
Reincarnated as Damian Wayne

Through certain unlucky/lucky means our main character has been transported into the teen titans show! Watch as he begins to flip and change the show from the inside out!

Chaz_Rack · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Testing the waters

(Imma start call Arch Damian from now now on so ppl don't get confused)

Damian quickly made way to the second corner only to be greeted by three low time looking thugs harassing a girl for her handbag.

This girl was small and petite with a mature face and brown hair. "L-let me go and hands of my bag!"

"Sure pretty lady but in exchange how about you give us a taste of that body~"

All the men laughed as one reached his hand out in a grabbing motion wanting to touch her chest when suddenly a some what short figure appeared above the man with a foot angled 180 degrees up in the air.


He then let his weight plus gravity do the rest as he swang his foot down surprisingly knocking out one of the men.

'Sweet' Damian thought as two hooks one left and one right came flying at him.

'Huh...looks kinda slow?' Damian jumped above the two hands making both of the other low tier mobs but into each other whilst stylishly flipping his body backwards.

"Urgh-" the two rubbed there noses before looking back at me.

I then brought my hand up beckoning them to come at with a mischievous smirk "What you waiting for ladies?"

The two then began to circle me almost like two tigers airing to strike there pray.

"Come at me you good for nothing low level mobs."

One of the two began to charge at me me with a right jab which I grabbed with one of my hands pulling him closer and clocking him right in the face as with the other.

I then used his slightly bent knees as a kind of launch pad to knee him right in the chin and to finish him of give him a round house kick.

The poor man fell in the floor and I swear I could see spirals in his eyes?

I quickly turned at the lay one behind me who was slightly shaking.

"I almost feel sorry for you..." the man then attempted to run away as I concentrated on my fist right before punching behind him allowing for a fist of chi to be shot towards his black blasting him towards a wall rendering him unable to fight.

I was in awe for a split second but quickly gained my composure back and looked at the lady.

"You all right madam?" She nodded her head "yes thanks to you...who are you?"

'Damn it I don't have a super hero name....quick think of something generic but cool'

Damian turned his back to her whilst in silence for a second.

"I am zero...The hero for those who need my protection."

He then shot out flames from his hands vanishing of too the nights sky..





'SHIT I'm gonna h u r l didn't practice FlYinG'