
Reincarnated as Fugaku Uchiha

Uchiha Fugaku looked at his son, Uchiha Itachi, and said "Uchiha is the first clan in Konoha, and it can take power without a coup"

OMNIsnysei · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3

The Hokage smiled slightly and replied, "You are too modest, Fugaku. As the youngest Uchiha to awaken and mature the Sharingan, I hold high expectations for your potential. I hope you will not limit yourself to the confines of your clan and family, but instead, consider yourself a trailblazer for Konoha's new generation. The future ultimately belongs to young and budding leaves like yourself. Choose your path wisely." "Yes, Hokage-sama, I will give it serious consideration," Fugaku responded, his voice filled with determination. However, deep within, he harbored doubts about placing his complete trust in the Hokage. The growing rift between the Uchiha and Konoha would only widen, especially after the Kyuubi attacks the village. The higher-ups would suspect the Uchiha of controlling the Nine-Tailed Fox, leading to the deaths of the Yondaime Hokage and his wife, as well as massive losses within the village. The Uchiha would be relocated to the outskirts, and the more radical figures like Danzo would plot against them. Although suspicions lingered, they had not yet reached a boiling point. Retrieving a mission scroll from his desk, the Hokage handed it to Fugaku, announcing, "This is your promotion mission." Unrolling the scroll, Fugaku's eyes scanned its contents, realizing that it involved preparations for the looming possibility of another Ninja war. Sunagakure and Iwagakure had already dispatched numerous shinobi divisions to the Land of Rain and neighboring nations. Konoha could not idly stand by as their rivals seized control. Skirmishes had already erupted within the Land of Rain. With the Sharingan's hypnotic and perceptual abilities, gathering intelligence would prove relatively easy for Uchiha members. The weight of the mission settled upon Fugaku's shoulders as he prepared to embark on this crucial assignment.

Swiftly, our protagonist, with the Sharingan ablaze, leaped from tree to tree, hastening towards the Land of Rain. Three arduous days had passed before he reached the border that separated the Land of Rain from the Fire Country. Amegakure no Sato, situated amidst the three great villages, had become a grim battleground, ravaging the entire nation and transforming its people into war-torn refugees harboring deep resentment towards the five great powers. Under the cover of darkness, he patiently awaited his opportunity to infiltrate the country. Traveling during the day was perilous, as elite shinobi from various factions tirelessly patrolled the land. Only in the shroud of the night did he feel relatively safe, concealed from prying eyes. Every step required utmost caution, for he was well aware that a platoon of enemy shinobi on a reconnaissance mission could easily overwhelm him within enemy territory. Activating his Sharingan, its three tomoe spun hypnotically, enhancing his visual prowess as he sought clues left behind by passing shinobi upon mountains and rocks. Yet, in such proximity to the Konoha border, discerning whether these traces belonged to the enemy or friendly forces proved challenging. Undeterred, he pressed on, covertly traversing the treacherous terrain, seeking refuge in forests and caves during the day, and advancing further into the Land of Rain under the protective cloak of night. At dusk on the second day, fortune smiled upon him as he stumbled upon the tracks of a standard shinobi team. Shadows flickered before him, prompting him to reduce his chakra presence and stealthily trail their movements. They were a patrol unit of Ame shinobi, three figures donning the customary attire of Amegakure, their faces concealed by rebreathers. Gradually, they slowed their pace, providing an opening for our protagonist to strike. With swift employment of the Shunshin, the Body Flicker technique, he vanished from his previous position, reappearing soundlessly behind a large rock further along the path. Eagerly anticipating a chance to interrogate and extract vital information from the Ame shinobi, he hunkered down, biding his time. The sound of footsteps drew nearer and nearer, each beat resounding in his ears. His mind focused, he extended his senses, reaching out for three kunai firmly clenched between his fingers, poised for action. This would mark his first battle in this new world, and he understood the need for swift and precise strikes. Engrossed in their conversation, the approaching shinobi were oblivious to the lurking danger. Judging from the chakra signatures, our protagonist deduced that this was a chunin-led squad, consisting of two genin. To secure victory swiftly and evade a potential onslaught, he knew the first strike must be decisive. Anticipation electrified the air as the footsteps neared, his mind already playing out the battle scenario in meticulous detail.

