

[konohagakure(year 1014)]

in the middle of the forest, one could see a 6 year old boy practicing.

it has been two years since he was reincarnated to this world. during that time he has been training his body and practicing his martial arts he knew from his past life ,thanks to that he has a body strength on the level of a chunin and tijutsu is genin level mostly due to his adaptive body .

his chakra level is at chunin level due to his uzumaki bloodline while his chakra control is at chunin level. he had mastered the leaf exercise and tree climbing at the age of five.

He could say that he was above most of the children his age. He has also tried to get naruto to train with him but that brother of his is just too lazy to do it ,he could only get him to do it by telling him he won't get ramen if he doesn't,with that he reached a body level of low genin but his tijutsu is still at academy level.

"haa"menma let out a breath as he finished his practice.

they where going to start attending the academy tomorrow so he was a little bit excited about meeting some of main character.

The hokage has given them their own apartment in the village.it was really a pain dealing with all those people in the orphanage.

he walked back to the apartment, the sun was about to go down.

"Naruto you back yet"menma said as he opened the door

"yeah am in here"naruto answered from

his room.

he walked to Naruto's room and entered

"naruto why haven't you clean your room"menma asked looking at the unkept room.

"ahh I forgot"he said while rubbing the back of his head

"yeah like you forgot everyday" menma said as he rolled his eyes

he left after telling him to do it again while using his dinner as a threat.he walked to his room and took his bath then came out to started making dinner.

it didn't take long for naruto to come out for dinner.he sat on the table while waiting for his brother to finish cooking.

after the food was done they both sat down to eat.

"so nii-san are you excited about tomorrow"naruto said as he ate.

"hmm"the elder one nodded

both he and naruto didn't have any one to teach them jutsu so the Ninja academy was the only way to get access to them ,so it was really exciting for menma.

they talked while having dinner, after they finished the cleared the plates and went back to their room to sleep early for tomorrow.

the next morning menma woke up from his bed and went to wake naruto up to prepare for the academy.

it took a while to get naruto to wake up, after that they both got ready and ate some breakfast .

there was still time left before the academy starts do menma decided to take care of some things before he goes, while naruto went on before him .

when he finished what he was doing he left the apartment and went towards the academy.

as he approached the academy he used one of the abilities of the uzumakis to look for his brother the mind's eye of the kagura it the same ability that Karin had .

he found naruto chakra with four other next to him .he quickly ran towards them but didn't show himself

this was because naruto was fighting with three boy while there was a girl behind naruto.

the girl had black hair and white eye that make people feel like she was blind.this girl was Hinata hyuga,naruto future wife. the reason he didn't go to stop the fight was because this was the time that Hinata fell in love with him,and also naruto was not the same as the Cannon

cus of the training he went through the bullies weren't a match for him.so menma decided to watch.

like he predicted, Naruto was able to push the bullies back. after it went similar to the cannon.

[A/n:left the rest for imagination]

after Hinata left with her guardian he went to meet Naruto to go the academy.