
Reincarnated as Emiya in Fate/kaleid [DROPPED]

Some guy was murdered by a truck just to wake up in a white room with just a desk before him. He realise that he have no memory of his life but still have all anime knowledge. ROB spinned the wheel to decide to which world he is gonna reincarnate and it landed on Fate franchise. After a long thought process our protagonist decided to choose Fate/kaleid as his new home and Emiya's powers as his gift only to be reminded that cooking with Emiya was an option. In the new world he trains his powers to be ready for all the danger that will come his way but instead of that he is the one who charges right at them. He is also antagonized by his murder from the previous life which is of course the Truck that killed him. This is my first novel and english is not my first language so don't expect masterpiece.

kurit_kun · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs


(Shirou's pov)

After the battle I went home. I first went in the diffrent direction in case someone was following me. After Nanami discovered me during my training I became even more careful.

When I returned the only one home was Leysritt. She was laying on the couch eating chips.

Shirou: "Where are everyone?"

I should ask even if I know what happened.

Leysritt: "They went to our neighbour. It seems that there was som kind of accident and their entire mansion collapsed."

Shirou: "Are they all okay?"

I hinted some worry in my voice. At this point I could be a professional actor.

Leysritt: "No one was home at the time of accident so everyone is safe."

Shirou: " That's good then."

I was ready to leave to my room but someone entered the house.

It was Illya, Chloe and Miyu. They explained that Miyu will stay at our house until construction will be completed.

The rest of the day was normal but Miyu would glance at me from time to time. She must really miss him a lot.


Miyu: "Is something wrong Onii-ch-?"

Miyu covered her mouth as if she said something she shouldn't have.

Shirou: "It's nothing, I just remembered something. And you don't need to add to act so reserved around me. You are Illya's and Chloe's friend so you can call me whatever you want. I'm aware of the fact that I resemble you brother and maybe you are scared that calling me Onii-chan will somehow feel as if you replace him but that's not the case. He and I are two different people but that doesn't mean that I also can't be you brother figure."

Miyu: "Is that alright?"

Shirou: "Why would I lie about it and as it's your first day at this house I'll make you any food you want."

Miyu: "Thank you Onii-chan."

I saw a faint smile forming on her face as I patted her head.

After a very lively day with our guest the girls went to sleep together in one room and I went to mine.

It felt as if it's the first time in some time since I had time to think about things.

I have probably around one week to the fight with Gilgamesh and a arrive of Angelica and Beatrice. I'm probably not strong enough to defeat the corrupted Gilgamesh... or maybe I am but I wouldn't have a chance against the other two afterwards and I don't want to go to Miyuverse if possible so my main objective will be protecting Miyu. As much as it pains me I will need to let Illya handle Gilgamesh.

There is always Illya's, Chloe's and Miyu's birthdays are coming soon and if I remember correctly they'll want to go to the beach together with theirs school friends.

I'll have to buy them presents. I think some accessories will suffice.

Into the second problem, Truck-chan. I need to start to control my outburst a little. I don't want to rage evertime I see her. That doesn't mean that I'll forgive her but won't turn berserk at her sight. I got the chance to live this life so I'll use it to the fullest. I'll still stick Gae Bolg up her ass when I get the chance but I'll do it calmly which leads me to another point.

I didn't have a lot of interactions with Rin as a Shirou. I teased her a little as Archer but not Shirou so I'll ask her on a date this week. I don't know what will happen after the fight with Gilgamesh so don't want to have any regrets. Even if she'll reject me at first I'll just need to use her tsundere personality against her.

Finishing my planning I went to sleep

[Next day]

After school has ended I approached Rin with the intention of inviting her on a date.

Shirou: "Tohsaka, do you have a moment?"

Rin: "Sure."

Shirou: "I don't want to beat around the bush so I'll just ask you straight. Do you want to go together somewhere this week?"

Rin: "...Can you repeat what you just said, I think misheard you."

She said with a cute smile.

Shirou: "No problem. I asked if you want to go out somewhere this week."

Rin: "...Can you repeat what you just said, I think misheard you."

Is she in denial? She acts as if she didn't said the same thing twice.

Shirou: "... I asked you for a date."

Rin: "..."

Is she okay? She stopped moving for a solid minute and after that her whole face started turning red as a realisation hit her.

Rin: "D-d-d-date!!?"

Shirou: "Yes, a date. You know, you know, you and me out somewhere. Maybe an amusement park, some place to eat or anywhere you have fun really."

Rin: "A-a-and why should I accept it? (NOOO! You blew it. This was my chance to get closer to Emiya-kun. Why can't I be more honest with my feelings?)

(A/N Text in brackets are inner thoughts of character. Shirou cant hear them. I wanted sometimes to let the readers know what character thinks without changing pov too much and that's my solution)

Shirou: "It seems that you take care of Illya and Chloe with something and I wanted to thank you somehow."

Rin: "O-oh of course."

Shirou: "But that's just an excuse since I just want to have a date with you."

Rin: "H-huh?"

Shirou: "The reason is not important for now, the important is if you accept it or not?"

Rin: "I-I-I..."

I can see that she is really struggling. Maybe teased her too much.

Shirou: "Don't think too much. We'll just go somewhere and have fun and you can also help me choose a present for Illya, Chloe and Miyu, how about that?"

As I said that I showed gentle smile to put her at ease.

Rin: "I-if that's the case I'll accept."

Shirou: "Great, Do you have plans in two days after school?"

Rin: "I-I'm free."

Shirou: "Then let's meet that day around 15:00."

Rin: "O-okay."

How cute, her dere side is showing. That's why tsunderes are great but not the urusai, urusai, urusai kind.

Shirou: "See you in two days, Tohsaka."

Rin: "U-uhm."

She nodded her head shyly. How can she be so cute.

After my eventful day at school I went home.

(A/N Sorry for the late chapter but as they say better late than never. I don't have a lot to say so let's go to the voting:

Highschool DxD: 61 total votes

Nurarihyon: 71 total votes

I cant believe it, Nurarihyon fanfic won. It's decided then.

Thanks for reading, peace.)