
Reincarnated as Emiya in Fate/kaleid [DROPPED]

Some guy was murdered by a truck just to wake up in a white room with just a desk before him. He realise that he have no memory of his life but still have all anime knowledge. ROB spinned the wheel to decide to which world he is gonna reincarnate and it landed on Fate franchise. After a long thought process our protagonist decided to choose Fate/kaleid as his new home and Emiya's powers as his gift only to be reminded that cooking with Emiya was an option. In the new world he trains his powers to be ready for all the danger that will come his way but instead of that he is the one who charges right at them. He is also antagonized by his murder from the previous life which is of course the Truck that killed him. This is my first novel and english is not my first language so don't expect masterpiece.

kurit_kun · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

The final? battle

(A/N If you aren't interested in reading shorten version of events of Fate/kaleid prisma Illya 2Wei! finale, skip to Shirou's pov.)

(Illya's pov)

The battle was a hard fought one as the power of the 8th card wasn't anything we have seen. Not only did he have seemingly unlimited amounts of powerful noble phantasms that could overpower ours. Not only that but he also was in possession of many shields that could stop our most powerful attacks.

During our first confrontation in mirror world Bazett-san was heavily injured. Seeing this made me shiver since I still could remember how she fought against Archer-san. I wouldn't be able to fight or let alone win against her so seeing her be defeated so easily is discouraging.

We fled from the mirror world as it was too dangerous to stay there but the impossible thing happened. The servant broke from there and invaded the real world. Archer's words about a servant breaking out. I realised that he probably foreseen this situation or at least expected this to happen at some point.

Fortunately for our group the servant didn't show any interest in us and started looking for something. At the moment Caren-sensei appeared who apparently is affiliated with the holy church a f acts as a guardian during the card recovery operation. She helped us to reach a conclusion that the servant was searching for a holy grail, a wish granting device.

In attempt to stop the raging servant I rushed into him splitting him in the process. He became two separate entities. Fortunately for us the other servant called Gil-kun wasn't hostile towards us but wasn't an ally either. He knew a lot more than he was willing to reveal. Gil-kun also had the same ability as the 8th card servant.

He disclosed that Miyu was from the parallel universe. He was really nonchalant about revealing it as if he didn't think about it too much. He reminded me a little of Archer but in a bad way.

Our talk was interrupted by a big hand made of something that resembled mud that grabbed Miyu. I tried to rescue her but the only thing I managed to retrieve was Sapphire.

Not soon after Gil-kun decided to 'fuse' with his other half even if he seemed unenthusiastic about it. He said it was a natural thing to do.

To fight fused Gil-kun I used the combine power of the two wands. Unfortunately for me using that power in a long run would cause me a lot of damage but at the time I didn't care about anything other than saving Miyu.

I used the full power of the wands to counter Gil-kun's Enuma Elish. I was able to win the attack clash but it feels like pain is ripping my whole body apart. To not worry everyone I pretended to e just little Busy but I can't fool Chloe since she feels my pain in it's entirety. I could only apologise to her.

It was the moment when I take Miyu by her hand to pull her up to her feet but at that moment lightning struck everyone presents.

The culprits of it were descending from the sky, one of the figures used 'install' on the not even retrieved card.

One of the them was a girl that is similar age to me having one of the arms comically large holding a big hammer.

The other one was a more mature of the two, at least by the looks. She had long blond twintails and red tattoos/markings on her body.

Both of them showed interest in taking Miyu with them. Everyone tried to to stop them but all of us were immobilized by lightning that fired off earlier.

As they walked closer to Miyu my despair and feeling of powerlessness grew stronger but suddenly an arrow flew towards the blonde haired girl.

(Shirou's pov)

The while time I was watching the fight I needed to hold myself back from jumping in not because of excitement for once but worry. Seeing Illya and the rest in injuries wasn't easy but I has to. While I was observing the ongoing battle I reinforced Caladbolg II to it's limit and readied myself to fire at any moment. If anyone was to see me they would notice visible veins in my eyes showing my concentration.

When the two figures appeared I didn't shoot immediately but waited for them to drop guard and what's better moment than literally seconds before you complete your objective so as Angelica was about to grab Miyu I let go of the arrow and instantly rushed in their direction.

As I expected this attack didn't manage to do any real damage which made me question myself why did I spend so much time reinforcing it in the first place but I immediately remembered that I did it to force myself into pseudo meditative state so my focus would be the highest possible.

I arrived next to Miyu in mere seconds grabbed her then run to Illya and Chloe respectively and run away from the newly destroyed battlefield.

This of course didn't mean that I deserted the rest of the group as I had a helper with me.

Cu: "When you asked me for help two days ago I didn't expect for something like this."

I smiled wryly at him even if I he couldn't see it because of the mask.

Shirou: "Sorry, I didn't have anyone else to ask."

He waved his hand to dismiss my apology.

Cu: "Don't worry about, at least I won't become rusty but I need to ask, don't you have better clothes to wear?"

Shirou: "It's not like I have any choice. It's the only par of clothes that I don't need to worry about damaging as they self repair after some time, otherwise I would need to explain how my clothes are covered in blood."

Cu: "Fair enough."

Suddenly a white light emerged at the place from we rescued the girls but as both me and Cu-san have low luck the enemies didn't return the way they come and they were standing quite long distance from us but they both looked at us showing that they won't go back without Miyu.

(A/N Unfortunately over half of this chapter is summary of the final battle from the original manga but I became aware that some people started reading this fanfic so I wanted all to be on the same page and believe or not it was harder to write the shorten version of events than the original parts. Fortunately for me there will be a lot of original context coming after this battle.)