
Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

[A COMPLETE OVERHAUL OF THIS NOVEL IS CURRENTLY ON PROGRESS] «Damn, I don't have enough money on my bank account... I need to transfer some money manually at the bank» As lazy as he is, Chase still needs to get out to the bank and face society. After a few minutes of walking, he arrives at the bank and suddenly a robbery happens at the bank. There were a few short screams when the robber released a few shots. «FBI! OPEN UP!» Chase's alarm was deafening as it startled the other robber that taking them hostage in the vault. The robber shot Chase using his gun. Chase sees that someone walks towards him, and the closer the person gets to him, the bigger it gets. A weird pop up suddenly appeared in front of Chase as the person standing near him. «What the hell is this? Is this a character stats?» Chase was quite confused about the situation as his brain could not think about what has happened to him. Chase feels that he has put down by someone as he began to realize something weird about himself. "Ehhh! I'm a Ring!..." ------------------------------------------------ Contact Me: instagram.com/ex_chaser

ExChaser · Fantasy
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203 Chs

Rescue Mission

"Do you think my owner is fine?" I am a little worried about my owner's safety, it would be a dangerous quest for her alone as she was level 12.

"I hope she is fine but from what I had heard...The monster activity in that forest was high." The knight replied to my question, but after I heard the knight saying that the monster activity was high. I start to worry even more.

"Is Dalgueuil Forest far from this city?" I want to rescue my owner quickly cause she might be in trouble and I hope that Dalgueuil Forest was not that far from the city.

"It's not that far but it will at least take 4 days to get there on foot."

"What! 4 days...If we take to long to get there my owner probably be in danger, isn't there a faster way to get there?"

"There is a faster way to get there that is using a carriage ."

"So let's get a carriage service then! There is no time to waste."

The knight then asks all of the people that offer a carriage service but none of them willing to go to Dalgueuil Forest as they said that the last carriage that went there never return back as he supposed to be back 4 days ago.

The bronze knight asks again who was the last person that requests to go there and it turns out to be Aliss. The knight tried to convince one of them to take us to Dalgueuil forest but they decline the offer even when the bronze knight willing to pay more. They say their lives worth than gold.

We search until the has sun goes down but none of them willing to take us to the forest. "Damn! Why it was so hard to find one brave man that could take us to the damn forest." I was getting a bit angry but the knight calms me down with his words.

"How do we get there! There definitely something happens there...even the carriage guy went missing."

"I think there no other way as we need to get there by foot even it takes 5 days, waiting here will only waste our time as almost no carriage want to take us there." The knight has a point as it just a waste of our time here if there no one who will take us there.

"So let's go!"

"Sorry but I suggest we should go tomorrow as it was already nighttime, it always is dangerous to start a journey at night."

"Yea... I guess so."

"Okay, that settles it. We will depart to Dalgueuil Forest tomorrow." The knight says that to me.

I did promise 4 chapters before 14 June but it seems like today is already 14 June, I am really sorry about it.

For that here the 4 chapters! I hope you enjoy reading the latest chapter.

The reason why I am doing 4 chapters at once as chapter 20 will be the end of volume 1 and chapter 21 will be at the start of volume 2.

Thanks For Reading!

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