
Reincarnated as Superman

It's a Bird... It's a Plane... It's me Reincarnated as Superman! The man of steel version of superman will be what I will follow in the start ... we will see how op I can make him later ... This is a fanfic written just for fun so All the characters belong to DC. The Image was made and gifted by a friend, Burger96. The discord link: https://discord.gg/SKUf49m

Avi2112 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Vacation (1)


I go to the kitchen, where I see Selina wearing an apron and making an omelet. She had her hair up and I could see her long white neck.

I hug her from behind, kissing her neck. She responds by grinding her ass a bit on my raging hardon.

"Looks like someone's woken up … You can go sit at the table and I will bring your breakfast over." She looks back at me and gives me a kiss.

"You are the best." I pat her ass lightly and sit at the table looking at the news.

Dinah seems to be training outside right now.

The news says the investigation is ongoing but apparently some early sources say that this may be an intended attack on Alexander sr. the owner and CEO of Lex industries.

According to their sources, the car may have been tampered with and there may even have been a bomb inside it, seeing the crash site. The car was supposed to be for his father and Lex was not supposed to be the one driving.

"I think someone wanted to kill his father and he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time." Selina keeps the plate with an omelet and a cup of coffee in front of me.

I just smile at her and thank her.

"So you gonna tell me what last night was all about?" She sits across from me and asks.

"Nothing, I just need to be close to someone and clear my head a bit."

"That bad huh .. Tell you what, you have holidays going on at school right? Why don't me and you go somewhere for the day … I have nothing to do today anyways?"

I think for a bit, a Vacation sounds nice.

"What about Dinah?"

"She can stay home alone for the day, and either way she has not yet completed reading those books you told her to read … So she can't come."

"Ok sure, I know a nice quiet place we could go to, let me call at home first."

I finish my breakfast and I picked up the landline and called home.

"Hi Mom, yes yes I am fine ... No I am not just saying that … I was just missing a friend of mine so I went to her house … Yes in the middle of the night ... Yes, you could say that she is my girlfriend … The Gotham one I talked to you about … No the other one … No I am not dumping or cheating on Lana … Ok Mom listen I will stay at her place for the day … No, we will just play some video games … I will probably come back tomorrow … No I don't have extra clothes but I will manage … Yes I am really ok Mom … Ok Bye, Love you." I end the call.

"So you told your mom about me? ... and who is this Lana?" Selina asks from behind me, I knew already that she was listening in secretly.

"Yep I told you she invited you to dinner … Ok let me go and buy some things for the trip. " I go out avoiding Selina's questions.

I correct Dinah's forms a bit, she goes on to ask if I was ok now. I reply yes and remind her to complete reading the books.

I bought some stuff from some shops and kept it in my dimensional storage. I came back and told Selina that we are ready to go.

She asked if she needed to bring anything, I just took her hand and said goodbye to a grumpy Dinah who said that she will complete her 'homework' afterwards, just let her come.

I was almost gonna say yes seeing her cute grumpy face, but Selina said a straight no and told her to even do the laundry today.

Before they both start their catfight again I just take Selina away from there.

While in the air, hugging me closely, Selina looks me in the eye and asks where are we going.

I just gave her a mysterious smile. We crossed the land and in the middle of the ocean I stopped at an uninhabited island.

Selina left me and went near the water and smiled back happily at me.

"You can see through the water ... it is so clean" She takes a deep breath and looks around the island, the water, the coconut trees. "It smells so fresh here, nothing like Gotham."

She starts taking her clothes off, and I see a black laced bikini tightly hugging her perfect body. I had told her before going for shopping that we may go to a beach but this is wow.

She had grown so much over the years and in the right places too. I too take off my shirt and pants while wearing the boxers I already bought at the store.

I set up a beach tent from my storage. Take out other supplies like a beach mat, a sand stand, even a cooler with cold drinks and beer in it.

Seeing me set up stuff she goes in the water for a swim. I sit in my lounge chair and wear sunglasses, not that I need it but I bought them so why not.

I call her to come back and let me apply sunscreen for her first.

I see her wet hot sexy body getting out of the water and coming towards me.

I miss beach ... I hate the sand but I still love beaches overall.

Did you know that cats can't swim!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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