
Reincarnated as Lee In Walking Dead Game!

This Story is about a 19 years old boy who died by getting shot because..... Well after his death he goes to hell where is finds...... All Right as first 2 lines you can already decode my message, but those numbskulls who couldn't what i'm trying to say is that read and know about it Synopsis is as follows Lee everett after getting Life Imprisonment for Killing a Senator who slept with his life getting out of the court to get to the jail but died due to heart attack Which wasn't accidental as a devil did a favor for his friend and now this guy is gonna live as a lee everett. He is gonna change his fate of dying and gonna survive till the end. . . . . . I don't Own the Cover Pic for this Novel I don't Own Walking dead series

Asura_7uh · Video Games
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16 Chs

Chapter 5 : Sandra's Mother?


'Huh..?, Gunshot?'

Lee who heard it ran and got towards the main gate 

Surprising this house Is so Identical to the house of Clementine

He went outside from the main gate and found no walkers nearby so he started moving the sound which he heard a moments ago

He expected It to be Sandra's Mother as the house she told him about Is the one where that gunshot he heard from, well at least that's the Information he got because of his Passive Skill [Sensory Enhancement] 

He got to the main gate and found a Walker who was a old man who had clothes of security guard sitting on the corner of the main gate outside

Lee swiftly made his way towards It and stab In Its head Without making much sound

He preferred these lower enthusiastic Walker than those who wants to eat and get to them which Is Normal, Even after having skills he had fear of death, fear to face these Walkers who's appearance stills scares him

He started to Examine him and his pockets to find something useful where he found a Baton which nowhere as good as the one he had so he just put It In Inventory and looked more In his pockets where he found a Key with a key chain of a Gun and it has "Chunk's Firearm's" Written On It He put It In his Inventory 

He felt It weird that this Old man didn't had any weapons on him but have a key to a Gun's shop, But he was happy as well to find a key to the Gun shop

He entered through the gate by deliberately making the sound of gate he entered and closed It and started to find any signs of walkers after a little examination he got towards the main door and started knocking on It 

"Excuse me, Is anyone In there I'm looking for Sandra's Fa"

As soon as he spoke Sandra's name the swing open which made take a step back he found a Women who looked beautiful as she had a little scared and she looked a little on edge, still her face looked mesmerizing with those beautiful eyes and her Blonde hairs, she wore a White shirt and Blue with a radiant of White coloured jeans and White shoes

Even though he found her very attractive he felt like he has seen here somewhere before but couldn't put a finger on It

"Do you just say Sandra?, Where Is she? Is she alright?"

The Women Infront of him started bombarding him with those questions with helpless expression, looking at her anyone could tell that she was on the verge of Crying

He didn't wanted to make It more bad for her so he quickly started telling her about Sandra and Clementine and there whereabouts which made the blonde feel relief and then they walked Inside the house after she Invited him 

"Who are you? and How do you know my Daughter?"

As soon they entered she while closing the started with more questions

"I'm Lee Everett and I used to be her and Clementine's History Teacher In University, I was In a bit of a problems which made got to Clementine's house and that's how I found them"

As this was something needed to cleared out he explained himself, He didn't tell her about his crimes about killing his Unfaithful Ex-Wife's Lover

While he was telling her his tale, He noticed that she was staring right into his eyes like she about to be drown In them which he didn't dismiss he knew that his Vibrant Blue eyes are beautiful

Even so getting stared by a women so attractive he started to blush and looked away which she noticed and because of that she who was blushing from the moment she stared In his eyes got even red as she made this charming man blush just now But she didn't had the guts to speak about so she started responding to his tale.

"Thanks you so much for looking after them I'm so grateful"

She believed his words felt happy about wellbeing of her daughter

"Don't worry It was my choice to look after them, I'm just glad that you were safe all by yourself"

She felt happy to know that he Is a Kind man and she can stick around with this man from this point onwards

"I know that you want to get to your daughter but before that can you tell me where Is 'Chunck's firearm's' I found a walker who was a guard of that place and he had a key to that place, I think we're going to need those Firearm's"

He felt bad about delaying Sandra to meet her mother but he had think about survival first

"Ah-, that old man Is also became one of them guess that explains their Increasing numbers"

She asked with a little guilt which was visible to lee

"When they bite you, you start turning Into one of those and about that old man, I Just stabbed him In the head so you can say he Is free now, Did you know him?"

