
Reincarnated as Rimuru in Tensura with wishes but god played with me

First few is mostly following the story I was just your average worker, I owned a million dollar business. That business was my life so I didn't have much of a life and it was boring. That was until a truck hit me at a stop light. I'm doing this for my entertainment so if you don't Like how it's going I don't care, please don't complain in the comments because they will be ignored. Thanks I hope you enjoy. I don't own the original work all credit goes to the author of that time I got reincarnated as a slime.

Busy_Driver · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

The 4 humans

After we arrived Ragean {what I named Ranga's dad,} greeted us and brought us to Rigurd who had a surprise for me.

Standing in front of me is a huge group of goblins.

"Um Rigurd why is there so many Goblins in front of me?"

Flexing, "After they heard about you, they came to get your divine protection."

Of course more people.

(How many are here?)

(Answer; Roughly 500 goblins.)

(What would happen if I didn't take them in?)

(Most likely die.)

(You had to go straight to death.)

"Fine, you all can stay, line up."

All of them started to cheer and celebrate.

I named a quarter of them at a time so I didn't run out of Magicules.

It took almost a week to name all 500 Goblins.

It's been two weeks since I've brought the Dwarfs to my village and we have made lot of progress.

with my knowledge of the modern times we started by adding a sewer first, it was decided that we would dig out the layout of the town then design the underground portion of the city before even trying to build a bunch of buildings.

So on that note we are sadly living in tents, the only temporary buildings we have up at the moment are a few crafting huts Kaijin had a black-smith hut, then we made a hut for Garm who was our armor smith, then we had to have one for Dord who was crafting accessories and detailing others work.

Let's not forget the last brother Myrd who was in charge of making buildings and structures.

All of them taught any Goblin interested in there craft, I'm still very surprised at how quickly the Goblins could learn, maybe evolving made them smarter.

Me and Ranga was strolling through what will be a street when I seen Gobta and a couple Goblins by themselves.

I looked over to see what was going on, apparently Gobta is showing the others how to summon there wolf.

"You do it like this." Then he made a bunch of grunting noises and looked like he was using the bathroom.

After that his wolf came out of his shadow.

They all where amazed.

I looked at Ranga. "Maybe I should give him more credit, maybe he's smarter then we think."

"Maybe you're right master, I'm still amazed he summoned one of us."

I looked back at them, the others tried and failed. "You have to make more of a (grunting noise) then poof."

"Never mind it was pure luck let's move on."


We didn't move that far before Rigurd came running up to us.

I looked at him closely and noticed he looks like he evolved more, after naming all the new Goblins I named all the elders lords like Rigurd but then the elders came to me asking to make him Goblin king, I don't think it's a good thing I think they just wanted him to do all the work.

So now we have a Goblin king, then the lords then regular Goblins.

Knowing my luck I think more will join knowing how it keeps playing out so if they do I think I'll do the same thing it makes it easier.'(and that way I don't have to do the work.)

"Lord Rimuru the patrol spotted strand creatures in the woods, what would you like me to do?"

"We could eat them?"

"Would you really?"

"No! Of course not round up a team and have them lead me to the humans."

"But my lord, they could be scouts from a nation, they could be just surveying the area."

"We might never know unless we ask will we."

"Yes." Then he ran away to grab the team.

I looked at Ranga. "Go find your father and have him watch Rigurd and the village while we step away." Then I hopped off and he ran off as well.

I hopped back over to watch Gobta and his students try to summon a wolf.

After a bit Rigur and a small group of Hobgoblins stood in front of me.

"Anyone know where to go?"

Rigur stepped forward, "then lead the way."

When we got to the area they were spotted you can see 4 people running from giant ants, there was 2 girls and 2 boys.

Then I turned on my mini map to see how many creatures we have, on the map it looks like there are 7 ants chasing them.

When I look back up the girl with a mask on stopped and turned around and brought out a sword.

Then she set it on fire, then sent a bunch of fire to burn 3 of them.

