
Reincarnated As Sis-Con!

This story is rewritten as "Awakened as Siscon"

I_Am_Not_Siscon · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 4: Paradise, Where They Became One! (3)

"Please use the indoor voice," Sora reprimanded Suzuka, who had shouted all of a sudden, surprising her.

"Ah. I'm sorry… That's not it! What do you mean Onii-chan also kissed you?!" Suzuka glared at Sora and demanded an answer.

Sora released a suffering sigh. She then replied, "Not sure, but I didn't mind it, you see. Anyway, he suddenly came out of his room and did that without warning."

"That… That idiot Onii-chan! I must get an answer from him. No! I WILL get an explanation from him until I'm satisfied!"

Suzuka declared and marched toward Haru's bedroom.

Sora wanted to stop her. However, she was a bit late because Suzuka had made a beeline to Haru's room. With a helpless expression, Sora followed Suzuka in a hurry and then saw Suzuka tearing Haru's door open.

Suzuka's usual politeness and reservation were nowhere to be seen. Admittedly, Suzuka wasn't in the correct state of mind.

Sora followed Suzuka into Haru's bedroom and found that Haru was talking with his phone in a hurry. Apparently, their legal guardian was giving Haru a call, and Haru was in the middle of a chat with her when Suzuka forcefully opened the door of Haru's bedroom. Granted, she could easily do it because Haru never locked his door.

Suzuka had restrained herself from lashing out at Haru when she saw him talking with their guardian. However, she still demanded Haru's attention with her enraged glare. And soon, Sora joined them and stood a bit away from Suzuka.

Finally, Haru's chat with their guardian ended. He moved his phone from his ear and turned his attention to Sora and Suzuka. He was looking at them dubiously.

"Onii-chan! I demand an explanation! Why did you do that?"

"Pardon me?" Haru was confused. He shot an uncomprehending gaze to Suzuka.

"You! Why did you kiss both of me and Nee-san?!" Suzuka seethed at him.

At the side, Sora watched everything calmly. Now that Suzuka had asked that, she became curious about the reason for Haru's sudden moment of idiocy.

Haru made a wry smile as if he had expected this outcome. Admittedly, he had predicted something like this to happen after he retreated into his room. However, he put this matter aside when he got a call from their legal guardian.

Haru was silent for a little. Sora and Suzuka were keeping their eyes trained on him as they were waiting for his answer.

"Well," Haru finally said, "Maybe it didn't feel long for you two, but it has been several days since I met you, you know. And I really miss you because of that."

Sora and Suzuka had a perplexed expression.

"Elaborate clearly, please," Suzuka demanded with a no-nonsense tone after she recovered. Sora wordlessly nodded her head, agreeing with Suzuka's demand.

Haru flitted his gaze between Sora and Suzuka. A little while later, he nodded his head and began talking.

"Okay, sure. Let's sit down first."


Around 30 minutes or so later, Haru finally finished his explanation. He had also demonstrated some harmless spell for Sora and Suzuka.

As of now, Haru was sitting on his swivel. Meanwhile, Sora and Suzuka were sitting on the edge of his bed.

"So, correct me if I'm wrong," Suzuka said. "Onii-chan has regained one of your powerful magical artifacts from your past life. So, this artifact can create an imitation of a world in another dimension. As the owner, you are like a god in that place. You can even control the flow of time in that place.

"Then, you have an idea to use the time difference between that world and this world to retrain your magical abilities. You have spent several days there while it is only a short time has passed in this world. Because you were there for long, you missed us so much and lost control when you returned. So, that's the summary of everything, correct?"

"Yes," Haru nodded his head in confirmation.

Suzuka put her face on her palms. Her elbows nicely rested on her thighs. She was trying to stop the upcoming headache from Haru's outrageous story, which sounded unbelievable, that he said in a casual tone as if he was talking about the weather.

In truth, Suzuka had intentionally put the topic of Haru's magic and reincarnation aside because she couldn't wrap her mind around it. In addition, she was over the moon because she felt that she had gotten closer to Haru lately.

It was understandable that Suzuka chose to focus on the development of her relationship with her once estranged brother than the supernatural topic around Haru. She was just an ordinary girl who grew up ordinarily in 21st-century and loved her brother too much to cope. So, do forgive her for her skewed up priority.

