50/100

Perception- 53/100

Charisma- 14/100


Magic- 45/100

Resistance- 37/100

The demon start attacking the knight, and the knight is barely able to defend himself.

"I am suprise that you are able to survive my attack. The knight continue block his attacks and trying to find an opening to attack but the demon is just to fast. Suddenly the knight say something in the middle of the fight.

"Demon, I have the ability to destroy you with but a thought. But I won't and thats why I keep defending your attack." It took me by suprise hearing that the knight can destroy the demon but wouldn't want to do it.

"Why not?" The demon ask.

"Because I want to help you." The knight answer really shocked me as why does he want to help a demon.

"For what?"

"I remember that you said that the curse has not been lifted. I could help you!" I did hear that when we examine the dead adventurer corpse. But is the knight really thinking to help Carcharoth or he has something else in mind?

The demons laugh, "No need, cause it soon will be lifted."

"How?" The knight seems not to understand what the Carcharoth meant."

"You're funny! The curse will be lifted if I can kill you so would you die in my scythe." The demon attacks again with his scythe again and the knight block it with his shield.

The knight is at a huge disadvantage as he could not attack the demon as he has no weapon and if the knight wanted to use his magic, he needs a few seconds to cast it and it will be an opportunity for the demon to deliver his attack.

Carcharoth laughs and continues to laugh as he continues to attack the knight with his scythe. "You're no match for me, mortal!" The demons attacks again, and the knight continues to block, and suddenly the shield break.

When the shield has broken apart, the demon attack manages to hit the knight. The feel of the force of the blow to the knight body, and see the back of the knight bounce off the crypt wall.

The knight fall to the ground and tried to get up. "It was...close."

The knight looks up at the demon, who looks down at the knight.

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!Disclaimer I am not good at English!

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