Then she jumped into the air and cut 2 down then ran cut one on it's underside then cut through the last one by jumping up and slashing as she rises.

Then she stood up and looked at the other humans.

It looks like she Doesn't notice one is still alive I'll keep watch.

It stands back up, She readies herself but she suddenly freezes and puts her hands on her knees.

Looks like I can be the knight in shining armor after all.

I turned into a tempest wolf and use Black Lightning on the ant, the problem was I put to much power into it completely destroying the ant and blowing the girls mask off her face.

I turn back into a slime catch the mask and hop over.

"I'm sorry if I got to close to you, would you like your mask back?"

The other girl, a blonde green eyed petite girl asked "who's there."

"Just a little old slime."

The girl who fought grabbed the mask and put it back on with it on all you can see is that she has shoulder length black hair, it's kinda sad.

The three. "A slime saved us?"

"You got a problem with that!"

The blonde long hair guy said. No I've just never seen a slime talk before.

The masked girl stood straight. "Thank you."

Then she put the mask back on.

Then I thought back to Before she put the mask on, I think she sure does look like that girl from the glass ball, am I meeting one of them all ready?

"Well would you like to come to my village?"

Both guys looked confused while the blonde girl spoke. "Yes please we need to rest."

"Ok then I'll have Rigur show you back."

I looked at him. "Bring them to Rigurd he should know what to do."


I looked at the others. "Pack these ants up so we can use there meat."

When I made it back to the village Rigurd already showed them where they are sleeping and they are now eating.

Rigurd met me not to far away from there tent.

"They said they we're hungry so I gave them food, is that a good thing?"

"Very good thing it's called being polite, especially since they are our guests."

"Amazing, I will strive to do this more often."

"go right ahead."

When I came inside I seen 3 of the 4 eating like they've never ate before.

They all looked at me then Rigurd introduced me.

"May I present our amazing unbeatable lord, Rimuru Tempest."

"Really man had to add that extra bit."

I got nothing so I looked forward and they looked shocked, I don't know why I met them and told them earlier, maybe they didn't believe me.

I decided to do a self introduction to help.

I was about to speak when I thought that the masked girl must be a otherworlder she looks Japanese, so I looked into the memories of the person I inherited to find the perfect way to show I'm from earth to.

"Hello, I'm Rimuru tempest, I'm not a bad slime, slurp."

The masked girl stifled a chuckle while the others looked confused.

That proves it she's not of this world

I looked closer at three of them and they looked familiar.

(Answer; they are the three you saw at Veldoras cave.)

(Oh yeah the ones I thought had to be idiots for not noticing me.)

The blonde guy slightly bowed. "Sorry for our rudeness, it's just that we thought we were done for back there."

With food in her hand and a smile on her face the blonde girl chimed in. "Yeah and thanks for the food, I didn't think monster food would be so good."

The short haired guy finally spoke up. "Thanks for the hospitality it's just, it's surprising to us to see goblins building a village."

Loudly Rigurd. "It's all thanks to lord Rimuru."

"Why are you around here anyways?" I asked

The long hair guy spoke. My name is Kaval the one behind me," {blonde girl.} "my name is Elyun."

Then Kaval picked it back up. "Then the last one in our group is Gido."

then he points to the one in a mask. "She might not be a permanent member but her name is."

She speaks one word. "Shizu."

I thought so that's her name not bad I want to get to know her.

Kaval spoke again. "Are here because a old cranky guy forced us to look for anything out of the ordinary in the forest.

After he started it was like the flood gates bursted open, we talked all night after that, they stated about how they just got back from a mission when then got sent here, then they talked about there mission before hand which was to investigate the cave Veldora was sealed because they sensed his disappearance.

They complained that the Magicules wasn't even that dense so they wasted there money on a device to help with that, then they complained some more about how there wasn't even any magic ore there to take, all there was was powerful monster to fight.

I kept thinking. (Hehe that's my fault, you welcome.)

After long night of them mostly complaining and us getting to know each other they went to sleep.