
Reincarnated As Sukuna In Black Clover

Follow A Journey Of A Boy Who Got Powers Of Sukuna In Black Clover World.

Quill_Monarch · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Magic Knight Entrance Exam

After successfully harnessing the power of Cursed Energy, I made my way towards the church, ready to embark on my new journey. As I walked, the church came into view, and I called out to Asta and Yuno with a booming voice.

"Oi! Asta and Yuno, are you not done packing?" I exclaimed.

"Just a minute, Zon," Asta's loud voice echoed in response.

"And what about you, Yuno?" I asked in the same manner.

"Here," Yuno emerged from the church, his bag prepared and ready to go.

After a brief wait, Asta finally made his appearance with a loud exclamation. Both Yuno and I simultaneously remarked, "Took you long enough."

"Hehe," Asta nervously chuckled in response.

"Let's go," I declared, and Asta simply nodded in agreement.

Within moments, everyone in the church had gathered around us. Father Orsi spoke, tears welling up in his eyes, "I will miss you all, Zon, Yuno, and Asta."

"There's no need to be so emotional, Father Orsi," I reassured him, offering comfort.

Sister Lily, curious about Asta's serious tone, asked, "What is it, Asta?"

"Please marry me," Asta knelt down, holding a flower in his hand.

"I'm sorry, Asta. As a sister to everyone, I can't accept your proposal," Sister Lily gently declined.

"I won't give up, Sister Lily. Once I become the Magic King, I'll come back and ask for your hand in marriage," Asta vowed with determination.

Laughter filled the room as everyone found Asta's unwavering resolve amusing. After some light-hearted conversation, we bid farewell to everyone.

"Goodbye, Asta, Yuno, and Zon," echoed the heartfelt farewells from the church members as we embarked on our journey.

Days later, we arrived at the grand Royal Capital. Asta marveled at its enormity, expressing his awe. I acknowledged his observation with a simple nod.

"Let's not waste any time and head straight to the Magic Knight Entrance Exam," I suggested to Asta and Yuno.

"You're right, Zon. Let's go," Asta replied, his determination shining through.

We made our way to the counter where our grimoires were checked. After a brief interaction, Yuno's Four Leaf Grimoire left the counter guy in awe, while Asta's grimoire puzzled him.

"What is this? Is this even a grimoire?" the counter guy questioned, casting doubt.

"Oi! See, it IS a grimoire," Asta retorted, pointing at the spells inscribed within.

The counter guy, uninterested, allowed Asta to proceed. It was then my turn, and as I presented my grimoire.He was extremely surprised and was about to yell but I swiftly silenced the counter guy, ensuring my passage.

With Asta, Yuno, and I now at the exam site, numerous candidates, accompanied by Anti-Magic Birds, filled the area. Yuno had no birds around him, while Asta found himself surrounded by a flock of them. The birds attempted to peck at me, but with the release of my Cursed Energy, they fled in terror.

"Hey, look at those two! They don't have any of these stupid birds," someone pointed out, referring to me and Yuno.

"Oi, see that guy! On the other hand, he has a whole flock of them," someone exclaimed, drawing attention to Asta.

Struggling with the birds' pecking, Asta ran around and accidentally collided with Yami. The subsequent conversation followed as depicted in

the anime, and soon, the captains and their vice-captains arrived.

"Attention, examinees!" Captain William Vengeance of the Golden Dawn announced, capturing everyone's focus.

The exam progressed with various tests, culminating in a combat challenge among the examinees. Now faced with a predicament, as both Asta and Yuno insisted on fighting me, a discussion ensued. Eventually, with my consent, the referee determined that both Asta and Yuno would face me in battle, leading to a wave of excitement.

"Oi, look! That guy is fighting against two opponents, and one of them possesses a Four Leaf Grimoire," someone exclaimed.

"Are you serious?" another person expressed astonishment.

Even the captains found themselves puzzled by the unfolding situation. After a short while, the referee stepped forward and announced, "Now, let the match begin!"

To be continued-