
Reincarnated as Denji with a Trial and Error System.

Lift your weapons to the sky and allow humanity a chance to fight. Be moved, spin, dance like the air. In trial and error, you will always rise. Embark towards the zenith of... Captain Denji. Or A guy reincarnated as Denji with a trial and error system.

TokusatsuWarriorY · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


"I'm home!" - Denji said as he entered the house, with the bag of demon meat in hand.

"I see you, Bozo, shut your trap, got it?" - Shizune spoke with an Asian-accented Portuguese while making gestures with her arms.

(Pfft, that's cuter than threatening) - Denji held back a laugh as he placed a hand in front of his mouth.


Kobeni arrived and was puzzled that Denji brought the bag home.


"Why did you…?" - She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I wanted to run some tests."


Kobeni was a bit confused but just nodded and went back to the kitchen.


"Dinner's ready" - She said and sat at the table, waiting for the other two.


The kitchen was next to the living room, divided by a counter. The living room was extremely spacious, much more than the one in the old house. Additionally, it was all decorated in a colorful way, with blue floors and walls along with white details.

Denji had insisted on this, even arguing with the previous owner because the house was so lifeless. Neutral colors increase the rate of depression and suicide, and he definitely didn't want that, for God's sake, he left Japan only to return to Japan?

[N/CA: Fake Asian living in Mato Grosso, feet turning to roots after writing "god" with a lowercase g.]

After a few minutes, everyone sat at the table, after saying thanks for the food(itadakimasu), they began to eat.


"How was your day?" - Kobeni asked Denji.

"I fought Mister M, saved a cat from being killed by a tree, helped a homeless guy with 100 reais because I was in a good mood, you know, the usual." - He said while twirling spaghetti on his fork.

"What do you mean you saved a cat from being killed by a tree?" - She asked about the most unusual thing the blond had said.

"You know, the tree captured him, and it wanted to jump… She, the tree, wanted to push to make him die, there was that weird dwarf, and I rescued the cat." - He spoke with his mouth full of spaghetti.

"You mean you rescued a cat that was scared to come down and handed it to a child, right?" - This time, it was Shizune who questioned him.

"AAAH! So that was a child..."


The other two people at the table decided to stay quiet for a moment and then just pretend nothing happened, after knowing the blond was once a corpse, his total lack of social tact was the least of their concerns.


"Anyway, how was your day? Still having trouble adjusting?"

"A bit… and by the way, I don't know why you said those old ladies were dangerous, they're very nice."


Denji stopped eating for a moment, looking at Kobeni with wide eyes.


"Oh, you… poor soul!"


"That's precisely the danger! They'll talk to you about any subject, and in the end, if you say something interesting, they'll spread it around like there's no tomorrow." - He explained.

"Denji, elderly women aren't virus carriers."

"Wait until the 2010s and that will start to happen." - He explained with conviction.

"You sound very certain about that" - She took a sip of orange juice.

"It's because I am certain?" - He was confused by the question.

"Eh?" - That caught their attention.

"What? I came from the future."

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeh?!" - The two almost fell off their chairs.

"The pervert from the closet is a man from the future?!" - Shizune screamed in surprise, in Japanese to Denji's delight, as none of the neighbors would understand.

"Why are you surprised? Didn't you know?" - Denji was now genuinely confused.

"No! You forgot to mention that, pug!" - Yes, the nickname from the beginning kind of stuck, especially after she discovered Denji has a strong sense of smell.

"Oh… I guess it wasn't important at the time."

"The fact that you came from the future… not important?!" - Kobeni almost had a fit with such an absurd statement, after all, how could someone be so disconnected from reality?

"At that moment, later I just forgot." - He explained, emphasizing a previous statement.


The two remained silent for a while, then Shizune asked something.


"Who won the 98 World Cup?" - This surprised Kobeni.

"Shizu! You're not going to use that information to…?!"

"France, 3 to 0 in the final against Brazil." - Denji said simply.

"Denji?!" - Kobeni was incredulous.

"Thanks, Pug! Now I just have to wait for the World Cup, and I'll be loaded! Hahahahah!" - When the elder sister heard this, she just gaped at her younger sister's shamelessness.

"Oh, just to warn you that since I know this, and several things have already changed, the result might change too. But there are some things that I think will definitely happen, like the creation of cellphones you can use by touching the screen."

"This is confusing, are you from the future or not?" - Shizune asked, slumping over the table in dismay.

"An alternate future of a timeline without demons, possibly." - He said while eating a meatball - "But time is always in constant motion, so, who knows."

"A world without demons... That would be a dream." - Kobeni seemed to get lost in that illusion for a while, Shizune also seemed uncomfortable but not as much as her sister.

"Look, one good thing about this timeline is that HIV, AIDS, and Nazism don't exist, not anymore."

"I have no idea what those are… so, I guess… good?" - Kobeni said, a bit confused.

"Yes, good. Two were incurable diseases, and the other is something terrible that happened in the past. Well, we've talked enough about my stuff, it's better to switch to yours."


