

"Welcome," the hooded figure said politely, like an experienced salesman. The room was a stark white without a hint of blemish or imperfection, it was - unnaturally - serene. And it was apparently endless judging from the lack of boundaries or borders of any kind. "Could you be kind enough to come this way" the figure gestured me forward. I followed without much thought.

"Thank you for being so cooperative, I'm sure you must have realized where exactly you are. But if you're still in denial, then allow me to remind you. This is the soul section, Limbo the dimension outside of spacetime and matter, the in-between where dead souls with enough karmic accumulation get sent" it explained. I realized that its voice was disturbingly genderless. But still, I nodded to show my understanding. "I see" I said. I have long ago accepted my death while in the dark void, even though I forgot my own name I have been given time to contemplate my life. Now let's see what happens.

"I admire your composure. It'll make things easier, " the figure praised me, without a hint of genuine substance in its voice. To it's left, a wheel appeared. Like one of those wheels on game shows, fortune wheels. "This is the Nirvana Wheel. Every soul from your dimension with enough karmic accumulation gets to spin it once to decide it's final fate.

I closely observed the wheel, spotting various locations and a large variety of abilities, ranging from fictional ones to mundane enhancements. There was even Heaven and Hell on it.

" Allow me to make you a rare offer, not because you're special or unique, none of you are. I am in need of some karma, the ones you have in your possession to be specific. I will take half of them from you, and in turn, I will allow you to choose your destination, retain the memories you have now and give you the memory and experience of the reincarnation body you reincarnated into from their birth to death."

"Are you able to let me choose my reincarnation body?" I asked. I didn't want to get reborn as an insect or an animal, not if I can help it.

"I cannot. But your reincarnation body will be quite special depending on the species you are reborn into. You'll feel the difference gradually until your adulthood."

"Are all the words you have said here, in honesty?"

"Yes, we are in our most fundamental forms here, it is impossible to lie. And I have no reason to trick a mortal soul" Strangely I could tell that it spoke the truth.

"Very well, I accept your offer." There was no reason not to. I wanted to leave this place and hurry on up to my new life.

"You have made a very wise choice. Now please spin the wheel to obtain an ability, skill, or enchantment for your reincarnation body." It directed."

I placed my hand on the oddly warm but almost intangible wheel and spun it with as much might I could muster. I watched in trepidation as various abilities flew past the needlepoint. From Superior Kryptonian abilities to expert goat herding of Hara. The wheel began to slow and it looked as though the needle would point to the Master Combat prowess of Imhotep as an ability. But looks can be deceiving. The momentum made it rotate just millimeters, and the needle's edge nearly pointing straight at godly janitorial skills before finally pointing to Superior Comprehension. Saying I was ecstatic did not begin to remotely define just how good I felt.

"You seem to have quite a bit of luck on you. It's almost sad that it's all gone now along with your karmic accumulation. Moving on, tell me where your preferred destination and we should be done here."

"Send me to the Naruto world."

"Excellent choice. I wish you an enjoyable life, have fun and Good luck mortal soul." Its voice displayed a hint of sarcasm, the first hint of real emotion it actually made.

"Thank you"

"Goodbye you will remember nothing of this realm neither of the things that transpired within."

"Don't need to"


The soul suddenly started feeling things, its senses returning. It could feel warmth, It could feel that it was submerged in a viscous liquid, It could feel there was a membrane-type thing enveloping it. It did not know what happened to it but after much deliberation and thinking it suddenly clicked. It now had a body of his own. But how? And soon it made sense. The soul was in its mother's womb. Suddenly the soul felt a piercing pain for a moment and then started to receive the memory and experience of Shimura Danzō, the Darkness of shinobi. The soul experienced everything that Danzō ever did and through it, he gained the wisdom of a strong shinobi that lived through three shinobi world wars and lived till 73 years of age. The soul also instinctively knows that it will be reincarnated in the Naruto world as Shimura Danzō.

