
Reincarnated as Fugaku Uchiha

Uchiha Fugaku looked at his son, Uchiha Itachi, and said "Uchiha is the first clan in Konoha, and it can take power without a coup"

OMNIsnysei · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

Ogeto Maisha sat on the edge of his seat, captivated by the intense scene playing out on his laptop screen. It was the tragic demise of Uchiha Fugaku, the esteemed patriarch of the once-mighty Uchiha clan. The weight of the moment hung heavy in the air, and Ogeto couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion coursing through him.

As the anime unfolded, he couldn't shake the sense of disbelief that washed over him each time he witnessed Fugaku's tragic fate. This was a clan that had once stood side by side with the Senju clan, the very founders of Konoha, shaping the entire shinobi world. And now, it was all crumbling away, shattered by the hands of their kin.

In the depths of his heart, Ogeto lamented the fall of the Uchiha clan. They were the bearers of the legendary Sharingan, an awe-inspiring doujutsu that struck fear into the hearts of their enemies. It was a legacy rooted in the lineage of the Sage of Six Paths himself. Yet, they had been brought to their knees, facing near-extinction under the weight of their internal strife. It was a disgraceful end to a once-proud lineage.

His thoughts swirled like the tempest, anger, and disappointment brewing within him. Fugaku, for all his qualities as a father, had failed as the clan's patriarch. He should have safeguarded their history, their reputation, and their future. Instead, he allowed their downfall to unfold, extinguishing the flames of their legacy with his own bloodstained hands.

Ogeto shook his head, trying to clear his mind from the whirlwind of thoughts. He closed his laptop, leaving the fate of the Uchiha clan behind on the screen. Outside, the sky mirrored his somber mood, with dark clouds looming above, and a chilling wind brushing against his face. It was as if nature itself mourned the clan's tragic demise.

Seeking solace, he gazed out of the open window, letting the cool breeze wash over him. Gradually, a sense of calm settled within his heart, quelling the storm of emotions that raged within. He knew dwelling on the past wouldn't change anything, but perhaps there was something he could learn from the Uchiha's downfall.

Deciding it was time to rest, Ogeto took a soothing shower to wash away the weight of the day. He slipped into bed, hoping that sleep would offer respite from his tumultuous thoughts. However, his slumber was abruptly interrupted as he jolted awake in the middle of the night.

The room was shrouded in darkness, and Ogeto's body refused to obey his commands. Panic surged within him as he realized he was trapped, unable to move or escape this terrifying predicament. It was as if an invisible force held him captive, suffocating his consciousness in a relentless grip.

Desperation consumed him as he fought against the paralysis, his mind swirling with confusion and fear. He strained to open his heavy eyelids, only to be greeted by suffocating darkness that threatened to engulf him. Chaos and madness whispered in the shadows, pushing him toward the edge of sanity.

Summoning every ounce of willpower, Ogeto attempted to muster his strength and break free from this nightmarish ordeal. But the struggle intensified as searing pain pierced through his skull, a relentless assault that seemed to merge two opposing forces within his mind.

Agony coursed through his veins, drenching his body in a cold sweat. The images that flooded his consciousness were a whirlwind of disjointed fragments, racing at a frenetic pace. It was as if he was witnessing his entire life flash before his eyes, a fast-forwarded montage of moments that left him bewildered and terrified.

Amid this mind-bending torment, Ogeto fought to retain his sanity. The pain, the confusion, and the fleeting images threatened to consume him entirely. But he clung to a sliver of hope, desperately yearning to make sense of the chaos unfolding within his mind.

With every fiber of his being, he focused on these blurry visions, straining to decipher their meaning. Yet, like phantoms slipping through his grasp, they remained elusive, refusing to reveal their secrets. It was a maddening dance with his existence, an existential crisis that pushed him to the brink.

Time seemed to stretch and distort as Ogeto grappled with his inner demons. The fear of death loomed large, casting its dark shadow over his trembling form. And as he struggled on the precipice of his consciousness, he vowed to emerge from this torment stronger, with a newfound resolve to unravel the mysteries that plagued him.

In the depths of that restless night, Ogeto Maisha battled against the encroaching darkness, determined to uncover the truth buried within the chaos. His journey had only just begun, and the trials he faced would shape him into a force to be reckoned with. With unwavering determination, he plunged deeper into the abyss, ready to face whatever awaited him on the other side.

As Ogeto Maisha's consciousness slipped into the embrace of sleep, he surrendered to its comforting darkness. Little did he know that his slumber would transport him to a realm beyond his wildest imagination. His mind, adrift in the realm of dreams, was unaware of the profound changes that had taken place.