Admittedly, Haru's outrageous story and display of magic had distracted Suzuka from her main reason behind barging into Haru's bedroom.

Sora, who had been silent so far, changed her sitting posture. She lowered her feet on the floor and straightened her back, her eyes on Haru.

"Haru, can you bring me to this other world?"


Haru and Suzuka looked at Sora and made a confused voice at the same time, apparently surprised by Sora's request.

"What are you saying?" Suzuka asked Sora with confused eyes, apparently unable to understand Sora's thoughts.

"I'm curious about this other world," Sora plainly answered without turning her gaze away from Haru.

Suzuka was at a loss for words by Sora's casual behavior.

"Don't you also feel curious about this so-called another world?"

"Well, it's true that I also feel curious, but…"

Suzuka replied Sora's inquiry with a troubled expression. Unlike Sora, who didn't really care about what she wasn't interested in, Suzuka was grounded in reality. She had her misgivings when facing something that challenged her belief and common sense. So, it was understandable that she was at a loss for words.

At this point, Haru decided to speak up: "Well, I don't mind bringing you there."

Haru could invite someone into Paradise. He also could forcefully drag someone into Paradise. However, if he forced someone into that place, the target could resist the forceful draw through pure willpower or magic power. However, ordinary humans wouldn't be able to give significant resistance because Haru's specs had surpassed them.

"Huh? Really?" Suzuka turned her head to Haru and gave him a surprised look.

Haru nodded his head. "I can't promise you that it's an interesting place. I mean, I just create that world. There are no lifeforms there, not even animals. However, if you want to know what that place is good at, I have the confidence in the scenery of that world will take your breath away, at the very least," he said.

"As expected, hearing Onii-chan creating a world all of a sudden is…" Suzuka trailed off, seemingly at a loss of words to describe the absurdity of the situation.

"Can we go there now?" Sora suddenly asked.

Unlike Suzuka, who had trouble accepting her stepbrother's ridiculous feat that broke common sense, Sora didn't really care about something that didn't interest her. She was actually easy-going despite her social ineptitude.

"Well, I don't mind bringing you there now. We can have a picnic and stay there for several days. As a matter of fact, let's have a vacation there."

"Wait!" Suzuka suddenly raised her voice. "We can't just go and stay there for several days without any preparation!"

"I said that I am like a god in there, right? You two don't need to prepare anything. I can create our needs without problems."

"Really? Can you really create anything? Will it be an inconvenience for you?"

"Yes. Yes, and no." Haru responded to Suzuka's inquiries. He then added, "However, anything that is created in that world is unable to leave that place, though."

"I see," Suzuka finally acquiesced.

"By the way, can you create a phone's and laptop's charger over there?" This time, the question came from Sora.

"Yes. I can do that. You can't bring back the chargers, though."

"Then, let me bring my smartphone and laptop."

"Hm? Sure. You can get them now."

After receiving Haru's permission, Sora walked out of Haru's bedroom. Haru then turned his head to Suzuka, who was rubbing her forehead to stop the upcoming headache.

Suzuka felt that everything indeed stopped making sense after Haru shared his 'secret.' More and more ridiculous things, the latest always more ridiculous than before, kept popping up.

"What about you, Suzuka? Do you not need to get your phone and laptop? Although there was no signal because we are literally in another dimension, you can take some shots there, you know. I think that is what Sora is thinking."

Suzuka turned contemplative after she listened to Haru's words. A few seconds later, she nodded her head and said, "I guess I will bring my digital camera, laptop, and phone. I'll get them now."

After that, Suzuka walked away, leaving Haru alone in his bedroom.

'Good grief… I am glad that my bullshit distracted Suzuka from demanding an explanation for my mistake. I suppose I must confess my feeling soon. Well, I can tell them when we are in Paradise. I hope that my Plot Armor and Aura of Harem Protagonist will help me out later,' Haru thought after he became alone in his room. He had his misgivings but decided to put his faith in one of his latest abilities.

'I guess I'll prepare something for our vacation in Paradise before Sora and Suzuka return with their stuff…'

Haru then entered Paradise and began preparing for his and his sisters' vacation in there.

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