
Reincarnated as Emiya in Fate/kaleid [DROPPED]

Some guy was murdered by a truck just to wake up in a white room with just a desk before him. He realise that he have no memory of his life but still have all anime knowledge. ROB spinned the wheel to decide to which world he is gonna reincarnate and it landed on Fate franchise. After a long thought process our protagonist decided to choose Fate/kaleid as his new home and Emiya's powers as his gift only to be reminded that cooking with Emiya was an option. In the new world he trains his powers to be ready for all the danger that will come his way but instead of that he is the one who charges right at them. He is also antagonized by his murder from the previous life which is of course the Truck that killed him. This is my first novel and english is not my first language so don't expect masterpiece.

kurit_kun · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Troubles at school 3

(Shirou's pov)

We walked into the secret room inside the principal office. That room looked like a war room with a long board and a map of the school with a few chess pieces standing on top of it.

At the end of the long board the principal was sitting together with two other people on both of his sides. They are probably representative of boobs and thighs faction respectively. The representative of ass faction was of course the principal.

The moment he noticed us his mood improved a lot.

Principal: "Glad to see you... SAFE."

Shirou: "Good to see you normal as well, principal."

I noticed a lot of 'cultured' pictures on the board. Seeing this Rin gave disgusted look everyone in the room. This made everyone in the room avoid her gaze. The only one who didn't do that was the principal. On the other hand Truck-chan was... being Truck-chan.

Principal: "It looks like we have unexpected... GUESTS."

??? 1: "Maybe we should explain what's happening here before she kills us with her stare."

??? 3: "Let me explain then. Our information network found out that wheel lovers can be converted back with strong emotions. With a lot of testing we discovered that for boys that emotion is lust. For girls unfortunately we do not know how to turn them back since most of us didn't even touch a girl in our life. The only known expectation is the principal since he is married and..."

He looked at at me with menacing look. I his stare with sincere smile and a wave of my hand. It annoyed him a lot which made me happy. I think Truck-chan influences me more than I think.

Shirou: "Ok so turning them back is fine and all but what's the plan for ROB? He can turn them faster into wheel lovers than we can turn them back."

??? 3: "What are you suggesting then?"

Shirou: "It's all ROB-sensei's fault so we should find him and... convince him."

I got on the board.

Shirou: "We all here have things we love, be it ass, boobs, thighs or anything else but ROB try to to take away our love. Do we let him do it!!? I say not this. I don't want to lose my love for thighs who is with me!!?"

I raised my fist up in the air and all listening to my speech did the same.

Shirou: "Now that we are unified we need a plan. I'm going to be honest with all of you, most of you will be sacrificed for the greater good but we'll do everything in our power to turn you back. We have a lot of soldiers on our side but their numbers are probably even bigger so even this plan is risky but I have faith in every single of you, especially you thighs lovers."

The last part I said ao no one would be able to hear me.

Shirou: "ROB-sensei is probably in the room with mahogany board and for now the only room that has it is faculty office. This room is our target. I need elites to go with me there while the rest is scatter around the school making as much chaos as possible to draw attention. It will allow my group to infiltrate the room.

We will win! We will survive! We will not become wheel lovers. For asses, for boobs, for thighs! For the comrades that we lost, for the comrades we will gain, for our LOVE!!!


(Rin's pov)

While the boys had their moment I started talking with Toyota-san.

Rin: "Hey Toyota-san, you seem to know Emiya-kun well even though you just transferred here."

Truck-chan: "Well you could say that I know him better than he knows himself."

At these words she giggled a little and looked as if it was a little amusing.

Truck-chan: "If you are so curious I can tell you..."

I started to listen more closely. Even if it's just a dream I could gain new perspective from this talk.

Truck-chan: "I just run into him one day. It was an event out of this world..."

As she said it she held her hand on her mouth to stop herself from laughing. I don't know what she finds so funny so I just let her be.

Truck-chan: "Wait wait wait. I'm sorry, I just couldn't stop myslef. Ignoring that though I have a question for you. You are Shirou's girlfriend, right?"

I nodded shyly.

Truck-chan: "So why are you still calling Emiya-kun, just call him Shirou."

Rin: "B-but..."

Truck-chan: "No buts, it will make him happy, trust me."

