
Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

[A COMPLETE OVERHAUL OF THIS NOVEL IS CURRENTLY ON PROGRESS] «Damn, I don't have enough money on my bank account... I need to transfer some money manually at the bank» As lazy as he is, Chase still needs to get out to the bank and face society. After a few minutes of walking, he arrives at the bank and suddenly a robbery happens at the bank. There were a few short screams when the robber released a few shots. «FBI! OPEN UP!» Chase's alarm was deafening as it startled the other robber that taking them hostage in the vault. The robber shot Chase using his gun. Chase sees that someone walks towards him, and the closer the person gets to him, the bigger it gets. A weird pop up suddenly appeared in front of Chase as the person standing near him. «What the hell is this? Is this a character stats?» Chase was quite confused about the situation as his brain could not think about what has happened to him. Chase feels that he has put down by someone as he began to realize something weird about himself. "Ehhh! I'm a Ring!..." ------------------------------------------------ Contact Me: instagram.com/ex_chaser

ExChaser · Fantasy
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203 Chs

Journey Begins

When we arrive at the city gate, there was indeed a carriage waiting for us there. The knight seems to be hesitant to enter the carriage.

"Quickly! Inside and we'll be on our way!" the driver shouts.

We all board the carriage and we begin to head towards our destination. It will took some days to get there, to think that this will be the first time to travel to another place. I really wish that I have my old body instead of my current body.

I then remember that I had yet to know what the knight name and I see this time was the perfect time to ask him about it. We don't have anything to do after all, so I should ask him about it.

I was just about to ask his name but it seems like he already fallen asleep, I guess that he must be tired after doing all of the work today. I decide to ask his name tommorow, because for some reason I'm feeling really sleepy right now.

Feeling the warmth of the sun, I slowly wake up. I remember where I am right now. I was still in the carriage with the knight. Last night I wanted to ask about the knight name but he was already asleep.

The knight seemed to be awake already, but still very tired looking. I ask for his name but "Huh?" is all that he says as he looks at me. I ask again, but this time with a little more force. "What's your name?"

The knight replies with a heavy sigh, "My name? It's Lars." He says as if it were of no importance. "But you can call me whatever you like."

This makes me happy. "Oh, are you sure? I will make sure to come up with a better name to call you!"

The knight looks a bit unsure but still happy at the same time, "If you don't mind me knowing, then tell me your name..." I feel awkward and continue to say my real name, "Its C...Chase..."

Now that the awkward introduction is over with, I can finally ask him about something that I really wanted to know. Who he is and is he really one of the 12 holy warrior.

The knight looks at me with surprise while also frowning. His face then begins to make what seems to be disapproval. It scares me a bit since I don't think that he likes what he hears. "Are you really one of the 12?"

This is the start of a new volume! I will try to improve my writing starting from volume 2, I am really sorry if volume 1 writing was bad.

But thanks again for all of the people that add this to your reading collection and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

ExChasercreators' thoughts