

What happens when a normal anime lover gets reincarnated into the one piece world. this is my first time writing a novel. so keep the criticism coming. DISCLAIMER: I do not own any rights to one piece or DBZ. all the rights belong to the original authors.

Kai_sensei · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Rescue, Reunion, and a Furry Friend.

 Gohan looked at Mika's pitiful face and said, "Don't worry! Sanji is a great cook. He will make you something delicious, right, Sanji?" He said while looking towards Sanji. Sanji looked annoyed but sighed after looking at Mika's hopeful eyes. He slowly got up and started walking towards the restaurant. Seeing that, Gohan smiled and picked up Mika, putting her on his shoulder, and started following Sanji.

"So Mika, how did you get kidnapped?" asked Gohan as Sanji slowed down to hear the reason. "Mika was out to have lunch with mommy and daddy. After we ate, we were strolling around as Mika was holding their hands so that they wouldn't get lost."

"But Mika wanted to eat ice cream, so Daddy bought it for Mika. But to eat ice cream, Mika had to let go of their hands, and after a short distance, both of them got lost. Mika called out to them, but it looked like they couldn't hear Mika's voice," said Mika.

'I have a bad feeling about this,' thought Gohan. "So, Mika decided to ask other people. But when Mika asked that bad, fat uncle about mommy and daddy, he blocked Mika's mouth with his hand and took Mika away," said Mika with a sad voice.

"They were such meanies; they didn't even give Mika anything to eat. It's good that big brother Gohan made them disappear," said Mika, this time happily.

But Gohan was frowning. "Mika! Do your parents get lost a lot?" asked Gohan, full of doubt. "How did you know that? Big brother, you are such a good magician. You even know that without Mika ever telling you," said Mika with awe.

'Don't tell me...' "Sanji! Wait a moment!" said Gohan as he put Mika down and said, "Mika, go follow Uncle Sanji as he walks, okay!" "I AM NOT AN UNCLE, YOU BASTARD!" yelled Sanji. "You shouldn't say bad words in front of the children, uncle. What if Mika becomes a bad person because of you?" said Mika.

"Wha..." Sanji started taking deep breaths to calm himself. "Listen, Mika, you should call me Big Brother Sanji, not Uncle, okay?" said Sanji. "Really?" she asked doubtfully as she looked towards Gohan. "Yes, yes, after all, we are both the same age," said Gohan.

"Really? Okay then. But Big Brother Gohan, why do I have to follow this Big Brother Curly Brow?" asked Mika. "It's Big Brother Sanji, not Big Brother Curly Brow," said Sanji, getting irritated with the situation.

"We can decide that later, Sanji, but this is more important," said Gohan. "And Mika, if you follow Big Brother Sanji for a short distance, he will give you an ice cream later," said Gohan. "Really?" asked Mika, looking at Sanji.

Sanji's face started twitching, and he looked at Gohan's face. But looking at Gohan's serious expression, he eventually nodded. "Yay!! Ice cream... ice cream..." Mika started jumping with joy.

"Okay! Let's start," said Gohan as Sanji started walking. Gohan then signaled Mika to follow Sanji.

For the first seven to eight steps, Mika walked behind Sanji properly, but she suddenly turned left and started walking away. After four steps, she stopped and said, "Hm? Where did Big Brother Curly Brow go?" "Don't worry, Big Brother already found him," said Gohan, as Sanji stood beside him, looking at Mika and thought speechlessly, 'How can someone get lost so easily?'

"How can someone get lost so easily?" said Mika, giving Sanji a look of disappointment. 'So she is the same as Zoro; well, that explains everything,' thought Gohan. "Do you know the address of your home? Did your mommy and daddy tell you what to do when you get lost?" asked Gohan.

"Yes, Mommy made Mika remember what to do when she gets lost every day. But Mika never gets lost," she said, raising her head high and spoke with pride.

Now, even Gohan's face was twitching, hearing all that. "So, what did she make you remember?" he said, finally seeing hope. "She said, 'If Mika gets lost, Mika should find Marine uncles or aunties and then give them her pendant,'" said Mika, expecting to get praised for remembering so many things.

Gohan patted her head and said, "Can you show that pendant to Big Brother?" Mika hesitated but showed him the pendant. Gohan bent down to have a closer look. It was a heart-shaped pendant with her name written on the front.

Gohan looked at the back of the pendant, and there was an address engraved on it. "Sanji, take a look at this," said Gohan as Sanji came close and looked at the address. "This island is not far from here. I will tell someone to contact the Marine branch of that island," said Sanji.

"That's awesome!! Did you hear that, Mika? You will be able to go home very soon," said Gohan as he raised Mika. "Yay!!" yelled Mika in excitement, but she suddenly stopped and asked worriedly, "What about mommy and daddy? Will the Marines help Mika find them?" she asked worriedly.

Gohan smiled, put her on his shoulder, and said, "They will!! If they didn't, then Big Brother will help you." "Really? Thank you, Big Brother. You are the best!!" said Mika, full of happiness.

"Ok! Let's go and eat while we wait for the Marines," said Gohan as they started walking towards the restaurant.

When they walked inside, they saw that everyone was cleaning the broken glasses and arranging tables and chairs. "Is everyone okay?" asked worried Sanji. Patty looked towards them. "Everyone is shaken from the incident, but nobody is hurt, fortunately," said Patty.

"Who is that little girl?" asked Zeff as he came out, hearing their voices. "Mika is not a little girl. Mika is a big girl," said Mika as she straightened up to look bigger.

"Oh! Then what are you doing here, big girl?" asked Zeff, looking at Mika.