Should I listen to her. I mean she is my subconscious but I have this distinctive feeling that listening to her is like listening to devil's whispers.

(Shirou's pov)

After our morale was at their highest we decided to move out. My soldiers did wonderful job distracting the wheel lovers but there was still some that guarded the faculty office.

I then felt a hand on my shoulder but I wasn't the only one whose shoulder was grabbed.

??? 1: "Let us do it."

??? 2: "What are you talking?"

??? 1: "I've always wanted to sacrifice for my friend. It make you feel as part of something bigger, doesn't it."

He had an innocent smile on his face but his words couldn't be more terrifying.

??? 2: "No, please, don't let him drag me out there, he is crazy, his dig was named Adolf, it was German Sheeepheeeerd!"

At that I brought my hands together to pray for his bravery. The only one left was me, Rin, Truck-chan and principal.

Shirou: "Let's go end this once and for all."

They all nodded their heads.

We went inside the office to find ROB sitting behind a desk. It reminded me of our first meeting.

Principal: "ROB-sensei let's stop this... NONSENSE."

ROB: "What nonsense? I'm spreading happiness around the school and soon the whole world."

Yep, he gone crazy. I mean I knew that he already was but he plans to create worldwide cult that circles around wheels.

ROB: "And now to prove it..."

He took of the glasses revealing his eyes. I recognized them and they are dangerous.

Shirou: "Don't look into his eyes!!!"

But unfortunately I was too late as principal was staring into his eyes. At this ROB smiled.

ROB: "You love wheels, don't you?"

Principal: "I love... I love..."

He is still fighting. I knew that his love for asses would be our gateway to victory.

Shirou: "Remember what you love principal. Asses in all shapes and sizes, remember.

Principal: "Yes... asses... wheels... no."

It seems that he isn't cured just yet and he is still fighting.

Principal: "Shirou... if I never turn back I want you to have my treasure... they are in my desk... ugh... I hope you enjoy them."

Shirou: "PRINCIPAL!!!"

Principal: "Yes? Why do you look so worried. I just opened my eyes. Wheels are wonderful. Now I noticed that asses are substitute for wheels the rounder ass is the more beautiful it is and nothing is more rounded than a wheel."

With tears in my eyes I answered.

Shirou: "Principal, did you forget? It's not only the shape and size of the ass that makes it great. It's whose ass it is ass well. While you can enjoy asses of women who you don't know but it's nothing to admiring the ass of your other half. Please principal, wake up."

While I was trying to wake up principal Rin had a 'what the heck is happening'.

*Beeb* *Beeb* *Beeb*

We all turned to the source of the sound and it turned out to be ROB's watch.

ROB: "*Sigh* once again I lost a bet."

I blinked a few times in confusion expecting some kind of explanation. Seeing this ROB clarified what he meant.

ROB: "Me and my wife have this tradition to make bets with each other. This time I was supposed to brainwash the whole school in one week but I started to convert all of them to wheel lovers and I completely forgot about it.


Time to turn everything back to normal."

He then snapped his fingers.

Shirou: "What did you do?"

ROB: "After everyone will fall asleep today they'll think that it was just a dream. I added some things to Rin's dream but it's nothing worth mentioning. And don't worry it's nothing of importance. She will just think that she was a lot more bolder than she actually was. You know, jumping on your laps if opportunity occurs, holding hands at every opportunity and kissing your cheeks at some times. She will probably be shy for some time."

The whole Truck family will drive me insane some day.

(Haruto's pov)

I just had the craziest dream about my new teacher. I mean a cult about wheels, who would be crazy enough to even start this?

But something at the back of my head kept telling me that it was not just a dream. To get rid of that thought I went to the dark room from my dream where I hid the letter. I dont remember what I have written in that letter but it's not important as it was just a dream... or so I thought until I found a piece of paper in the same place I hid my letter. I opened it with shaking hands. With that I understood that there is a world full of mysteries just under my nose.

(A/N With that chapter the trilogy has concluded and because of that I have a little challenge for my readers. ROB has many abilities but what kind of eyes he uses. I gave many hints what kind of eyes they are. Same goes with Truck-chan. What is the ability ahe showcased the first time she and Ahirou met in the woods. Both of these answers need to be in one comment and if anyone guesses it correctly I'll create discord server if anyone is interested.)