He felt concerned about her, He knew this world is really cruel and he who has lived In quite a cruel environment himself he knows that having a ear to listen to you makes you feel a little nice so he was ready to lent a ear to her

While that he lied about to turn they need to bite which Is not true since you will comeback as a Walker no matter how you die except If the brain Is Demolished

"I woke up quite late today since Sandra was at Clementine's place when I woke up and opened the window I saw those people eating each other when I tried get to clementine's house that's when some of those things tried to get me but that old man killed them while trying to protect me they got him even In that situation he threw his gun towards me, then I shot those Undead and talked to that old man but he didn't listen to me when I said that he will die and It's not safe, I wanted to get him Inside but then he stopped breathing so I left him there and got Inside to prepare to get to Clementine's House"

She poured all details after knowing his concern, she felt nice after telling someone about all this shit which Is going around here

"Oh-, and that gun shop Is on the edge of Atlanta"

She remembered his help and replied to him

"Oh, that's troublesome, still tell me where It Is I will go there" 

He felt quite scared to know that he has to go to the edge of the Atlanta to get to that shop but still he knows that they are very Important to have so he was ready to go through those obstacles

"Ah-, Don't worry we're also at the edge of Atlanta ourselves It's not far from here"

"Oh then can you take me there"

"Sure~, but wouldn't It be hard since these Walker's are everywhere"

She was happy to guide him but also scared to get eaten, she also wanted to get to her daughter quickly

"Don't worry, I will keep you safe just stay close to me"

Even though he was scared himself and wasn't sure I he really can keep her safe he wanted her to follow him to the shop

He was putting her In danger to get what he wants which made him feel guilty about this, That's when he vowed to himself to keep her safe 

They made their way out the house from backyard and saw so many gruesome scenery, luckily not a single walker saw them and they reached the gun shop

Lee wanted to get guns first but didn't and went to little shop which was right Infront of the gun shop he saw that In this shop there were lots of food 

Lee check through whole shop to see If there Is any danger when he found none he handed her the bag which clementine gave him

"I will go the the gun shop, till then you can stuff as much as food you can In this bag, If you see any danger just shoot It, I will sprint here If that happens alright Mrs.--?"

"Oh-, Yeah sorry I forgot to tell you my name, It's Alexis Fawx"

"Alight Mrs. Fawx I will get back as soon as I can"

"Alright, and please call me Alexis"

"Alight Alexis"

After giving her the task he left to the gun shop, He would've gotten to that little shop later on but he didn't wanted Alexis to know about his skills

While his plan was working well he still didn't know where he heard that name since now the name and appearance both felt familiar to him

(Author note : Our MC didn't had much time In his life to think about going In Incognito Mode so he didn't have much Idea about the actors but he surely did witness It In his college days)

(Well anyway the appearance of Alexis Fawx Is here.)

He opened the glass door of the gun shop and entered it 

He felt shocked that this place wasn't that big and only had weapons like Pistol's and Revolver's but had lot of ammunition 

He didn't waste much time and started to store everything In his Inventory, He can look through his Inventory any time and bring the things which he wanted so he didn't wanted to look through everything one by one

After storing everything he saw an office room he took a pistol out and tried to open the office which was open 

He search through It and when he opened the drawers he found a Silencer for pistol

He knew that Rifle, Machine and Submachine Gun's, Knifes, Daggers, Swords and silencer were Illegal In Atlanta 

'This owner must wanted to get a trip to prison I guess'

He didn't wanted to leave It behind as making a sound Is something not good when that can alarm so many walker's

Since there Is no Government to rule he took It for himself

While walking the floor of office he heard a different voice on one part and the other

Normally he wouldn't notice something like this but his [Sensory Enhancement] helped quite a lot

He used the knife he had and started tear the floor 

It was wooden which shouldn't get cut by a Kitchen as that one but It pierced through that location where he heard a different sound when he opened It up he found a Big Black Bag(BBB)

He anticipated that there must the more weapons as he started to open It


He was about to the bag but before he could he heard a gun sound which was similar and It came from Alexis