
On the land where all it all began

-Near Great Forest of Jura, Orcish Kingdom of Orbic

"This is tragic... I am sad."

A knight said with a poetic rhythm while looking in the direction where the army of Clayman was marching and to his side was a Kijin whose name was Benimaru, a Commanding Officer of the Alliance of Army between Artoria and Rimuru thanks to his Unique skill: Generalissimo that avails to grasp and command the very army itself.

"Sir Tristan. There's no need to pity our enemies..."

Benimaru amusedly said to his temporary assistant, whose talent to grasp everything in this war was only second to him, maybe due to him being an archer servant when he was summoned while still retaining its skill when he came into this world.

"No, I do not pity them... It's just a shame that many lives would disappear because of their negligence and weaknesses."

Tristan said cruelly, making Benimaru puzzled by his behavior. Then there's another Knight whose whistling due to boredom as she lies on a rock together with Clarent on her side.

"Hey! Red Guy! When will we massacre them?"

"Well... we're not going to massacre them... did you not hear our strategy at the last meeting a while later?"

"No! I'm sleeping at that meeting... I leave those kinds of things to Father or Agravain. I only want some action!"

Benimaru could help but become speechless due to the attitude of Mordred, similar to Gobuta, who sleeps at an important meeting. At the same time, the person itself stretches her body that emphasizes her small chest, but due to her dress. It leaves one imagination to run wild.

"Then, I'm going to do something! See you later!"

"Oi... where are you going, Sir Mordred?"

Benimaru said with surprise, but Mordred had already disappeared, going in the direction where the subordinate of Milim's on the backline of the enemy was supposed to be.

"Don't bother by it, Benimaru-dono... her instinct to find troublesome enemies has always been right. Using my ability, I already scout a much more troublesome enemy than Yamza, and she's heading in that direction.

Tristan said while he lent his eyes on Benimaru by using his Unique Skill and Unique Skill of Benimaru, making Benimaru see a Dragonewt with unbelievable strength and magicules.

"I see, then looks like we need to start our operation... Geld, begin it!"

"Understood! Operation Start!"


Benimaru communicated to the Orc, whose name was Geld, while the individual name Geld whose waiting for the ambush, nodded his head to his comrade as they started appearing. At the same time, they started raising their foot as magicules started to gather beneath them and stomp on the land itself, making the countless soldier of Clayman whose marching fall on the Pitfall.


"What the hell is happening!? GAH!"

"You! Ack-"

Countless miserable voices could be heard on the battlefield. At the same time, Gabil and his comrades appeared and started stabbing those who could fly on the Pitfall, making the situation become hell as one-sided genocide was happening inside it.

"Don't let a single man escape!"

"Yeah, we know!"


"Gabil-sama, so cool! Wha!? Hey, watch it!"

Gabil uses his signature skill as he hauls all his enemies to the sides, making his comrade look at him with admiration while the individual who admire him avoided his enemy's surprise attack.



-Inside the Great Forest of Jura, ????

"I didn't expect it to be this one-sided..."

Albis said with a serious countenance as she look at the battlefield afar while waiting for the clowns who was making their way out to leave the battlefield.

"This is your last stop, clowns!!!"

Phobio, who could no longer wait, decided to say as he approached the clowns.

"Looks like we have a accompany, Tear, Hoho~."

A clown with an angry mask said while the Three Beastketeers appeared to their sides and surrounded them, making the two clowns puzzled as if they knew they would escape when things went wrong.

"Geh! Footman! It looks like they plan this!?"

Tear said as she pretended to panic, making the Three Beastketeers twitch in her antics.

"Hoho~ well, even if they are three of them, it would still be impossible for them to stop us from escaping~."

"True~ Yahooo~ Phobio-dono! a wannabe Demon Lord, did you miss us that badly?"

Phobio, whose been listening to their antics, became angry as he started showing his claws.

"Oi. Phobio, don't let them provoke you! Until Benimaru-dono finishes his job, we will stall a time until they reinforce us."

"Tch, I know! Sofia!"

Phobio said as the Three Beastketeers started their battle with the clowns, whose strength was still unfathomable.

"I am sad... truly is..."

A melodies of harp could be heard nearby while the footstep of another person resounded around them, making Tear and Footman become agitated due to bad intuition they detected from that person itself.


"Footman dodge!!!"

Tears said as the melodies of harp echoed around them, making invincible arrow fire in their direction as sharp as Wind of Spirit, making Tear and Footman have a chill on their spine as they started to panic this time.



(This is a Knight of the Round... they are scary)

Phobio thought while looking in the direction where Tristan appeared, making even Sofia, whose good at detecting someone, become surprised.

"It would be easy if you just received it... it's such a shame... well, this time, let me put you guys on eternal rest..."

Tristan said as he started putting his hand on the harp again while the Three Beastketeers started taking advantage of Tristan make and began attacking the clowns.

"Footman! RUUUUNNNN~."

"Hoho~ I have a feeling that we're going to run away across the whole Great forest of Jura~."


Tear said as they started running away from their pursuers, making a nightmare marathon that would leave a trauma for Tear and Footman in the coming future.



-Spirit World, ???

"Heh... looks like that Artoria of this world become a Divine Spirit on our original world... A world subjected to theoretical pruning phenomenon, then she somehow come here and managed to summon us using her legacies to become a Queen Spirit... What a joke... even in this world, you are still an eyesore as ever."

A woman resembling Artoria said while she looked at her Spirit subordinates who submitted to her while the others just trembled in fear as they could feel their Queen's annoyance.

"Is this a parallel world? No... a different world... but much more abundant mana and authority to command the law of the universe itself as long as you have authority..."

"Well, looks like I need to gather my old subordinate... Hey, you... lead me to their place!"


A spirit said with enthusiasm as she brought her hand to her forehead in military style.

"Hmmm... I hope this dream will be a good one."

The woman said as she looked at the distant sky painted with mosaic color, indicating the changes Artoria brought to the Spirit World.

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