
Reincarnated as Naruto's Twin Brother

A boy reincarnated as Naruto's twin brother. Let's see if he becomes a great shinobi or something more then a shinobi.

Regulus_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

52: Shourai ...


Training Ground 7...

After Naruto had taken Sadaharu for a stroll around the village, only Kirito and Saito remained. Saito looked at his young student, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. "So, kid, what's on your mind?" he asked, noting the seriousness etched on Kirito's face.

"I've stumbled upon something recently," Kirito replied, his tone grave as he locked eyes with Saito.

Saito leaned in, intrigued. "Did you come across something unusual during your last mission?"

Shaking his head, Kirito answered, "No, nothing out of the ordinary, except for Sadaharu. But what I want to show you isn't related to that mission."

Saito's surprise was evident. "Then what is it?"

"I believe I possess a unique Dojutsu," Kirito stated, his voice tinged with uncertainty, his finger pointing to his eyes.

Saito's scepticism showed, but he decided to give his student the benefit of the doubt. "Can you demonstrate it for me?"

"Of course," Kirito replied, closing his eyes briefly before reopening them.

As he opened his eyes, their colour shifted from their usual blue to a striking red. Two white tomoes appeared within, reminiscent of the Sharingan, while the veins around his eyes pulsated, much like the Byakugan.

Saito couldn't conceal his amazement. What he witnessed resembled a fusion of the Byakugan and Sharingan, with red irises like the Sharingan but white tomoes instead of red. This Dojutsu was unlike any he'd ever seen, and its uniqueness intrigued him.

"Can you explain what this Dojutsu can do?" Saito inquired eagerly, eager to learn about this unprecedented ability.

Kirito nodded. "With this Dojutsu, I can perceive anyone's chakra network, and I possess a full 360-degree field of vision within a 20-meter radius. It even extends underground, allowing me to see through objects and clothing."

Saito interrupted, "Is there any blind spot?"

"No, there are no blind spots," Kirito confirmed. "I can see everything within my range from all angles."

Saito mulled over this information. "This Dojutsu is reminiscent of the Hyuga's Byakugan, but it lacks any blind spots."

Kirito agreed, "Yes, I noticed the similarities during my research. However, this Dojutsu also shares traits with the Sharingan."

Saito leaned in closer, his curiosity piqued. "How so?"

"When I choose, I can witness anyone's actions in slow motion, regardless of how fast they are," Kirito explained. "Moreover, I can catch glimpses of the future, up to ten seconds ahead, anticipating an individual's actions. But I'm unsure if I can copy movements like the Sharingan, although I do have a photographic memory."

Saito's expression grew graver as he continued, "I'm giving you this pill because your next mission starts tomorrow, and..." ed, "I'm giving you this pill because your next mission starts tomorrow, and..."

After an hour...

"I know you won't be affected by any Genjutsu due to the characteristics of your Dojutsu, which is similar to the Byakugan but have you tested if you can also cast Genjutsu with it?" Saito inquired, his tone serious, as they concluded their initial tests of Kirito's Dojutsu.

Kirito nodded, sharing a past experience. "I used it on a man when I was in the Land of Snow to make him reveal the way."

Saito leaned in, revealing a surprising offer. "If you used it for testing your Dojutsu, I can't fault you. However, I think you should practice Uchiha Genjutsu techniques."

Kirito's eyes widened in disbelief. The Uchiha clan was notorious for guarding their Genjutsu secrets closely, and sharing them was unprecedented. Saito clarified, "I know what you're thinking, but I have a copy that I made for Kakashi back in the day. It's almost similar to the Uchiha manual. I can't give it to you right now, but when we meet at the Academy next time, I'll share it with you."

"That sounds like a plan," Kirito agreed with a nod. He appreciated the opportunity to learn such a valuable skill.

"Sensei, does Naruto also have a Dojutsu like mine?" Kirito inquired, curiosity piqued.

Saito pondered the question for a moment before responding, "I can't be certain, but based on what I know, he shouldn't have one, or if he does, it wouldn't be similar to yours."

Kirito was puzzled. "But he's my twin brother. Shouldn't our abilities be similar?"

Saito explained, "Your parents didn't belong to clans with Dojutsu abilities, which makes the awakening of your Dojutsu a unique occurrence. It's unlikely that Naruto would have a Dojutsu, and if he did, it wouldn't resemble yours. We'll find out more in the future, I'm sure."

Kirito nodded, accepting the explanation. "You're right; we'll see in time."

Changing the subject, Saito reminded Kirito, "Anyway, I called you here today for something important. Remember?"

Kirito nodded again. "Yes, you mentioned something about making a contract with the Toads."

Saito confirmed Kirito's assumption but added, "That's correct, but you're not quite ready for it yet."

Kirito was surprised by this, as he believed he was more than capable. Saito, however, had his reasons. He thought to himself, 'I know you're strong enough to make a summoning contract, but you're still too young for that.'

"If that's not the case, what did you want to tell me today?" Kirito inquired, growing increasingly curious about Saito's intentions.

Saito reached into his pocket and retrieved a pill, placing it in Kirito's hand. "I wanted to give you this pill."

Examining the mysterious pill, Kirito asked, "What does it do?"

Saito's tone grew serious as he explained, "This is a forbidden pill called 'Shourai ' It temporarily ages the consumer by 20 years for two months but, in exchange, depletes one-third of their chakra reserves for two years. No medicines can restore that chakra loss during those two years."

Kirito was taken aback. "Why would you give me a pill that's so dangerous, especially in exchange for my chakra reserves for two years? I don't want it."

Saito was firm in his decision, refusing to take the pill back. "Now, now, don't be too hasty, kid. I'm giving you this pill because it also triples your chakra reserves for two months. The Second Hokage created it for our village's shinobi during dire times."

Kirito understood the potential benefits but remained puzzled. "I get that, but why give it to me all of a sudden? Is something about to happen?"

Saito's expression grew graver as he continued, "I'm giving you this pill because your next mission starts tomorrow, and..."


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