
Reincarnated as Chelsea in the world of "Akame Ga Kill"

So, this guy kicks the bucket on his way home, and what do you know? He wakes up in the freakin' world of "Akame Ga Kill" as Chelsea! Talk about a major plot twist, right? Anyway, Chelsea's got the inside scoop because she knows the anime. She's fully aware of her crappy fate—getting brutally killed by Kurome, Akame's sister. But guess what? She's not going down without a fight! Chelsea's on a mission to change her destiny and stay alive. She's tiptoeing around the main story, trying not to get too caught up in all the craziness. Hang on tight as Chelsea battles to rewrite her own tragic ending in the messed-up world of "Akame Ga Kill." Support me at : https://www.subscribestar.com/christopher_novels You will get exclusive acess to chapters in advance and can make requests for new fan-fics on your favorite popular anime series.

Christopher_Frost7 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

She immediately thought that it was a scheme of these women who were after Sir Merchant's money as she looked at the pouch of gold, it was indeed a lot of money that only he could have had.

She became enraged, if such a person was killed in her inn, not only her inn would be shut down, she would be behind the bars or worse killed.

She shouted at them, "You fatherless b*tches!"

"What the fuck are you all doing!? What have you done to Sir Merchant! Murdering such an innocent and great man like him! You-You all killers! I will call the guards right now and get you all hoes behind the bars!" She screamed trying to attract the attention of guard outside the inn.

She had to save herself and she will do so by pinning the blame on these prostitutes, she had no part in this and she will do everything in her power to make it so she would not be dragged into this case.

In her mind, these prostitutes were women of lower standing than someone who did honest work like her, so she didn't fear them, it was instinctual that she even forgot that these were the same people who had murdered the merchant in her mind.

They had to listen to her in her mind being the inferior people they were.

The expressions of the various women darkened, at first shocked at how foul mothed this inn-lady was and then even more shock when she was trying to attract the attention of guards, they very well knew what she was thinking about.

They made eye contact, before few of them ran to the inn-woman at the door and dragged her in forcefully, shutting the door and windows tight with clothes and tables in hopes that no sound go out or no one enters easily.

The inn-lady kept screaming at them, "What audacity! Let me go, you vile vixens! Right now!"

The prostitutes were of course scared of the powerful inn-lady who had more influence than them in the village but few of the stronger hearted ones came forward and stuffed her mouth with dirty fluid soaked clothes of the merchant, gagging her.

They used more clothes and tied the inn-lady completely rendering her helpless and immobile.

The smell of other ladies and the fat merchant's sexual fluids in her mouth made her vomit in disgust but she could not spit it out.

The prostitutes looked at each other worriedly, "We have already come this far and now we all are together in this crime, either we kill her or…"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck that little shit who murdered this fatty! If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't be here." A woman cursed Chelsea.

The others calmed her down fearing that the assassin might hear them.

"Nothing can be done, we should do as the bandit girl had said, we will escape from here before morning, divide the gold now and be on our ways." The woman who had tied the inn-lady said.

They all nodded tactically. The gold was soon divided among them with each receiving quite the amount, they, of course won't go together or they will be caught easily, they would need to go into different directions so that even if someone is caught, the rest could escape.

As for the inn-lady?

They all looked down at the furious inn-lady, whose face was now completely flushed red in anger and disgust.

A few of the muscular looking women came forward carrying empty wine glasses and bottles, some carrying wooden planks they had tore off forcefully from the window frames or the weak looking ceiling.

And then started beating the inn-lady black and blue.

The inn-lady cried and screamed to stop the torture but none of them stopped, it was now time to decide who will survive, adrenaline rushing their bodies clouding their minds with energy,

The relentlessly beat the inn-lady to death. And soon there laid a swollen corpse of the lady.

After killing her, the ladies quickly wore their clothes and discretely left the inn one by one, they were honestly all shocked at how soundly the guards outside were sleeping that even such a commotion didn't wake them up,

They didn't know that Chelsea had knocked them out for good before coming to kill the fat merchant.


Chelsea was going through the forest, taking the short route towards her house, but however her route turned into a long one, why?

Because she had sensed someone following behind her back, she was scared at the beginning, she had heard the rustling of leaves and branches and some light and suppressed footsteps speeding up behind her.

It was obvious someone had witnessed her killing the merchant but she didn't know who?

'A guard? Perhaps a secret guard…' She made some speculations.

Whoever it was, the intentions were clear, they were trying to hurt her or possibly kidnap her to take revenge later or make an example out of her.

But she won't make it easy for the other party, the other party was clearly taking some distance probably wanting to get information about her comrades or base where she came from.

Chelsea didn't panic, years of fighting with deadly danger beasts had led her to develop a strong will and power, she had her own plans now.

'If my plans work out, I can possibly kill two birds with one stone.' Chelsea grinned mentally and increased her speed slightly.

The figure following her, as she expected also increased its speed, Chelsea already had a destination in her mind.

A destination where the figure would never come back from.

After some minutes of constant running, she led the figure to place, in further distance into the dark forest, some blurry lights could be seen, and soon houses made out of straws and stones came into her view.

'The bandit village!'

Chelsea could not suppress her grin,

'Time to harvest some goods and future funds.'

Of course everything from here would be for greater good, she will act the role of saint for people if needed.

But her mutual benefits comes first even if some sacrifices were to be made…

Sacrifices are necessary after all!

As a responsible elder sister, she must feed her little sister properly or she won't grow up properly. And for that, some funds were naturally required.

The figure chasing behind her would now help her achieve her goal.

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