
Reincarnated as Naruto's Twin Brother

A boy reincarnated as Naruto's twin brother. Let's see if he becomes a great shinobi or something more then a shinobi.

Regulus_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

40 - Fire Temple part 1...

**Anbu headquarters...**

Upon reaching the Anbu headquarters, Kirito swiftly changed into his Anbu attire and headed to the designated area where Dog (Kakashi) was supposed to be. He had been instructed to arrive earlier than usual to report in, as they were about to embark on a new mission.

"Seems like it's just the two of us on this mission," Fox commented with a serious tone, noticing the absence of other team members.

"Yes, this is a special type of mission. We'll be collaborating with the Fire Temple shinobi," Dog replied with a nod.

"What happened to the others?" Fox inquired, puzzled by the absence of their usual team members.

"Monkey and Crow have their own team now, and we'll be assigned two new teammates after we complete this mission," Dog explained, leading the way.

"Ah, I see. Well, good for them on the promotions," Fox responded as they followed Dog.

"By the way, how's your brother's training coming along? Has he made any progress?" Dog asked as they leaped over rooftops.

"He's managed to increase his speed a bit, but mastering the jutsu is proving to be quite challenging. I doubt he'll be able to complete it before reaching Chunin level," Fox said with a sigh, acknowledging the difficulty of the task.

"If he puts in the effort, he might surprise you. Swift Release is a powerful jutsu, and history hasn't seen many who've mastered it," Dog encouraged, hoping to boost Fox's confidence.

"True, it's just that the learning curve is steep. But I appreciate your optimism," Fox replied, landing beside Dog as they arrived at the headquarters' entrance.

After a nod to the guards, Dog and Fox left the village swiftly and headed toward their mission destination.

"Now, speaking of challenges, can you tell me anything about Itachi's younger brother?" Fox asked, his thoughts lingering on Ino's melancholic expression from the other day.

"Itachi's younger brother, huh?" Dog mused with uncertainty. "I haven't met him personally, but he's a few months older than you and your brother. Can't say he's particularly remarkable in appearance."

"Wait, but I heard he's considered a young genius," Fox inquired, hoping for more insight.

"He's certainly a prodigy compared to most, but when you factor in the likes of you, Itachi, and myself, he doesn't quite measure up," Dog explained with a hint of disdain, considering the exceptional abilities of those he mentioned.

"I see. So, compared to those high standards, he might not stand out that much," Fox said, understanding the perspective.

"Exactly. Anyway, enough about that. Remember to remove your mask before we arrive at the Fire Temple. The Hokage instructed us to do so for this mission," Dog advised with a serious tone.

"Can't we just keep it on and handle the mission covertly?" Fox suggested, curious about their approach.

"This mission requires us not only to guide but also to participate. We'll be disguising ourselves as ordinary visiting Konoha shinobi. And if there's any attack on the Snow Lord's family, we'll be there to protect them," Dog explained, detailing the mission's complexities.

"Understood. So, we're to act as regular shinobi visitors and provide protection if needed," Fox summarized, comprehending the mission's dual nature.

"That's the gist of it. Now, let's pick up the pace. They're likely waiting for us. And remember what I said about the shinobi from the Fire Temple," Dog reminded as they both leaped onto a high tree branch.

"I remember. I'll remain vigilant," Fox affirmed before they resumed their rapid journey, maintaining silence as they headed toward the Fire Temple.

**Back at the village...**


**Park outside Uchiha clan...**

Ino bid farewell to her mother before making her way to the playground to meet up with her friends.

"Ino, you're late again," Sakura chided, her tone expressing annoyance as she eyed Ino's delayed arrival.

"I'm sorry, Sakura. I had to assist my mom at the flower shop for a little while," Ino explained, offering her apology.

"If that's the case, we can't really help it," Sakura conceded, her initial irritation subsiding. However, her attention was soon drawn to something on Ino's head.

"What's got you staring like that?" Ino inquired, surprised by Sakura's suddenly intrigued expression.

"Ino, where did you get that beautiful hairpin?" Sakura asked with excitement, her gaze fixated on the golden accessory.

"Oh, this? It's just..." Ino began, but before she could explain, Sakura reached out and snatched the hairpin from her head.

"Hey, give it back!" Ino protested, swiftly retrieving the hairpin from Sakura's grasp, as if guarding a precious treasure.

"I was just looking," Sakura replied, her tone carrying a mix of annoyance and curiosity.

"What are you looking at with such enthusiasm?" Hinata chimed in, joining the conversation.

"Ino has this gorgeous hairpin! It's so beautiful, where did you get it?" Sakura gushed, her eyes still fixed on the hairpin.

"Oh, this?" Ino said, replacing the hairpin on her head. "It was a gift from a friend."

"A friend, huh?" Sakura teased, a mischievous grin playing on her lips.

Ino, not wanting to reveal too much, quickly changed the subject. "Alright, let's move on. What do you want to do today?"

"Sasuke-kun left with his mother just before you got here," Sakura informed Ino with a touch of sympathy, recognizing Ino's affection for Sasuke.

"I see," Ino responded with a resigned tone, having missed another opportunity to meet Sasuke.

As the girls continued their conversation, Ino's thoughts drifted, and she couldn't help but wonder what Sasuke might be doing at that moment.


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