
Reincarnated as issei

Wazzup18 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

In japan, somewhere in the classroom.

There's a young man looking outside of the window,he was bored since there's nothing to do at all.This young man name is Kenzuo he was 15 years old,an ordinary guy.He have black hair, black eyes and normal face.And he's an orphan too,so he needed to find a job to survive.

After the class ended,

Kenzuo stand up and stretch his hands on the air, before he took his bag and get out of the room.

Kenzuo was walking on the side walk,and when he's already infront of the crossing road.

Kenzuo look at the walking traffic light,and when he saw that it was green he started walk.

While he's walking,a noisy horn sound came on his ears.


Kenzuo turn his head and shouted "Truck-kun,is that you?"


Kenzuo flew five meters away,he was still alive.But he knew that it won't last any longer since he can feel his warm blood,and it was sticky.He couldn't feel his arm and legs anymore,he stared at the blue sky and could only just thought. "I couldn't speak anymore,and this Truck-kun didn't made everything easy."

When he thought that,he smiled,since he can feel that his consciousness started to lose.

Minute have passed,and Kenzuo died just like that.

And a miracle happened, Kenzuo opened his eyes widely.

"What the? i'm still alive?" Kenzuo said and a surprise flash on his face."so it's just a dream."as he sighed in relief.

He sat up and look around,and he was surprised to see many p*rn around.

"What is this?i need to throw this...wait,this isn't my room!"Kuragari said in surprise before he stand up and walk towards the bathroom.

And a surprise flash on his face,when he see himself.He have a short spiky brown hair,with two short locks of hairs behind his head,and light brown eyes.

"Am i I-issei Hyoudou?"Kenzuo said while looking at the mirror,and his lips couldn't help but twitch.He could be ichijou raku,or someone was better.But in the end who he was to complain,can even complaining can help him.Maybe not?

Walking back to the room, Kenzuo or Issei closed the door and said "Strange,it seems like my body was familiar around.Well, i'm issei Hyoudou now."

He looked at the wall clock "4:56A:M"

"It's still early in the morning,i need to get some rest before i face my new life."Issei said with his fist clench,after that he walk towards the bed and lay down.

Issei close his eyes and was about to sleep,when a mechanical voice rang on his ears.


[System installation 0%...]

[System installation 100%, installing completed.]A female voice rang on his ears.

"A system!"Issei shouted in his mind, before he got up on the bed excitedly.

"I got my legendary system here,what should i say?"Issei said with a smile before he said in a low voice.


After Issei said that a blue hologram appeared infront of him, there's a number on it.

[F/N: Issei

L/N: Hyoudou

LEVEL:2 /20%needed before leveling up



STAMINA:16 (Normal people 25)


STRENGTH:10 (Normal people 25)

AGILITY:15 (Normal people 25)


INVENTORY:Starter gift pack.]

"I see,i have a starter gift pack like in novel huh?"Issei said curiously.

"System,open the starter gift pack for me."Issei said excitedly.

[Ding!]a female mechanical voice,but for Issei it's like an angel voice.

[Opening a starter gift pack.]

[Host just received, 100 free point stats.]

Issei was shocked "What the?i'm already overpower."he said,he didn't expect that the system was generous to give him such a gift.

[Host,just received a free Lottery ticket.]

[Host just received a traveler key.]

Issei was surprised and asked excitedly "Can i go to another world?"

[Yes,host.You can travel to another world, it's either anime,movies or even manga.]

Issei calm himself down and then asked something "System in what grade am i?"

[Host was a second year student and it still summer.] A female voice said mechanically.

"I see,how many days i have before going to school?"

[6 days from now.]

"Oh,how about the day before the plot?"issei asked before he stand up,and walk towards the bathroom.

He open it and then close,he put down the toilet seat cover and sit down.

[The plot will happen 9 days from now.]

The system said, Issei was surprise,but he shrugged it off and said excitedly.

"System,draw a lottery for me."

[Ding! Does the host want to draw in lottery?]

"Seriously?just draw it."Issei said with understanding,since this system have to say her dialogue accordingly.

[Ding! Host will go on lottery now.]

"Wha-"before can Issei even finished his sentence,he lost his consciousness again.

When he opened his eyes again,he was already somewhere in the dark room,and infront of him was a big spinning wheel.

"Wow! there's many rewards here."Issei said while looking at the big spinning wheel,the rewards he can get was iron man nanomachine and many more in anime,devil fruit,flying magic, flying raijin....

[Ding! We will draw the roulette now.]

The female voice said, before the roulette started to spin at the very fast rate,where even Issei eyes couldn't see the rewards anymore.

Minute have passed,it started to slow to the point that Issei can already see the rewards.

[Ding! Host just received an item.]

[Host just received a cleansing impurity pill.]

"A pill? system,can i asked what kind of effects it have?"Issei asked curiously.

[Item: cleansing impurity pill

It can remove the impurities on your body,and when the impurities was removed.It can give you +15 stats for every attributes you have, permanently.]

"I see, although having some of cool skill was good.But this isn't bad too."Issei said before a blinding light surrounded him again.

And when he open his eyes he was already in the bathroom,he look at himself who have an average face and white skin.It seems that the past Issei wasn't going out often,so he have a white skin.

While looking at the mirror,he suddenly realized something and asked the system.

"System,what happened to the past Issei?"

[Ding! Issei died on nightmare.]

"Pfft-hahaha he died in nightmare? system,are you kidding me?"Issei asked while making a small laugh.

But the system didn't answer,Issei didn't laugh anymore and just make a small smile.

"System,can you give me the pill."he said excitedly.

[Host can just use his imagination,to get the certain item he wants from inventory and .]

"Ok,then i'll try it."Issei before he closed his eyes and imagine a blue pill.

He felt something on his right pocket, Issei put his hands on the pocket and took something.

"It works!"Issei said excitedly,while looking at the blue pill,now all he needed to do,is to go in the kitchen and get a glass of water.

After he get a glass of water, Issei was still holding the glass of water.He took the pill and consume it after that he drink the water,and nothing happened.

30 minutes have passed,

"What happened?why am i cover in sweat?"Issei asked while looking at his arm, who's full of sweat.

"What's that bad smell?"Issei said before he covered his nose.

He tried to sniffed his body,and it seems that the bad smell was coming from his body.

"I smell so bad,i need to take a shower."Issei said before he walk towards the shower.


A dripping sound of the water can be heard near in the bathroom,While Issei was taking a bath.He can felt that he started to lose hair,he look down and can see many strands of hair.

"Did i take a wrong pill?is that a Saitama hair loss effect?"Issei said as he run towards the mirror.And he can see himself...




Handsome,he only loss his two short locks hair behind of his head.(he looks like on the cover.)

"Phew."Issei sigh in relief,he look at his handsome face and then smile making him more dazzling.

"It seems that i have a secret weapon."Issei said before he continued to take a bath, since he didn't even lose all of his hair.

After taking a bath,

Issei opened the door while covering his crotch and the run, fastly,since he forgot to bring his towel before taking a bath.

While running he caught a glimpse of someone,she have brown hair,white skin and cute face.

The girl eyes was half open, Issei took this situation and run towards his room so fast.

After that he closed the door silently,the girl with brown hair rub her eyes and said "Is it only my imagination or someone run towards nii-chan room."

She look at the close door, before she shrugged her shoulder and walk inside of the bathroom.
