
Reincarnated as Jon Snow, but the plots all wrong!

Reincarnation is harsh, and when it's in a universe as harsh as ASOIAF? That info is desperately needed. Sadly, that won't be allowed here! ~_~_~_~_~_~~~ I had this idea at one point, but I am not sure if I acted on it or not. So here I am, with a black eye, a few idea's that may or may not go anywhere and am ready to bullshit my way through ASOIAF just how GRRM does not want us (me) to do!!!!

Duckman · Book&Literature
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3 Chs

Chapter II

Maester Luwin Pov~


285 AC~


The years after Robert's Rebellion were harsh on the north. Due to the increased taxest, bandits rose up, Smallfolk rose against their lords, it was madness for the first year and a half. In fact, Lord Bolton was even killed! His son was thereafter taken in by the Starks, but the Dreadfort was partially destroyed! It seemed like the seven hells had rained down on the North... but then he spoke up.

At first, Lord Ned tossed the child's ideas, but with incentive to at least try by Himself, Ned did as the child instructed, and took out a loan with the Iron Bank, and combed the mountains for precious metals.

And when they came back with news of Iron, Copper, and Silver, Lord Ned began the mining.

At first it was a slow trickle, barely anything came out of the mines, but suddenly they hit a vein so large, some speculated it was larger than the Lannister's gold veins! Iron, Copper, and Silver flooded the North and the North Prospered on selling it through House Manderly. However, with time they began to run out of manpower, which caused another problem. There weren't enough men. However, when the young bastard, Jon Snow came with another idea of using the money to buy and free slaves Lord Eddard didn't wait a second to write to King's Landing to buy and free slaves to bolster their population. It took a few months, but they finally got permission and within a year the North had doubled their population from slaves as far away as Asshai. Slaves came in, with the promise of freedom if they adopted the Old Gods, and many slaves accepted, or they were dropped off at Braavos.

There was even a town full of Yi Ti somewhere at Stony Shore. Perhaps he could convince the boy to join the Maestery? With time things settled down from the mining operations, but Luwin had a feeling that the genius had something else cooking.

Though I could not put my foot down on what it could be.


King Rhaegar Targaryen 3rd POV~

Kings Landing


It had been three years since the end of the so-called 'Robert's Rebellion' and hence Rhaegar sighed. His marriage to Elia was one of love, and since Elia and he met Lyanna, they found something that was worthy to be brought into that love. However life was cruel, and some fool had ruined that tri-way love. He and Elia mourned Lyanna, and the young Jaehaerys, who was stolen away by an assassin.

At first Rhaegar suspected the Martells, however Elia stroke that from his book, as Doran and Oberyn knew of how Elia felt about Lyanna. And so who could it be? The assassin was said to be a Salty Dornish, so the sender of the assassin must have been from the coast of Dorne.

It infuriated Rhaegar, and he spent many years searching Dorne for any who would do her harm, however his search was fruitless.

He was so into his search he nearly forgot about his beloved's birth homeland, The North. Where before It was useless squalor, barely paying the increased taxes it was now the epicenter for Iron, Copper, and Silver. It was such a boost in money for the northerners that they were paying extra on their taxes just to get rid of some of it! And It was all because of Lord Eddard's bastard, Jon Snow.

At first, like many people he dismissed the idea, he was what, four years old? He was barely off the teat! Yet Varys told the same tale as the bards, how how much a genius the boy was, and deep inside Rhaegar he could, for some reason, feel a well of pride. For what reason he could not put his finger on.

Still, the increase in taxes was a major boon, so much so that it brought Rhaegar to the current moment. He and his hand, Tywin Lannister were having a meeting. The sudden burst in funds caused the rebuilding process to speed up, already they had paid off all the debt with the money and paid off all the contractors to rebuild destroyed cities. They had so much money that Summerhall AND even Oldstones were rebuilt, with Summerhall going to Viserys, and Oldstones going to Kevan Lannister. In fact, Westeros has never been stronger it is said, some even whisper it is as strong as the days of Dragons!

Truly, however, Rhaegar thinks it had been weaker. Pirate attacks were kicking up even more, and the less said of bandit's, the better. "Your grace, we must find a way to end the banditry, piracy, and all such other things. Perhaps I can raise my banners to end them? We already know of some fifty throughout the Seven Kingdoms..." His hand, Tywin said. Rhaegar trusted him, as long as his ambition did not get in the way. "Nay, perhaps we should set up a royal army? It has been in burner's of things we should do, It would strengthen the crown and would be a good fostering for many second sons..." Rhaegar suggested. It was the perfect time for him to get one of his goals through. If Tywin agreed, Pycelle would agree, and the rest would be scared shitless into agreeing.

"hmmm... That is something that would take time, but I see agree with. Say 20% of manpower from each region?" Tywin suggested. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, his daughter Rhaenys opened it. The six-year-old girl walked in, not even batting Tywin an eye. Aye, his daughter was already turning into a beauty, was as smart as a master, and if Oberyn was to be believed, was already efficient with a Martell spear! Aye, he was proud of his daughter, and nothing would discount that. "Father." His daughter said, with maturity beyond her age.

"Do you know where Robb is? He said he was going to the training yard, but he isn't there!" his daughter questioned with a puff, he sighed, before sending a pleading look to Lord Tywin, who nodded, chuckling at Rhaegar's situation. "Aye, I understand. Mine own daughter did the same when she didn't know where Jaime was. I am off, Shall we speak more in the small council?" Tywin asked and Rhaegar nodded.

Short, but sweet. Next chapter we get some Jon, Eddard, Catelyn, and Elia.

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