With the first light of a new day, the chirping of birds gently roused him from his peaceful slumber. As his eyes fluttered open, he found himself in a room with a stark white ceiling, illuminated by a single, bare light bulb. The minimalist Japanese design captivated his senses, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of unfamiliarity in his surroundings.

A heaviness weighed upon his body as if the remnants of his previous ordeal clung to him still. He raised his hands and observed them, noticing the youthfulness and vitality they possessed. It was a stark contrast to the worn and weathered hands he had known for so long. The sensation was disorienting, causing a surge of dizziness and pain to course through his head.

Clutching his aching temples, he sought solace in the discomfort. As he shook his head, memories flooded his mind, memories that did not belong to him. They belonged to Uchiha Fugaku, a prominent figure within the Uchiha clan, son of the esteemed clan head Uchiha Tenjo, and the captain of the Konoha Military Police Force.

Amidst his bewilderment, a chuckle escaped Ogeto's lips. The absurdity of the situation dawned on him. Who could have anticipated that after witnessing Fugaku's tragic demise, he would be thrust into this extraordinary experience, transcending the boundaries of fiction and reality? It was a twist of fate that could only be found in the realms of fanfiction.

The Uchiha clan had long been marginalized within Konoha, and their power diminished since the establishment of the Konoha Military Police Force by the Second Hokage. Many Uchiha clan members had grown complacent, unaware that their isolation was rooted in a misplaced fear harbored by the village's higher-ups, fueled by the betrayal of their legendary ancestor, Uchiha Madara.

Though he embodied the thirteen-year-old Fugaku, Ogeto felt a surge of determination within him. As the new vessel for Fugaku's consciousness, he vowed to guide the Uchiha clan away from the path of annihilation that had seemed inevitable.

Sorting through the intricate tapestry of Fugaku's memories, he discovered hidden depths of influence. Despite his young age, being the son of the current clan head granted him access to confidential information. It was a delicate thread that connected him to the inner workings of the clan and Konoha itself.

From these revelations, he discerned that the fragile peace in the shinobi world was but an illusion. The aftermath of the first shinobi world war had left every hidden village in disarray, striving to rebuild their strength. Yet, beneath the surface, the currents of unrest surged, foreshadowing an imminent storm of conflict.

Elite shinobi from all corners of the ninja world were engaged in clandestine activities, probing for intelligence and orchestrating assassinations. It was a game of shadows, a dangerous dance with consequences that would shape the destiny of nations.

As Ogeto embraced his newfound role as Uchiha Fugaku, he understood the weight of responsibility that rested upon his young shoulders. Guided by his accumulated wisdom and the knowledge he possessed, he vowed to navigate the treacherous waters of impending war, determined to safeguard his clan's future and defy the grim fate that had befallen them.

With unwavering resolve, Ogeto Maisha, now Uchiha Fugaku, embarked on a perilous journey, a leader poised to steer his clan away from the precipice of destruction. The stage was set, and the fates of nations hung in the balance, as the shadow of war loomed ever closer.

With the weight of knowledge and responsibility upon his young shoulders, Uchiha Fugaku, reborn in the vessel of Ogeto Maisha, immersed himself in the intricate web of Konoha's secrets. Recent arrests of spies had exposed the presence of foreign agents masquerading as ordinary citizens within the village. The assassination of key military figures had sown chaos and uncertainty, signaling the looming storm of the next ninja war.

Aware of these dire circumstances, Fugaku, as the son of the Police Captain and clan head, possessed a wealth of information inaccessible to the common villagers. The top brass of Konoha, though harboring a deep-rooted mistrust of the Uchiha, had not yet reached a tipping point. For over two decades, the Uchiha-led Konoha Police Force had earned respect and acclaim for maintaining peace and stability, especially during the turbulent first shinobi war. The clan's pride swelled with each achievement, solidifying their resolve to rise once more.

Fugaku's eyes narrowed as he stepped out into the morning sun, its warm rays caressing his still-tender face. Like the rising sun itself, he would grow to illuminate the entire shinobi world, his brilliance outshining any doubts or reservations that lingered. The cool water splashing against his face cleared the fog in his mind, sharpening his focus. Donning his training gear, he meticulously checked his arsenal of kunai, shuriken, and ninja wire, ensuring he was prepared for any challenge.

The pouches containing his tools hung securely from his lower back as he ventured beyond the boundaries of his family's courtyard, following the stone road that wound through the Uchiha compound and into the heart of the village. The architecture of the surrounding households, bustling with Uchiha members, resembled a village within a village—a testament to their close-knit community.