
Reincarnated As The Babylonian Prince

Tokumei_MA · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Markets

"Men, I request a meeting in my chambers to discuss our first moves. With the passing of the former ruler Ashurbanipal, I have declared Babylon the new capital and ascended as king. It is our duty to build a grand city that will endure for generations. I hope last night's celebration hasn't hindered your preparations for today."

As the new king, I am fully aware of the immense responsibility that comes with building this empire. My foremost concern lies with the city depicted on this map, for it will test our resilience. However, before addressing our future plans, I must ensure that the horrors I experienced last night become a thing of the past. The very first challenge I must overcome is hunger. Following the fall of the former king, our people resorted to cannibalism for survival. It was a dreadful state of affairs. Glancing at my hands, despite my best efforts to wash them clean, I still detect a faint trace of blood.

That beast is the stuff of nightmares. May God guide me through this ordeal.

My new estate lies approximately a kilometer from the palace. Before leaving, I pondered over the actions befitting a king. Should I walk there or arrive in an extravagant manner? I decided to gather the guards and a few camels, dressing myself in the most splendid attire available.

"As the king, it is imperative that my people witness no hint of weakness in me."

The king received a warm reception as he made his way towards the palace. The crowds applauded and celebrated, seeing him as a symbol of blessings, peace, and change. Upon arriving, the king dismounted his horse and entered the palace, where he took a bath and rehearsed his strategies.

"I must present myself as a shrewd leader, as some may expect."

King Nabopolassar was born into a modest family as their only child. He was never the most brilliant person in the room. As he grew older, he saved a young woman from marauding bandits, who later became his wife. Although he lost his first son to the beast, he was blessed with another child. The king never felt deserving of his fortune or the title of king; he believed his achievements were sheer luck, gifts from God. Becoming king, however, felt absurdly fortunate.

The king began donning his most opulent attire and made his way to the throne room, clutching the map with its accompanying list of names. The room fell silent, filled with the empire's most important officials. He walked up to his throne and took his seat.

"My fellow Akkadians, our mission is to rebuild this country."

During the meeting, the focus shifted to rebuilding and glorifying Babylonia. The king presented his strategies, which seemed somewhat logical and straightforward, although not necessarily the most ingenious. Placing a map on a nearby table, he gathered everyone around to examine it. Nabopolassar, the king, circled the city of Assur.

"We will bring mayhem to this city," he declared, pointing at the circled area.

The room fell into shocked silence. The king had just marked a major city, the capital of Assyria. He began listing names of people to be targeted, leaving the officials bewildered. They were unsure why this city and these individuals were singled out. Yet, the officials couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, knowing that these people could either pose a threat to the king's rule or potentially replace him. The city of Assur housed skilled craftsmen who could prove invaluable in rebuilding Babylon. The room was torn between being impressed and fearful. Meanwhile, the king remained oblivious to the significance of the information he shared. He merely conveyed what he could decipher from the beast's silence and the information he had gathered.

"Well, then, who among you is ready to embark on this endeavor?" the king asked, breaking the silence that had enveloped the room.

The officials exchanged glances, grappling with their mixed emotions of astonishment and trepidation. Some were still trying to comprehend the king's motives and the potential consequences of targeting the city and individuals mentioned. Uncertainty hung in the air, leaving them unsure of how to proceed.

Despite their doubts, a few officials found themselves captivated by the king's unwavering determination and strategic thinking. They recognized that ambitious goals required audacious actions. The room remained silent, waiting for someone to step forward and offer their support or voice their concerns.

As the king surveyed the room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of both excitement and apprehension. He knew that the path he had chosen was bold and fraught with challenges, but he was resolute in his mission to rebuild and revitalize Babylonia. With the fate of his empire hanging in the balance, he awaited the response of his loyal officials, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

I woke up late this morning and reluctantly crawled out of bed, casting a fleeting glance at the note lying on the nightstand. With a sigh, I rose from my oversized bed, the opulence of my surroundings contrasting with the ambitious goals I had set for myself. Gazing out of the expansive window, I surveyed the city that held the promise of becoming mine one day. Each passing day felt like a step closer to the realization of my ambitions, and now that I was immersed in this moment, an insatiable hunger for more consumed me. I carefully concealed the note under a hidden compartment in a cabinet known only to me.