At this moment, Shizune took the opportunity to speak and swap subjects.


"I think my schoolmates are cannibals, every time I say I'm hungry, they say 'Kill a man and eat!'"

"Hahahahah. That's common here in Brazil, at least in this time. It's just sarcasm in the form of a popular saying." - Denji finally finished his plate.


The conversation continued for a while, touching on various topics. But one thing you might be wondering now is: "How have they not been located and deported? How could a school accept a girl without the necessary documents?".

The answer is quite simple: Money. Denji managed to find the right contacts to forge some documents just enough to get established in Brazil, and the rest he managed by either bribing or threatening. In the future, the situation would change, but not until he found a way to kill Makima.

The night continued to unfold, Denji helped them with things related to the culture or the local language, they had some fun, and just before everyone went to sleep, the blond decided to bring up a topic that had been on his mind for some time.


"I've been thinking about how you could defend yourselves and… I'll try to share the system." - He said while drinking his third juice box in a row, he loved orange juice.

"Are you sure? Besides, just like that?" - Kobeni asked.

"I want to!" - Shizune didn't hesitate to accept, even without knowing what it was.

"It's not just like that, it's a necessity. So far, I've been doing everything alone, which is a terrible idea, especially considering my main mission." - He paused - "Besides… I want you both to be safe in some way, even you, little devil. And I can't be watching over you forever."

"I understand… But honestly, I'm afraid of losing control if I have access to the same thing you do. I've never dealt with something so big like this, haha…" - Even though Kobeni said this, deep down she knew it was just fear and that she really wanted it, she remained a coward even after all this time.

"Give it to me! Give it to me! Give it to me!" - Shizune practically vibrated in her chair, as if she had drunk 10 liters of coffee. Unlike her sister, she wasn't afraid to admit she wanted it.


"Calm down!" - He made a cross sign with his fingers towards the child, like a priest trying to exorcize a demon.

"Calm nothing! I want it even without knowing what it is! Give it to me! Give! Give! Give! Give! Give! It's mine, mine, mine, mine! If it gives money even better! Money! Money! Money!" - Her eyes were white with emotion, her pupils turned into dollar signs, and she literally started vibrating.

"Oh no! It's been a year!" - Kobeni then smacked Shizune on the head, who stopped vibrating immediately.

"So-sorry about that… but it's still mine!"

"Okay! Wow… But what was that?" - He asked, more interested in the strange reaction.

"Uncontrollable Ecstasy State. It's a rare condition she has, every time she thinks about possessing something or about money." - Kobeni said, sighing heavily - "Unfortunately, there's no treatment."

(I think a psychologist would handle it... But I think it's best to stay quiet.)

"Anyway, I'm going to my room, I need to test some things." - He says and then stands up.

"Hey! What about me?" - Shizune asks.

"Oh, right. But promise me you won't do anything wrong?" - Kobeni gives the blond a sideways glance, wondering if he'll actually do that.

"Yes, I promise!" - He says with conviction and determination.

"Alright, wait a moment..." - Immediately his eyes become unfocused. - (I don't think it's a good idea to give a system exactly like mine, because if it spreads throughout humanity it would be chaos, and since I plan to have a team, I'll have things prepared from now on.)


In his mind, Denji begins to think about how he could share the system with others, and then he had the idea of ​​taking a small percentage of it, separating it, and sharing that separate piece with others. And then he started to create the structure in his mind, focusing on self-improvement.

Some advantages of doing it this way would be sharing information among users and the control that Denji would have, to prevent someone from making a huge mess.

The main possibility of this system would be to enable a person to learn skills without having to create them, since they COULDN'T create them, and also being able to choose three existing skills from Denji's system, not having to be an immediate choice. To learn such skills, it would be through training.

With the small system ready, with some adjustments here and there that could be made later, he then created a skill to be able to pass things he had to other people through touch.


"Haah... I think I burned both my 2 neurons. Shake my hand and then try saying 'open system'." - He says to Shizu, Kobeni seeing this just stood by her sister's side.

"Sorry to say this in front of you, little sis. But Denji, it's not a good idea."

"Eh?" - Denji gets a little confused. - "But I took care to make it safe, there's nothing to worry about."

"Yeah!" - The little one just nods her head several times.

"I'm not worried about her, I'm worried about other people..."

"But she promised she wouldn't do anything. Right?" - Denji said, scratching his neck, still confused.

"Yes! I promised and I promise again!"

"Alright, no problem." - He says with a smile.


Seeing the scene, Kobeni felt coerced to simply accept it, since it seemed that the, ahem, idiot, ahem, would realize it's a bad idea anyway.


"Haah, alright then. Just don't say I didn't warn you, and since it's going to be like this, I accept." - With that said, Denji shakes hands with both and passes the weaker version of the System.

"Open system." - Both say in sync, and they see a blue screen in front of them, the interesting thing is that all three in the room could see.




To be continued...