
Reincarnated as Denji with a Trial and Error System.

Lift your weapons to the sky and allow humanity a chance to fight. Be moved, spin, dance like the air. In trial and error, you will always rise. Embark towards the zenith of... Captain Denji. Or A guy reincarnated as Denji with a trial and error system.

TokusatsuWarriorY · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

When Problems Come Knocking


Denji wakes up startled in a dark place, trapped in what seemed like a steel cube, with only one door in front of him.

Looking around, he finds himself trapped in a pillory, that medieval torture device used for humiliation. Looking at his left hand, he's relieved to see it intact, even though the pinkish color was bothering him a bit.

The door opens, and he looks at who's entering, none other than Makima.


"Already awake, I see. You're an interesting fellow, a being capable of regeneration that isn't a demon, smells like a human, but has strange things in the body that no human has." - To emphasize her point, she shines a flashlight near Denji's face, and like two small headlights, they "shine".

"Hi, who would you be?" - He pretends not to know anything, since showing that he knows things about his interrogator would be terrible here.

"Makima, just Makima."

"Wow, how rude, not even going to ask my name?"

"That doesn't matter to me. Just answer my questions, and maybe you'll have a chance to see the Sun again."


As she spoke, Denji took the opportunity to think of an ability that could cancel the control, using all of his big, smooth brain.

(The control is like a chain that when it touches me, I can't do anything. So it's first body and then mind, but if I make my mind metaphysical and not literally my brain, I think it'll work...) - With a little reasoning in mind, he tries to create this with the System, while answering Makima's questions in a somewhat lazy manner.

"First question: What are you? It's clear that you're not entirely human, so I'm going straight to what interests me the most."

"I'm Denji, a human with a somewhat special body. That's all I know, satisfied?"

"Not at all." - Her usual dead smile is replaced by a neutral mouth.

"Second question: Why are you doing this? If it were just to be a hunter, you could very well have gone after Public Safety or contacted people from the underworld to sell the flesh of the demons you kill, but you don't do that. Why?"

"I just want to be a hunter, that's it. I don't want to affiliate with governments, having a job is one of my biggest nightmares." - He trembles with fear to reinforce this. - "And about selling... I hadn't thought of that, thank you for the idea!" - He speaks excitedly, genuinely grateful.

"You really hadn't thought of that...?" - She looks incredulous, how could someone be so slow? - "Haah, third question: How did you get these powers?"

"I don't know, I was born with them?"

"Haah, this isn't going anywhere." - With that said, she points a finger towards the young man's head, and a chain comes out and pierces his brain. - "I'll ask again: How did you get these powers?"

"I really don't know, I just woke up with them after passing out under rubble." - He says, with unfocused eyes, to pretend he was under control. - (Thank goodness I got it in time!)

"Good boy, it wasn't so hard to at least tell you what you know. Do you have any powers besides air control?"

"Better hearing, smell, vision, and memory, super strength, and feeling less pain. Also, there's something, I think in my throat, that makes me regenerate when I breathe."

"Perfect, do you think there's anything else you should tell me?"

"Umm... I'm broke? I owe money to the Yakuza."

"Any close relatives?"



She smiles maliciously, and then, she asks the young man what she wanted to ask from the beginning.


"Do you want to be my dog? The answer is Yes or Woof."

"No." - He says with a smile, and before she could even react...


A vortex appears in Denji's eye, and he's sucked in, leaving the place as if he had never been there.

Yes, the young man acquired Uchiha Obito's Kamui, and found himself in the exact same dimension full of cubes and rectangles, and he deeply inhales the air from there.


"Come to think of it, you can live here inside. There's air, there's space, and you just bring the food from outside." - Then, he starts running in some direction; he didn't know how the proportion worked, so he would give a good space from the point where he was.

"Well, now I only have four chances to create abilities. And I need to get strong quickly... I think I'll use the Ninjago Dojo, since I already have Airjitzu anyway."


Denji looked around, with some uncertainty. How would he get out of here? He knew very well that Kamui wasn't a teleport or something for transportation, but a dimensional travel between the strange dimension and original dimension.


