
Reincarnated as Cannon Fodder in a Fantasy Game

Author: NoWoRRyMaN
Ongoing · 27.5K Views
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What is Reincarnated as Cannon Fodder in a Fantasy Game

Read ‘Reincarnated as Cannon Fodder in a Fantasy Game’ Online for Free, written by the author NoWoRRyMaN, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, R18 Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Luis Wilson was born blessed as a rich, smart, handsome, and super lucky boy. However, one day, his luck ran out. He die...


Luis Wilson was born blessed as a rich, smart, handsome, and super lucky boy. However, one day, his luck ran out. He died helplessly and reincarnated into a game he had played the night before. But not as the main character. He was reincarnated as a side character who was cannon fodder used as a stepping stone for the main character. “I refuse to accept that!” [Be blessed, my child, for you are chosen as a King of my Familia!] said the Goddess of Love. The talent he considered below average was extra-ordinary for others. With his limited knowledge about the game and the blessing (System) given by the Goddess of the love, he sought to fight for his fate to meet the love of his life, once again. === Discord Link- https://discord.gg/BzqvMxjadj

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PROVERB 14:34, An attitude of righteousness is the manifestation of the holy spirit in the life of a believers that help him to do what is right in the sight of God and man. It is an act of doing everything right to the glory of God not to the glory of any man. For the way of God is not the way if man. Philippians 4:8-9 It bring freedom, boldness and authority to th believers. Freedom from every accusations and condemnation The only time you can stand face to face , eyeballs to eyeballs before your fellow man and tell him , "you can't do me anything" is when you discover that you have never sin against the man . Sin has the potential to distroy someone's future. The only time you will have the right to rebuke the devil out of your way is when you practice righteousness, God has given every man the Dominion and the authority over the devil, right from the beginning of creation, but sin has separated us from the presence of God,and there by summons us to the court of judgment and accusation. SIN IS AN ENEMY OF SUSCCES what brings destruction to many people or nation today is sin. Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people, proverb 14:34 Sin bring reproach, shame, and regrets, Sin is the source of all failure. It is good to follow righteousness and be exalt rather than to sin and live in reproach, Sin has brought down many kings and priest and send them to the early grave, Sin is a reproach to any city or kingdom, and renders them despicable among their neighbourhood. The people of isreal are good example that experience both of this ,they were great when they were good, but when they forsook God all about them insulted them and trampled on them. It is therefore the interest and duty of princes to use their power to enhance a good virtue. Our Lord Jesus has paid The Price all..we need to receive him as our Lord and saviour. Follow his steps,and be like him. Righteous administration of the government in a nation, equity between man and man the general practice and profession of virtue, the protecting and preserving of virtuous men, charity and compassion to strangers (alms are sometimes called righteousness ), these exalt a nation; they uphold the throne, elevate the people's minds, and qualify a nation for the favour of God, END SIN: How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?Romans 6:1-2,24 From the beginning of the world till date the only thing that can bring shame, reproach and destruction unto any Man is sin. Sin mean death, every man who dies spiritually , is a working corpse awaiting the day of his passout , but thanks God who is so merciful, he don't won't his hand work to go just a waist. Shall we do evil that good may come, as some say we do? Romans 3:8. Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Shall we hence take encouragement to sin with so much the more boldness, because the more sin we commit the more will the grace of God be magnified in our pardon? Is this a use to be made of it?" No, it is an abuse, and the apostle startles at the thought of it (Romans 6:2): "God forbid far be it from us to think such a thought" apostle Paul entertains the objection as Christ did the devil's blackest temptation (Matthew 4:10): Get thee hence, Satan. Those opinions that give any countenance to sin, or open a door to practical immoralities, how specious and plausible may be rendered, by the pretension of advancing free grace, are to be rejected with the greatest abhorrence for the truth as it is in Jesus is a truth according to godliness, Titus 1:1. The apostle is very full in pressing the necessity of holiness in this chapter, which may be reduced to two heads:--His exhortations to holiness, which show the nature of it and his motives or arguments to enforce those exhortations, which show the necessity of it.

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Another great story with potential. Nothing wrong with the main character, he's not stupid, or naive if you don't like the pervy parts of the novel then skip😂 and read. you won't be disappointed the fights are gonna be epic I've seen this author works tbh all the fights and actions are perfect. the plots are all conected well this author's story has alot more.😀


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