
Reincarnated as leviathan

A man dies due stupidity of others and reincarnates as a monster " mm.. Where am I?" " WHAT THE HECK IS A leviathan" System: " leviathan:the most ancient, terrible, terrifying, abominable, cold, ruthless, and gluttonous of all monsters some of the bigger ones of the species are capable of swallowing a whole mountain in one chomp. This species is thought to be extinct" Join him on his journey to... Well he has no goal really... Note: I don't own the picture

Fate_go_Player · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
177 Chs

Counter plan


hello everyone I wanted to thank you all for this mile stone

We've been so much together

And I'm glad this novel entertained many people

Originally this was supposed to be a way to pass time during quarantine

I didn't expect people to actually love it

I'll keep doing my best...

Speaking of which is it illegal if I posted this novel on other apps like webnovel, ink.., novel updates or other places?


Sapphire:" and that's why I gathered you all here"

Sapphire just reported the fact that Attila is going to attack the Demon Continent to his Demons.

*cricket cricket*

Sapphire: "why are you all silent"

Pendragon: " my king there is no need to panic Attila is no match for us"

Everyone *Nod*

Just like Ruby said, still I think they should be a little more concerned.

Sapphire: " I still think it's better to have a strategy to face her just incase

For example what if she used Gorilla tactics and tried to gang us on each one of us alone."

Lox: "Good point let's have a strategy for these cases"

Fay/Honey/Emerald: "YAAAAAAY WAAAAAAR"

Lox: "..."

Sapphire: "...."

Fay/Honey/Emerald: "um... I mean BOOOO WAAAAAAR"

Pendragon: " I suggest that we move all the generals and armies to the center and prepare to fight"

Sapphire: "what about the rest of the continent?"

Pendragon: "meh

We can use to cull down the population a little bit

The line at the skewer shop is getting too long"

Sapphire: "...."

Sapphire: "Keep all the generals at their locations

And make sure have three quarters centeral army to be ready to evacuate the citizens in case there arises a need to"

Skadi: " and the quarter left will gaurd the castle?"

Sapphire: "no"

Lox: "No?"

Sapphire: "No the other quarter will be stationed at the Zoo

Protecting our kingdoms most valuable treasure"

Lox: " the plant girls?"

Sapphire: "the mice"

Lox: "....."

Sapphire: "...."

Lox: " umm... My king won't we be underpowered like this?"

Sapphire: " *points at Skadi, Fay, Honey and Emerald*"

*Skadi, Fay, Honey and Emerald playing rock paper scissors to decide who gets to fight Attila*

Lox: "Never mind will be good"

Sapphire: " yep"

Chapter End