"Let's see... if it's like the Nether, then 1 Block here is 8 Blocks in the real World... let's test it." - Denji then tries to take a peek outside, without putting his whole body.


When he tries, a crack opens in the dimension, and he can admire the end of a hill.


(Hum, special prison for demons? I hope they haven't put me with the weakest ones.) - He thought proudly - (Well... let's go, time to calculate.)


He closes the crack and then starts walking forward, taking 5 steps and checking the distance.


"It seems like I walked 10-11 steps... Hmm, so one to two?" - He sticks his head out of the crack again.

"Makima can smell, I don't know exactly how far, which is a problem. So I'd better get out of here soon because she might find out that I'm still close just because of these peeks I'm giving... urgh, I'll have to take Kobeni and Shizune out of the normal world, or they'll become targets." - Denji sits on the Kamui floor, exhausted.

"What the hell did I do... My arrogance messed everything up! Rule number one from now on, never underestimate a verse I don't know!" - He says as he begins to scratch himself in a bit of despair. It had been a while since he saw another old friend... The anxiety.


After a while, he got up. He couldn't stay still anymore. He needed to act fast, get Kobeni and Shizune out of there as soon as possible.

Opening his mental map, he saw that the region he was in was totally unknown, but he had acquired a new function some time ago after leveling up, the function of marking points of interest.

Guiding himself to the marking, he set the path he wanted to follow, "Kobeni's House."


"It's now or never... go!" - A path formed by translucent yellow energy appeared in front of him, it was the marking, which apparently had adapted to the Kamui.

"Okay... let's do this." - He says and starts to advance, following the trail as far as he could.


So he ran, ran as if his life depended on it. He couldn't let them die; he would never forgive himself if that happened.

He didn't understand when he started to care so much, but he only knew that he couldn't let them die... they were like his family, even though Shizune was Lucifer on Earth, still bearable enough, and Kobeni was his only friend in this world.

So he had to run as fast as possible, so that nothing bad would happen to them.


(Please... be okay. It's Saturday, you should be home, don't have gone out. Please!!) - He thought to himself.






In that same house, whose windows seemed like prison windows, Kobeni paced back and forth, worried.


"Sis, calm down!" - Shizune said, concerned about how her sister was behaving.

"One day, Shizu, one day! He never disappeared for 1 day!" - She said with a strained voice, the dark circles under her eyes were apparent, she hadn't slept at night.


Shizune just remained silent, then said:


"Well... looks like we don't have anyone to support us anymore." - She tried to sound cold, but the situation didn't allow it.


She just wanted him to come back soon. She liked his company, even though she thought he was a demon. It was fun to bother him, it had become part of her routine.


"DIMENSIONAL SUCK!" - A voice came from a vortex in the middle of the room, which slowly formed Denji coming out of that same vortex in a desperate manner.


Looking at the two intact, a sigh of relief came out of his mouth, and he quickly got down on his knees; running non-stop was quite an activity.


"Thank goodness you're safe..." - He said amidst deep breaths.


Without Denji noticing, there's a thud on the ground, when he looks up he only sees Kobeni and becomes very confused not knowing where Shizune was.


"Huh! Where's-"

"She's here!" - She interrupts before a big confusion happens, at the same time she holds her sister in her hands after coming out of the shock of seeing the blonde materializing out of nowhere. - "What happened? Where were you?"

"Public Safety happened... and I was locked up." - He says as he gets up and starts looking around.


Kobeni stops for a moment, surprised, but then responds:


"I see... but why do you seem so desperate?"

"They're not trustworthy, they tried to kill me. They might come after you... we have to leave." - He says hurriedly, approaching the woman and touching her shoulder.

"Denji, what-"

"REVERSE DIMENSIONAL SUCK!!" - Denji then sucks everyone into the Kamui.


[N/CA: Yes, that and the other above it's a old brazilian meme about a redub of Naruto, neither I or the author plans to repeat this joke in this fic]

In moments, Kobeni is faced with an apparently infinite and strange landscape.


"Denji, take me back!!" - Kobeni says, with a little fear.

"Calm down. I'll explain what you need to know, but here is the safest place for now."




To be continued...

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