
Reincarnated as Fugaku Uchiha

Uchiha Fugaku looked at his son, Uchiha Itachi, and said "Uchiha is the first clan in Konoha, and it can take power without a coup"

OMNIsnysei · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

Unperturbed, Fugaku intensified the genjutsu, his three-tomoe Sharingan spinning with a hypnotic fervor. "Sunagakure is led by Honorable Elder Ebizo. The exact number of shinobi dispatched, and their specific missions, are known only to the commander and the executives," the jonin reluctantly divulged. Frowning, Fugaku realized his captor's information offered little value. The caution exercised by Sunagakure was evident, with even their jonin operatives kept in the dark regarding vital details. His frustration mounting, Fugaku decided to alter his approach. "Based on your observations upon entering the land of rain, document the number of shinobi infiltrating, the supply routes between Suna and Ame, as well as the locations of supply depots and forward bases within the land of rain. Capture all of this information on this scroll," Fugaku instructed, handing his captive a blank scroll. His piercing gaze locked onto the jonin's eyes, his Sharingan maintaining a relentless onslaught of genjutsu. The disruption of supply routes and depots constituted Fugaku's primary mission objective, as it would inflict substantial harm upon Sunagakure's war efforts, resulting in weapon and supply shortages on the battlefield. Tracking the general movements of Suna within Ame had proven relatively manageable for Konoha's intelligence network. With each line inscribed on the scroll, Fugaku could sense the jonin's resistance, evident in sporadic pauses and hesitant hand movements, as he desperately fought against the constraints of the genjutsu. In a blur of darkness, a lethal kunai found its mark, piercing the Jonin's heart with precision. Fugaku's body pulsed with a surge of spiritual energy, his yin chakra igniting like an inferno. As the jonin's life ebbed away, the weight of fatigue that had burdened Fugaku from his tireless use of the Sharingan began to lift, rejuvenating his senses.

With the mission accomplished, he knew it was time to make his retreat. Effortlessly hoisting the lifeless body, he swiftly navigated the treacherous terrain, veiling their existence within the depths of a concealed cave. Calculating his next move, a wicked smile danced across Fugaku's lips as he devised a sinister plan. Crafting a trap of utmost malevolence, he affixed an explosive tag beneath the lifeless Jonin, a harbinger of the doom awaiting anyone foolish enough to disturb the corpse. This morbid surprise ensured that those who dared to lay hands on the fallen shinobi would meet an untimely demise, a one-way ticket to the realm beyond.

The stage was set, the ominous trap laid in wait, a haunting invitation to the afterlife. As Fugaku disappeared into the shadows, his presence concealed, he relished in the thrill of his malevolent creation, knowing that chaos and terror would soon befall any who dared disturb the fallen.

As the rain intensified, casting a somber shroud over the land, Fugaku couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as he left behind the treacherous terrain of the land of rain. The downpour served as a fitting backdrop for his departure, mirroring the weight lifted from his shoulders. Lightning crackled ominously overhead, illuminating his figure as he vanished in an instant, leaving the desolate country behind. Four arduous days later, he finally arrived back in Konoha, only to be greeted by an atmosphere of unease. Uchiha clan members seemed to be present everywhere, a telltale sign that something was amiss. In a flash, an Uchiha clansman materialized before him—it was Kon, an esteemed member of the police force and a skilled shinobi with a three-tomoe sharingan. "What's going on, Kon?" Fugaku inquired, his curiosity piqued. Kon leaned in closer, his voice hushed. "Congratulations on your promotion to jonin. Last night, a senior Konoha elder was assassinated. The Police Force has enacted martial law throughout the village to apprehend the murderer." Fugaku's brow furrowed as he absorbed the shocking news. "Which elder was killed?" he asked, seeking further details. "Elder Yamada. The Hokage and his council suspect the involvement of either Suna or Iwa," Kon divulged. However, Fugaku harbored doubts. It seemed implausible that the leaders of Suna or Iwa would risk such a brazen act of assassination, especially given the delicate state of affairs in the shinobi world. Perhaps it was a meticulously planned scheme orchestrated by Danzo, with the Third Hokage deliberately turning a blind eye. The demise of an elder would inevitably consolidate power within the village, potentially affording Root greater autonomy. Additionally, the ongoing situation in the land of rain further complicated matters. "The assassin likely escaped Konoha long before martial law was imposed. It seems redundant to enforce such measures at this point," Fugaku asserted, his voice tinged with skepticism. "We are aware of that," Kon acknowledged. "The police chief has analyzed the situation and arrived at the same conclusion. However, the higher-ups are exerting continuous pressure on the Uchiha. We can do little except conduct martial law searches to maintain appearances." Fugaku's expression darkened, recognizing the underlying motives to further isolate and marginalize the Uchiha within the village. "Kon, continue with the searches," Fugaku instructed. "But be mindful of how you interact with the villagers. I will proceed to the Hokage Tower to report in." Kon nodded, a smile playing on his lips. "I wish you an early promotion celebration. Don't forget to invite guests to your festivities," he quipped. Returning the nod, Fugaku waved his hand in farewell before swiftly employing the shunshin technique, hurtling towards the Hokage residence.

As darkness enveloped the Uchiha district, Fugaku immersed himself in a much-needed bath, washing away the physical and mental remnants of his mission. Rejuvenated, he retired to his quarters, allowing sleep to claim him until the cover of night. Emerging from his slumber, he found his father, once again, presiding over a gathering of Uchiha members in the living room. Stepping forward, he greeted the assembled individuals, receiving a nod of acknowledgment from his father. "You're back. Await the Hokage's review of the mission, and upon its completion, you will be promoted to jonin. You may stay and listen to today's meeting," his father informed him. "Yes, Otosan," Fugaku replied dutifully. The room buzzed with congratulatory remarks as a senior Uchiha member exclaimed, "Tenjo-sama, Fugaku is only thirteen years old and has already achieved the rank of jonin!" Others joined in with their good wishes, their words and praises washing over Fugaku without swaying his focus. Though he held certain Uchiha executives in high regard, he couldn't ignore the role their ego, pride, and arrogance had played in leading the clan down a destructive path. The discussion soon turned to the assassination, with each Uchiha member sharing their theories. "Uchiha-sama, I believe this assassination was most likely orchestrated by the country of Wind. Sandaime Kazekage has been steadily rising in power, aiming to consolidate his authority. The harsh climate of Suna makes it an attractive target, and he may seek to provoke a war and claim our fertile lands," proposed one Uchiha executive. Another member countered, "It could also be the machinations of the land of Stone, aiming to sow suspicion between Wind and ourselves. They would seize the opportunity to weaken both great powers." A different perspective was offered by another Uchiha member, who suggested, "Is it not plausible that the land of Rain is responsible? With Suna and Iwa locked in battle within their own country, the pressure on Amegakure to fend off two great nations is immense. They could have seized this opportunity to provoke Konoha, falsely implicating Suna and Iwa and inciting a war between three great villages, all while they sit back and reap the benefits." The debate raged on, with various Uchiha members offering their insights, yet no definitive conclusion was reached by the end of the meeting. The uncertainty that loomed over Konoha cast a pall of tension, leaving Fugaku acutely aware that the true orchestrators of these events remained shrouded in darkness.