"Mika was looking for Mommy and Daddy, but two bad guys kidnapped Mika. However, big brother saved Mika and made the bad guys disappear with magic," replied Mika while comically waving her hands.

Zeff looked at Gohan and Sanji to see if the girl was telling the truth or not. They both nodded in agreement. "Ok! But we three are going to talk after closing time about that weird earthquake," said Zeff in a low voice so that only the two of them could hear.

But before they could reply, Mika's stomach rumbled. "Ok! Go cook something for her first. Can't let a kid starve here," said Zeff. "Sanji, that address!" reminded Gohan. Sanji took Zeff to the side and explained the situation. After hearing him, Zeff called over George and said something to him as George left the hall in a hurry.

Then Sanji started walking towards the kitchen. "DON'T FORGET THE ICE CREAM," reminded Mika.

After a while, Sanji cooked a three-course meal for Mika, and she started eating quickly. "Don't eat too quickly or you will get choked up," reminded Gohan.

"But Miwa donw..." "Don't talk while there's food in your mouth," said Gohan as he wiped the food from her face with his handkerchief. George came back and said, "Chef Zeff, I have contacted the Marines, and they were already on the way here. Someone was suspicious of the two who kidnapped her because they saw the potato sack moving, and the two were acting weird."

"They will be here anytime," he said.

"Oh yes! And her parents are also with them," said George. "Really? Mommy and Daddy are also coming?" said Mika with a pleasant surprise. "Ok! Eat your food first, then you will be able to go home with your parents," said Gohan while patting her head.

After she was done eating, Gohan asked her, "Mika, when Big Brother was holding you on the ship, did you feel anything weird in your body?" Mika started thinking and said, "Mika remembers that it stopped hurting, and Mika started feeling warm." "Do you still feel it? Close your eyes and try to feel!" said Gohan as Mika closed her eyes to feel.

"Yes! Mika can feel that warm thingy in her tummy, and it's moving like this," said Mika as she raised her index finger and started moving it in a circular motion. "Mika, try to move it faster," he said. Mika complied. After a while, she said, "Big brother, it got bigger," said Mika. "People of the One Piece world sure are lucky. What would take a full day for a normal human, they could achieve it in a few minutes," thought Gohan.

"From now on, do this every day, and you will never get hurt," said Gohan. "Really? Thank you, big brother," said Mika. As they were talking, suddenly some Marine soldiers rushed in, and a man and woman came in after them. The man was wearing a Marine uniform with a Marine jacket and a cap. 'A Marine captain? Just to take a small girl to her home,' thought Gohan. As for the woman, she was beautiful but looked tired and worried as she looked around for something. Mika suddenly started running towards them and called out, "Mommy! Daddy!"

The Marine captain picked her up as the couple called out, "Mika!!" He gave her to the woman as she started crying while holding her. "Mika..." But suddenly, Mika looked at them and said, "How can you guys get lost again?" said Mika as the couple's faces froze. The Marine soldiers started sweating, and the restaurant staff started looking at them weirdly. The couple became embarrassed.

"Mika, how did you get here?" the man asked to change the subject. "Mika was worried for you guys, so she started searching for you two, but two bad guys kidnapped her." "WHAT!! They dare...." the woman calmed him as Mika continued, "But brother Gohan saved Mika and made the bad guys disappear," said Mika while looking towards Gohan. Gohan smiled at them, and as they bowed towards him, "Thank you, Gohan-san! You have done a great favor to our family," said the man. "You don't have to thank me. I did what I should have," said Gohan with a smile.

"No! I insist! Please, I will leave my contact number. If you face any kind of problem in East Blue, please call me. I will try my best to help you," said the man with conviction.

Gohan didn't care about that because if I couldn't handle the problem, then how would a Marine captain do? "By the way, can I have a word with you?" said Gohan, asking the man to come to the side.

As they got away from others, he said, "You should know your daughter's problem, right?" asked Gohan. The man sighed with sadness. "Yes, we have consulted many doctors, but they couldn't figure out what the problem is."

"Well, I don't know the cure, but I know about one more person with the same problem," said Gohan. "Really? Who?" asked the man.

"Well, he is a pirate hunter. You might have heard his name. His name is Roronoa Zoro," said Gohan, which shocked the man. "That demon?" asked the man. "Yes, but forget about him. While I don't know the cure, I might have a solution," said Gohan.

"What is it?" the man asked with hope. "Why don't you get a dog for her? Marines should have some well-trained dogs. Just get the most obedient one," he said and continued, "Once he remembers the smell, he won't forget it. Whenever Mika gets lost, it will help you in the search. And when you go out with your family, you can let Mika hold the dog so that she won't be able to walk in the wrong direction," said Gohan.

The man looked shocked and thought speechlessly, 'How did I not think of that?' "Thank you, Gohan-san," he started thanking him. "You don't have to thank me! It was just a suggestion," said Gohan as they walked back.

"OK, everyone! Let's get going. We should not disturb their work anymore." "YES, SIR," replied the soldiers. He took Mika in his arms and said, "OK, let's go home, but first say goodbye to big brother Gohan."

"Ok!... Bye-bye, big brother Gohan and big brother Curly Brow! The food was super delicious. You are a great cook, big brother Curly Brow!" Sanji's face twitched, but after hearing the second part, he started smiling. "Goodbye, Mika!" said Gohan with a smile.

"Mika, do you want a dog?" asked the man as they were walking towards the ship. "A dog? Yes, Mika wants a big dog. Mika wants to ride on its back," said Mika, already getting excited. "Okay! Daddy will get a big dog for you," said the man.