
I'm Perfect Cell Now!?

What if one day you woke up as Dragon Ball Z's most notorious villain Perfect Cell? This is normally just a simple fun question, but for one unlucky soul, this question became a reality. When asked this question by a friend of his, our protagonist simply replied with an honest answer. Stating that if he did wake up as Perfect Cell, he would try to change Cell's fate and help the Z Fighter's. Cell's potential was wasted when he fought the heroes of Earth and our MC thought it was a shame that the Bio-android couldn't push himself beyond Super Saiyan 2 levels of power. But what this boy didn't know, was that by answering this simple question, his fate was decided the minute that answer left his mouth. As he went to bed that following night, he just expected to continue living his normal and boring life. But he would get the shock of a lifetime when he awoke from his slumber.

As he slept comfortably, he began to feel a strange cold breeze. He internally groaned thinking he accidentally left his window open. But the more he laid there, trying to outlast the cold breeze, he noticed how his entire body felt different. His once comfortable bed felt hard, like he was lying on the ground. This ticked him off a little as he just wanted a normal night's rest. So, he opened his eyes and went to readjust himself on his bed but as he opened his eyes. He saw a bright blue sky above him which shocked him to no end. He's sure he went to bed in his own room. The more he looked around, he realized he was outside but something else felt off. So, he sat up and rubbed his head only to notice his hand. He looked at it and his eyes widened as he then looked at his other hand and then his arms.

He looks really weird. He looked down at the rest of his body and it slowly but surely came to him as he pieced it all together. His weird skin tone, green almost bug like body. He looked like Cell from Dragon Ball Z. He noticed a convenient river next to him. So, he crawled over to it and looked into it to see his reflection. He gasped audibly as he noticed he looked like Perfect Cell. He touched his face to see if it was real before he then pinched himself to see if he was dreaming. Nope, he wasn't dreaming. He really is in Perfect Cell's body. But how was this possible? He also noticed the Dragon Ball Anime art style had replaced the once realistic world he used to live in. He got off his knees and stood up to his new fully height. He was stunned with his new form and was more confused than amazed.

He looked at himself again in disbelief. Was he really Perfect Cell? If so, how the hell did this happen? He just went to sleep and woke up as Cell. It sounds like that question his friend asked him, but there's no way that question resulted in this. That's shit you only see in Anime. Taking his eyes off his body, he looks around the new environment he found himself in. He felt the cold breeze dance along his skin as he could hear the whistling of the wind blowing through the trees. Other sounds like wildlife and the river behind him filled his ears. He watched as the leaves bent and swayed in the wind that was currently striking his skin. His eyes fell upon a deer that walked past him and towards the river to get a drink to quench its thirst. He turns and watches the animal do its thing.

As the animal drank, he began to try and rationalize his current situation. Maybe it's some kind of really realistic dream. There is no way he transitioned into a different world and into a different body. This has to be some kind of joke. Maybe his friends dressed him up as Perfect Cell in his sleep. Running of that theory, he grabs his forearm and tries to remove the green armbrace that covered his forearm. But to his misfortune, it doesn't budge and he can feel it. This thing is apart of him. He then touches the top of his head, feeling the tall almost helmet like appendage Cell has. It fell surreal as he could also feel this as well. He moved his hands away from his new appendage and crossed them in thought. His eyebrows furrowing in contemplation.

"How is this.... possible?" he mumbles, before he quickly shuts up. Even his voice was different. He sounded just like Cell. "M-My voice, w-why do I sound like Cell!?" he asks in shock as his eyes widen at this revelation.

Though, he notes he sounds more like TFS Cell. Who was that guy's name? He honestly can't remember. It has been a while since he watched DBZA and Dragon Ball in general. He's heard about Dragon Ball Super but, he's never gotten around to watching it. He's watched Dragon Ball Z though. He did get into the original Dragon Ball Anime but never finished it.

"Okay, think about this carefully. There is absolutely no way in hell that any of this is real." he says, trying to think rationally. "In fact, if this really IS the world of Dragon Ball, then a Dinosaur or something would come out of the trees and strike me down." he states, clearly never hearing about the phrase 'ask and you shall receive'. Because not long after, guess what happened.

A roar is heard, and Cell flinched at the sound with his eyes widening. He turned around to see a dinosaur charging him. His pupils shrink in shock. As it got closer, he just stood there in shock. He just had to talk, didn't he? The large beast got closer and opened its large sharp teeth filled maw to chomp down on him. But on pure instinct, Cell thew his hand backwards and slapped the damn thing in the jaw. Ths sheer force from his slap alone made an audible cracking sound as the giant monster's head was flung to the side as a loud snap was heard. Cell's eyes widen at this. He rushed backwards to get back as the beast hit the ground hard lifelessly. Once he stopped moving, the pure shock came to his face as he looked in on both awe and slight horror. Did he just one shot that thing?

He looked at the hand responsible and it dawned on him. All color drained from his face as he realized. He really was in Cell's body and in the Dragon Ball World. But how was this possible? Anime isn't real... right? It's not like they exist in some other plane of existence. This just isn't possible. Isekai Anime is just a genre of some good and some really shit shows. How the hell is that real? How the hell is he here. As he internally panicked, he realized something. He's Perfect Cell in the Dragon Ball Universe.

"Oh, Sugar honey ICE TEAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!" he shouts as he realizes that he is one of the biggest villains imaginable. This was not something he was okay with. How the hell is he supposed to remain alive if he's the literal main antagonist of the Cell Saga?

As he literally screamed his heart out at his misfortune, he unexpectedly exploded with power as a white aura bursts out around him which stopped his screaming. But as he did, the aura vanished.

"Did I just.... How did I do that?" he asks in confusion while looking at himself. He clenches his fists. "Okay, I'm in Dragon Ball Z most likely. But this doesn't look like the Cell Games or where Cell died. So where am I?" he mumbles as he tries to figure out where he is and when in the timeline, he woke up in.

Another issue presents itself; he has no idea how to use Cell's powers. So, he's basically fucking hopeless for survival if the Z Fighters find him. So, he quickly leaves the area by walking as he doesn't know how to fly. He first needs to find a place to lie low for now until he can figure out where the hell he is.

Alright, That's Chapter 1!!!

KingRenetticreators' thoughts