
Reincarnated as the Alluring Ice Dragon Princess

[!!!Mature Content!!!] ++++++++++++++++++ Luna Roe was a young woman that just wanted to experience love and have her own happily ever after. She was in a once amazing relationship with a man named Thomas, but after only a couple years he began to prioritize everything but her. One day, she decided that she had enough and walked out. Luna was going to find a gorgeous man and finally have her happy ending….. And she found him! Maybe? The last thing she remembers was dying……. But that wasn’t the end of Luna. Instead, she was reincarnated as Princess Lola Lovette; the same princess from a book she didn’t think was a good enough read! Now she must adapt to her new life; being the only dragon princess surrounded by dragon princes that only want to kill her and steal her kingdom…. Or so she thought... +++++++++++++++++++ This is my first attempt at a romance! I hope you enjoy! -Reverse Harem: Guranteed 4 love interests- -Smut- ;-P But It'll mostly be romanticized/ no threesomes or anything like that (Chapters with scenes will be marked R18) -no rape, no incest; nothing that is essentially illegal worldwide. -my writing is definitely not perfect, but I’m trying- ——As always, thank you to everyone that takes the time to read my work! ——

ioPharia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


The flight across the ocean wasn't awful, and having just fucked Tomik she had an abundance of power and harbored no worries of whether she would be able to make the flight herself or not. 

The Islands of the world were set up into 4 corners, with Mythomari and Norflora as the center. 

Lutaria was directly North of Talari; a straight shot to Raiden, though crossing the Glass of Galion twice just to get there. 

However, after the short, though mostly serene flight, and upon arriving to his castle, she quickly realized she was more than unwelcomed. 

It wasn't because she was being attacked or even being yelled at like in Talari, in fact, the citizens seemed to have been paying her no mind; simply looking up at her and then looking away. 

But she felt unwelcomed because upon arriving to his quarters, she witnessed him getting his cock sucked by another woman; standing in the middle of the room with no care in the world. Lola rolled her eyes, clearly seeing them through the glass windows like she was at a museum. 

She didn't bother to knock upon landing, but as she went to open it, it was locked and wouldn't budge. 

Despite the hint that she wasn't currently welcome, she still made herself known by loudly trying to open the door, but they were ignoring her; or were at least oblivious. 

Lola wasn't aware of a lover for her lover, she never did give it too much thought. Though, she wasn't worried about it; she was just wanting to take back her island like she had promised Artrio and needed help. 

She felt a bit awkward. Had it not been for her previous life she knew she would've been fine seeing him with someone else, but she had gotten so used to being undesirable that she felt a tinge of jealousy rumbling in the pit of her stomach. 

Why am I even bothered? She knew she didn't love him but it felt like he was her possession in a way. She couldn't tell if it were her as Lola or her fading memories of Luna that was causing her to become angry with him. 

Lola didn't come to see him for sex. But like with Tomik, she simply wanted to see how his kingdom was run; and she wasn't completely unannounced either. He knew she would've be there at some point in time. 

Lola held the handle of the door tight before turning it to ice, shattering it the moment it turned before making her way inside and shutting it behind her. 

The commotion made Raiden and the woman turn to face him. Upon seeing the princess, the woman immediately wiped her mouth of slobber and rose to her feet simultaneously. 

She turned to face Raiden once more before simply bowing to him and nearly running from his room. 

"I see the pleasure isn't all mine," Lola joked, but Raiden's face was unbothered. He pulled his pants back up from around his ankles, though he didn't button them. Instead, he made his way over to a piece of dark green and brown luxurious furniture before grabbing a blanket off of it and wiping the slobber from his penis. 

"Have you come to make me your King?" It wasn't as if he was pretending Lola didn't just see what was going on, he just didn't care. 

"Far from it actually. I only wanted a tour of your kingdom." She approached him slowly, almost like she was on a balance beam as she daintily put one foot in the front of the other. "If I'm to rule the world, then I want to see how each one is ran. I've just experienced Talari, but that didn't go as planned at all," she smirked at him, "in more ways than one." 

"How can you be so sure you're not carrying Tomik's unborn currently?" He snapped. Despite him having a lover of his own, he seemed to be jealous that she was with another prince. Was it that he loved her, or was he just jealous he could lose his spot to the prince of Talari; son of Manidex? 

"I control ice," she replied smartly. "I just freeze the 'gifts' I get the moment I receive them." She winked, though refusing to go deeper into his room. "It's getting late. I would like to look around a bit before supper. The citizens here seem to be a lot friendlier than Talari's though." 

He huffed at her like he was annoyed. "Fine. We'll make it quick." He was happy that his kingdom was complimented as better than another, but he refused to show too much emotion in front of the princess. Raiden wanted to be known as the mean one, the one that shouldn't be crossed. 

"Thank you." She was overjoyed. 

She knew better though, and wanted to be careful with how she approached him. If not for the gift of being irresistible to them she knew she would have been killed a long time ago. 

She wasn't sure if this odd gift was only temporary, she needed to ask her father, but in case it was, she needed to learn about the world and fast. 

Lola assumed that if it were temporary, then perhaps it was only while her father was alive; and that once he passed and his spirit was no more, that she may be facing the wraith of 3 kingdoms and not just the princes. 

 Touring the kingdoms, albeit barely, was still something that felt amazing to her. It was like going to the zoo in her past life or an aquarium; something she rarely ever gets to see, and in this life? She lives in a world she had never experienced before, and a world she was destined to rule with a man she didn't even know. The most she knew about them was a brief snippet of their personality and how well they could use their dick. 

Lola looked Raiden in his beautiful green eyes as he approached her to take off into flight. "Would you like to have a date?" 

Raiden's face finally flinched with a slight spark of emotion. "What?"