The soul now known as Danzō was happy that he gets to be reincarnated in one of his favorite world, the shinobi world. Danzō immediately thanked whichever higher being that gave him a second chance to live his life. Danzō was an avid reader of fanfiction and web novel in his past life, coupled with his newfound wisdom and knowledge he theorized that he had some serious concerns. First, he doesn't know if he got a golden finger for this new life of his, second, he needs to make a thorough plan to use his time efficiently and not waste time to change his original fate and lastly, he needs to choose carefully which event will he change and which one will he let it happen like in the original timeline.

After much deliberation, thinking, and planning he came to a decision that whatever comes he will face it with all his might and he will be living how he wants no matter what. And with the burning fire of determination the fetus promptly went to sleep.

Life as a fetus was boring and it made no sense just how can a fetus think and maintain such level consciousness with an undeveloped brain. Maybe it was because it had the soul of an adult making his soul and mind stronger than the norm. He knew that his birth was approaching. He could make movements now. Not much, just waving his hands a little or kicking a bit. But he could hear noises coming from outside. Indistinct noises, incoherent speech, and laughter. So the fetus thought instead of just sleeping it just do something. So he did the only thing a fetus could do. It decided to meditate for start.

Danzō learned how to meditate in both lives so he tried to first calm himself down then focus on something. He started to focus on the surrounding environment. Slowly he started to feel his surroundings or more accurately sense it. The sense started to slowly spread around in a spherical manner, it's center being Danzō himself. Danzō then made out a woman who he was certain of was his mother in this world. He sensed his mother was lying on a bed rubbing her belly and talking to someone. Spreading out his senses, even more, Danzō sensed a man sitting at the foot of the bed talking with his mother in Japanese. Danzō is proficient in Japanese after absorbing the original Danzō memory and experience.

The man and the woman oozed happiness and somehow Danzō was able to sense it. He could also sense the surrounding objects, the bed, the table on the left side, a chair, the walls of the room, the floor, ceiling, some things hanging on the wall in astoundingly accurate detail. He could also make out that the objects and furniture were all wooden and like came from old age. But soon he became tired and sleepy. The sensing around taking its toll, and soon he fell asleep.

In about what seemed to be like a few months Danzō became aware of his surroundings once again. He could feel shaking and rumbling, people talking, shouting and screaming of his mother, the voice of the man who Danzō thought was his father and a new voice of an old woman shouting encouragement to the mother. The enveloping membrane around Danzō was broken and he could feel that he was about to be born. He used his limited mobility to shift his head properly. After all this shit he sure did not want any complications to happen on his birth. The surrounding pressure was pushing him ahead and the soon to be newborn pushed along with it and popped his head out of his mother's womb and came into the new world.

A pair of hands of what he could make of was a female nurse grabbed the newborn and pulled him out amidst the screams of his mother. The nurse examined the newborn, cleaned it, which the newborn was very grateful for. But soon the gratefulness vanished and pure unadulterated the took its place when the nurse gave a vicious slap to the newborn. Danzō cried out, cursing all the generations of the nurse but all came out was cries of a newborn baby.

"How is the baby aunt Mei?" - the man asked.

"Congratulations, Hoshi-kun it is a boy! The baby is healthy and good." - answered the nurse, Mei.

"Thank kami-sama! Shizuka, are you alright?", - the man whose name was Hoshi asked anxiously.

" I am okay, just let me see my son", - answered the mother, Shizuka.

"Here. He is awake now, Shizuka-chan. Hoshi-kun, I will clean this place and pack up. You should let the mother and the child rest now", told Mei.

" Thank you aunt Mei for your help. It was all so sudden, without your help we..", - Hoshi could not finish his sentence as he was interrupted by Mei, - "It's alright Hoshi-kun, I've known you two since you were children. It's nothing."

"Still, thank you for helping us, aunt Mei", - Hoshi said with gratitude.