"Not that anyone would find this suspicious, but it's always better to err on the side of caution," I murmured to myself, acknowledging the importance of secrecy in my pursuits.

My father's ascent to the throne was predestined, but if I wished to become king in my own right, I understood the need to shape myself in multifaceted ways. It occurred to me that venturing outside the palace unaccompanied by guards would be a prudent decision, as it would allow me to experience life without the trappings of royalty. Smart individuals recognized that shedding privilege was the most effective way to forge one's character. As I finished dressing in attire that would render me indistinguishable from any ordinary person, a realization struck me, like a missing fragment of a forgotten past resurfacing.

"What?! What could this possibly mean?" I pondered aloud, my mind racing to unravel the mysteries of this newfound revelation.

Engrossed in deep thought, I paced back and forth across the room, considering all possible reasons for this gap in my memory. "Well, it's not like there's detailed information on reincarnation," I mused, acknowledging the inherent complexities of such metaphysical phenomena.

Driven by curiosity, I retrieved a small bell from my drawer and rang it. Within moments, a maid entered the room, and I promptly dispatched her to fetch the largest scroll available. As she hurried away, I seized the opportunity to dash to the fireplace and procure a substantial chunk of coal, hastening back to my quarters. However, to my surprise, the maid had returned before me and inquired about my actions. Annoyed, I dismissed her from the room.

"It's time," I declared, as I broke off a piece of coal and began to write, my thoughts flowing onto the parchment. Hours passed, marked by my aching knees and a cramping hand, until I completed my first masterpiece, aptly titled "Open Me If You Forgot." Impressed with my own work, I sealed the scroll and pondered the best hiding place.

"This must be concealed somewhere beyond anyone's reach," I contemplated, acutely aware that it held the key to my entire past life. While not an exhaustive account, it contained a condensed summary of the most significant details, even including the mundane details of my final meal before departing from that existence. As for the elusive memories that eluded me, they seemed random and fragmentary, perhaps a distant recollection from the month preceding my reincarnation. Strangely, I couldn't recall my first love, if there was one at all. The title I bestowed upon the scroll was intended to serve as a reminder for those moments when the purpose of its contents might slip my mind entirely, provoking a curiosity about what lay hidden within.

I walked outside the palace and decided to explore a nearby place where a group of kids around my age liked to play. As I ventured away from the palace, I realized that experiencing life outside its walls would add value to my youth.

"Watch where you're going, kid," a passing man carrying a box full of vegetables warned.

I found myself on the busiest street in the city, surrounded by various shops and a bustling crowd. To my left, there was the finest sandal store in all of Babylon, run by a frail old man and his young helper, possibly his daughter. On the other side, there were clothing shops and a weapons store. Looking straight ahead, I observed the vibrant chaos of people going about their day, oblivious to the fact that someone of importance was in their midst.

"Fish! Get your grilled fish!" a vendor called out.

"Clothing at the most affordable prices in town! You won't find anything like our products anywhere else!"

"Get your fortune told today at a discounted price!"

After walking for a while, I glanced over my shoulder and caught sight of the most appetizing meat on a stick I had ever seen.

"That's right, I never had breakfast. Excuse me, could I please get one?" I asked the vendor.

"That's 8 copper coins. But do you have any money, kid? We don't offer handouts. Now scram," he replied dismissively.

Realizing I had forgotten to bring my bag of coins, I discreetly grabbed a piece of meat on a stick while the vendor's back was turned. Stealing was wrong, but I intended to repay him eventually. As I stared at the stolen meat, an idea sparked in my mind. I continued walking until I encountered a thin homeless man sleeping on the ground. I approached him cautiously so as not to startle him.

"Excuse me, sir," I said softly.

"Huh? What do you want, kid? Scram before I rob you," the man grumbled.

"I would like to make a trade with you. Are you interested?" I asked.

"Look at me, kid. Does it look like I have anything to trade with?" the man retorted.

"But what about that necklace around your neck? In exchange for it, you can have this warm piece of meat. I can tell you're starving and haven't eaten in days. Besides, if you were a thief, you wouldn't look this desperate," I pointed out, gesturing to the old necklace hanging from his neck.

The man hesitated, his gaze shifting between the meat and his rumbling stomach.

"But... but this was the last gift my mother ever left me. I could never part with something so precious," he murmured.

