
Reincarnated as Naruto's Twin Brother

A boy reincarnated as Naruto's twin brother. Let's see if he becomes a great shinobi or something more then a shinobi.

Regulus_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

47: Sosetsu's Decision

After successfully rescuing Koyuki, the group swiftly moved toward the source of an explosive sound. As they neared the castle's rooftop, an intense scene unfolded before their eyes.

The castle guards clashed with the enigmatic woman whom Kirito and Kakashi had encountered earlier. Her mastery of Ice-style jutsu allowed her to effortlessly overpower the guards, their attacks were futile against her formidable armour.

Meanwhile, Kakashi found himself locked in combat with a young man, his vibrant purple hair an arresting contrast against the backdrop of battle. The man fought alongside a pink-haired woman, their teamwork seamless and dangerous.

Amidst this chaotic tableau, Kakashi's attention was momentarily diverted by a heart-wrenching cry. Koyuki's voice pierced the tumult as she gazed upon the centre of the rooftop. "Father!" her voice quivered with anguish.

Amid the broken rooftop, a chilling confrontation played out. Doto, a malevolent figure, closed in on Sosetsu, who lay wounded and armless. The scene was one of impending doom, Doto's sinister smile hinting at unspeakable cruelty.

Koyuki's anguished cry reverberated, her pain palpable even from a distance. Clasped in Kirito's arms, she struggled with her desperate desire to intervene tangible. For Kirito, the sight stirred memories of his mother's tragic end—a pain he was resolute in sparing Koyuki.

With unwavering determination, Kirito expertly formed hand seals. "Wood Style: Wood Clone Jutsu," he incanted. Two lifelike wooden replicas emerged from his back. Swiftly and gently, Kirito subdued Koyuki, his gesture both protective and sorrowful. He transferred her to the care of one of his clones, ensuring her safety.

Meanwhile, within the shattered chamber...

Doto's icy gaze bore down upon Sosetsu, who lay vulnerable beneath his foot. His demand cut through the air like a blade. "Tell me the location of the hex crystal."

"Sosetsu, you traitor," Sosetsu's words were laced with exhaustion, his breath ragged.

Amidst their tense exchange, an unexpected intervention shattered the equilibrium. Kirito's sudden, forceful kick landed squarely on Doto, sending him stumbling back. Yet, Doto's impervious armour absorbed the blow, rendering it ineffective.

"Konoha kid, cease your interference," Doto sneered, his irritation evident. Swiftly, he began forming intricate hand signs, his intent clear.

Seizing the opportunity, Kirito seized Sosetsu, employing a blink of teleportation to escape, leaving his wood clone to confront Doto.

Reemerging atop the rooftop, Sadaharu's presence welcomed Kirito. Guided by Sadaharu's counsel, Kirito transferred Sosetsu to the loyal creature's back, a temporary sanctuary for the fallen warrior.

Amidst the battleground, an unexpected assault struck Kakashi when he was vulnerable, sending him to the ground. "Wind Style: Air Bullet Jutsu," Nadare unleashed, catching Kakashi off guard.

Kakashi, though experienced, acknowledged the need to refine his Sharingan prowess. "A bit more practice for the Sharingan," he mumbled with a sigh. Swiftly forming hand seals, he countered, "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu." The incandescent fire clashed with Nadare's assault, a spectacle of elemental power. However, Nadare's strategic positioning and impenetrable armour allowed him to evade unscathed.

Unyielding, Nadare engaged again, this time invoking an intricate jutsu. "Ice Style: Dragon Versus Tiger." The frigid attack pushed Kakashi back, forcing him to regroup.

Meanwhile, Kakashi's strength waned. His burdened form sank to his knees under the weight of strain. Yet, respite was elusive as Nadare seized the opening, launching another attack.

"I'm running out of options," Kakashi acknowledged, his voice tinged with resignation. As he prepared a final gambit, Kirito materialized before him.

"Fire Style: Fire Dragon Jutsu," Kirito's decisive intervention deflected Nadare's assault. Swiftly, Kirito and Kakashi retreated to the side of their stalwart companion, Sadaharu. There, Koyuki and Sosetsu sought refuge, their presence a testament to the ongoing turmoil.

Seeking guidance, Kirito turned to his senior. "Senpai, what's our move?" he inquired, his voice tinged with a mix of urgency and respect.

Kakashi's internal turmoil mirrored the chaos of the battle. 'I can barely keep up…' he thought, his weariness palpable. His gaze shifted to the ailing Sosetsu, a figure marked by both wisdom and sorrow. "Lord Sosetsu, what is your directive?" Kakashi asked, his voice measured.

Sosetsu's response carried a heavy burden. "I cannot abandon my people. Take Koyuki to safety," he instructed, the gravity of his choice etched across his features.

Kirito's unwavering resolve shone through. "We could help you escape. Your life matters," he offered, a glimmer of hope amidst the despair.

Sosetsu's refusal was firm, driven by duty and honour. "Leaving them now would be a betrayal I cannot commit."

Kakashi's voice weighed with both regret and pragmatism. "Had the monks not turned against us, our situation might have been different," he mused, his sigh a testament to the regrets that shadowed the current predicament. Turning to Kirito, he deliberated, "We should consider retreating to the village. My strength wanes, and our odds dwindle."

Koyuki's pain rang out, a raw and emotional plea. "Do not leave my father!" she cried from Kirito's embrace, her voice a poignant testament to her anguish.

Sosetsu weakened yet resolute, offered his final wishes. "Koyuki, take your revenge for me. My time is limited," he implored, his feeble smile masking the agony that wracked him.

The heart-wrenching scene caught Nadare's attention. In the distance, his command resonated, "Fubuki, cease your diversion and halt them." Fubuki, armoured and airborne, acknowledged the directive, and her intent crystallized.

With unwavering resolve, Fubuki invoked her jutsu. "Ice Release: Swallow Snowstorm…" The heavens responded, an impending cascade of chilling power aimed at the father-daughter pair.


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