" Oh, don't think about it. Now did you two have a name for your child?" - Mei asked smilingly.

"Yes, we did. He is a boy, so it will be Danzō, Danzō Shimura." - answered Shizuka.

"Danzō, a good name. I hope he will grow up healthy and safe" - Mei said with a smile and left the house with Hoshi seeing her out.

At this moment the newly names Danzō was wrapped in a bundle of cloth. He was lying in his mother's embrace seeing, hearing, and more importantly sensing everything around him. After getting his ass slapped and cursing the nurse to the nine heavens, Danzō thought it would be better to adjust to his new lifestyle. He understood this is his new life from now on, his second chance. From his already spread senses which seemed to have increased, he found out that the new house he would be spending his upcoming days in was a simple one storey house with 4 rooms. One room which they were currently at, one drawing room, a storeroom of sorts, and a leisure/entertainment room.

Shizuka saw her son looking around inquisitively and smiled. Her son brought joy in her and Hoshi's life and she cuddled and embraced her son. She was lovingly looking at him and engraving this piece of memory in her mind for all her life. Danzō suddenly saw his mother's face up close and looked at her. Shizuka was in her mid-twenties with milky complexion, blue hair with a black tint, gold eyes, oval shape face with certain eastern beauty in it. Hoshi entered the room after seeing aunt Mei out. Danzō saw his new father for the first time in real life. Hoshi was a tall brawny man in his thirties with a tanned complexion, black shaggy hair with a blue tint, chiseled jaw, a little beard, and sharp brown eyes. As he was looking at his new parents, Hoshi and Shizuka were also looking at Danzō. To them, Danzō was a cute healthy baby with tufts of black hair with a blue tint on his head, mesmerizing amber eyes, and oval shape face looking at them.

Shizuka, - "Hoshi, look at little Danzō, he is looking at you". Hoshi took Danzō in his arms, looking at his newborn son.

" You will become a great man someday my son Danzō." He kissed Danzō's forehead and carefully gave him back to his mother.

Hoshi lovingly eyeing his son and his wife said, - "Shizuka, I will go prepare the food. You take care of little Danzō".

Shizuka smiled at him and prepared to breastfeed Danzō. Danzō was stunned seeing his new mother sliding her yukata a little taking out her boob. Now Danzō knew that as a baby he needs to be feed on breast milk as in this time period there was no other baby food but he was still embarrassed and leery at the idea of sucking his mother's breast. Still, hunger overcame the shame, and Danzō took the breast in his mouth sucking milk silently, drifting off to sleep. Shizuka saw her son the cute little bundle of happiness slowly falling asleep. She too drifted asleep slowly caressing her son.

The next time Danzō woke up in his new mother's embrace he slowly remembered what happened yesterday. He truly reincarnated in the shinobi world. This hit him hard. He was going with the flow yesterday but now he feels a sense of urgency. He wants to master the 5 nature transformation as Hiruzen does, medical ninjutsu like Tsunade and Kabuto, genjutsu like Itachi, Taijutsu like the Hyuga and Might Guy, Yin Release, Yang release, Fuinjutsu like the Uzumaki and even Senjutsu. This all motivated him to study, train, and enjoy life as best as he could. He wants to be hailed as a " God of shinobi".

He was given a chance to achieve what he wanted so he will make the best out of it. He can easily adapt to treating his new parents properly because they are the original Danzō parents. And as Danzō could somehow sense emotions he knew that Hoshi and Shizuka truly loved him from the bottom of their hearts. He sensed it. As he looked at his mother sleeping beside him, his mother Shizuka also woke up and saw Danzō looking at her. She smiled, caressing his cheek. Seeing her smile, Danzō also smiled sensing her love. 'This reincarnation is totally worth it' thought Danzō Shimura.

Anybody that has details about Konoha establishment and when the Clans start to migrate there please tell me in the comment section below.

MinMinOppacreators' thoughts