"I'm sure your mother would scold you if she saw that you refused the one thing that could save you from hunger over something that won't feed you," I gently persuaded.

The man examined the piece of meat and glanced at his stomach.

"You've got yourself a deal, boy," he finally agreed.

In truth, I was hungrier than I let on. That single piece of meat on a stick wouldn't satisfy me. I took the jewelry and continued on my path. Eventually, I arrived at a jewelry shop. I approached the thin lady and her husband, the shop owners.

"Excuse me, ma'am. I'm here to buy a gift for my mother. How much is this necklace here?" I inquired, pointing to a beautiful red necklace.

"That one? It's 10 silver coins. Probably beyond your budget," the lady replied.

Realizing it was too expensive, I apologized for wasting their time and walked away. I took out the necklace the old man had given me and began cleaning it using the bottle of jewelry polish I had stolen from the shop. Sometimes people overlook the value of small things while focusing on the more expensive items. To me, that bottle of polish was invaluable. After giving the necklace a good polish, I returned to the shop, making sure not to be noticed, and discreetly returned the bottle. Continuing on my way, I came across another jeweler.

"Hello, sir. My mother sent me to sell her necklace and she won't accept anything less than 6 silver for it," I said.

"Let me have a look... Hmm, I'm sorry, boy, but the most I can offer is 4 silver," the jeweler replied.

"Mister, if I don't come back with at least 5 silver, my mom will have my head. I can at least tell her I spent the extra silver on food," I explained.

"Alright, alright, boy. 5 silver it is. You have one strict mother," the jeweler agreed.

With the 5 silver coins in hand, I hurried to a nearby toy shop. I purchased an expensive toy worth around 2 silver from the thin owner and rushed to another toy shop I had seen earlier. There, I sold the toy to the larger-sized owner for around 4 silver. Through a little clever persuasion, I managed to reach that price since his toys were pricier. I repeated this process of buying and selling for a few hours, eventually accumulating a total of 209 silver and 53 copper.

Since 200 silver was equivalent to 2 gold coins, I congratulated myself on the achievement. With the accumulated wealth, I headed back to the first shop selling the meat on a stick.

"Excuse me, sir. I would like to purchase 12 meat on a stick and that large piece of cooked meat," I requested.

"You again? Well, if you've got the money, it'll be 122 copper. I suppose you don't have that much, do you? Who are you trying to feed?" the vendor questioned.

"Here you go, 6 silver and 2 copper," I said, handing him the coins.

"Boy, where did you steal this money from, huh?" he remarked skeptically.

"Thank you for the meal, sir," I replied, taking the food.

I continued to walk and finally found the homeless man who had been sleeping on the floor. He looked at me with familiarity, and I handed him the necklace back. He seemed speechless, and I proceeded to give him the remaining meat sticks I had. After that, I handed him 100 silver coins and all the copper I had, leaving me with 109 silver to take home.

"I know how hard it can be to not have a home or a family that will give you one. I was once like you, old man," I said empathetically.

Overwhelmed with emotion, he began to cry and embraced me in a hug. The silver I had given him should last him a good while, and if not, I was determined to find a way to improve the nation's economy. The markets were in disarray, highlighting the need for a more organized system. Pondering potential solutions, I contemplated the way home. Continuing down the same path, I stopped at a specific store to purchase an item. As I walked, I noticed a young woman getting cornered in a dark alley. The evening was approaching, and it seemed that crimes were on the rise. My father, focused on other matters during his reign, might overlook this trend.

"Hey, you two cowards, leave the woman alone!" I shouted.

The two men turned their attention to me, unfazed by my presence.

"Well, well, if it isn't a measly little boy. Scram!" one of them sneered.

I stood my ground, pumping my chest with determination. The men charged at me, one wielding a club and the other a sharp knife. The man with the club swung it to his left, but I swiftly ducked, avoiding the blow. Seizing the opportunity, I punched him in the groin, a smirk forming on my face.

In that moment, all I felt was the adrenaline rushing through my veins as I landed my first strike on another human being in this life. It didn't occur to me that it could all end so abruptly. The other man retaliated, plunging the knife into my stomach. He pulled it out and struck again, repeating the brutal act three times. I collapsed to the ground, feeling the weight of it all. Everything began to feel heavy, and the pain overwhelmed me. Could it really end this fast?