"The nations of Wind, Earth, and Fire show no regard for the sovereignty of the Land of Rain," one of the shinobi lamented, his voice filled with frustration. "These behemoth countries care nothing for the lives of our citizens," another added, his anger palpable. Though our protagonist had little sympathy for their plight, he understood their helplessness, for without sufficient power and strength, they could do nothing but voice their grievances. The chunin, having already witnessed the cruelty of the shinobi world, merely shook his head in silent acknowledgment, refraining from engaging in their conversation. Seizing the opportune moment, he materialized before them in a flash, two kunai piercing the throats of the genin. The chunin, reacting swiftly, raised his arms, narrowly deflecting a kunai that lodged into his right arm. Before the chunin could retaliate, he ensnared him within the captivating illusion of his Sharingan. As the lifeless bodies of the fallen genin crumpled to the ground, lines of text materialized within his mind, their meaning eluding him. An influx of chakra surged into his Sharingan, washing away the accumulated fatigue from utilizing the doujutsu continuously for two days. His eyes grew stronger, and his perception sharpened. Bewildered by this phenomenon, he had no time to unravel its mysteries. Striking the chunin's neck with a swift chop, he rendered him unconscious, hoisting the limp body over his shoulders. Employing another shunshin, he swiftly vanished from the scene. With the patrol failing to report back, it would not be long before Ame shinobi launched an investigation, discovering the deceased genin. However, our protagonist remained confident in his ability to elude pursuit, consistently suppressing his chakra presence. Only skilled sensors stood a chance at tracking him, but thus far, he had refrained from employing jutsu that would leave traces of his chakra behind, enabling detection. As an added precaution, he created two shadow clones, dispersing them in opposite directions to confound any potential trackers. Utilizing a series of shunshin and accelerated sprints, he arrived at a previously arranged cave, meticulously secured and concealed with traps, featuring an evacuation tunnel at its far end for emergencies. Igniting a bonfire, he illuminated the cavern. The Ame chunin, firmly bound by ninja wire, remained captive, his escape utterly impossible. As our protagonist dispatched the genin, he sensed an unfamiliar energy surging into his being, bolstering his chakra and fortifying his Sharingan. Yet, he was left with mere conjectures and theories, yearning to conduct further experiments to unravel the enigma. However, before he could delve deeper into his musings, the Ame chunin's feet twitched, signaling his awakening. Though feigning slumber, the captive surely plotted his escape. Without hesitation, our protagonist seized the chunin's neck, his grip tightening, causing the chunin's eyes to flutter open, meeting the penetrating gaze of the scarlet Sharingan. Absolute terror seized the chunin, his resistance crumbling under the combination of the genjutsu's influence and the asphyxiation brought upon by Fugaku's vice-like grip. The chunin's eyes dulled, devoid of any emotion, ensnared by the Sharingan's captivating power. "Tell me about the activities of Suna shinobi in the Land of Rain," Fugaku demanded, his voice firm. "According to our intelligence, most of the Suna shinobi have been sighted near our borders, engaging in battles against Iwa shinobi," the chunin responded, his voice tinged with resignation. "Our elite Jonin units have been tasked with hunting down the invaders throughout the Land of Rain. Konoha has mobilized forces on our side of the border." Fugaku sighed, disappointment clouding his expression. The information gleaned offered no novelty, merely confirming the reports previously acquired by Konoha's intelligence.

With the second great shinobi war already raging, Fugaku tightened his grip on the chunin's neck, snapping it in an instant. Once again, he felt the surge of foreign energy coursing through the lifeless body, infusing his being and fortifying his Sharingan. A revelation struck him, validating his theories. "So this is the unexpected ability I hypothesized," he murmured, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and satisfaction.