
Reincarnated As Black Diamond

Someone from our world is Reincarnated into Steven Universe as a Diamond, there's not much else to it. Watch as she struggles to cope with her new identity as a gem while ruling a Gempire. (OC will also have multiple forms so all images I use aren’t mine. Same with cover.) (This might be multiverse as Steven Universe is fun but I think it might be cool to see a semi-op space gem goddess in other universes/genres.)

GaZe_Zero · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Crushing Weight

(This text is all her thoughts)

When I died, I thought that would be it. Sure, I hoped for something else after the end, but I never would have thought it would be... quite like this.

I was... in something, I knew that much because of the crushing weight that I would feel at all times. I long lost track of how long I have been stuck, burdened under this crushing weight.

When I first came to, I thought I might have been buried alive, but I knew that was wrong after the first day as I had no body. The weight on top of me was too much, too encompassing, and it got heavier every day.

What else was different was that as time passed, I knew what I was, what was happening to me as slowly but surely, memories and emotions popped up in my head that weren't mine. These memories clashed with the ones in my head, and I could slowly feel my sense of self change from being human... to something else.

I didn't care as much about my past morals, and I gained a much more clearer understanding of my human memories. As if I could remember everything fully. And every time I thought back to my human life, I could only see it in a new... perspective. Like watching a movie and seeing all the mistakes the MC does and knowing what should have been different, well that was what looking back at my memories were like.

Besides the sudden clarity in thought and change of emotions, I gained memories as time passed. The first memory was the most shocking as it gave me information to what happened and what I am going to be... a Diamond. Specifically, I would be Black Diamond, the counterpart to White Diamond.

It came to me as a shock that I was "Reincarnated" into Steven Universe, but slowly I got over it. The memories that came after was knowledge about what a Diamond is, what gems are, and what we all do. My job is to rule the freshly budding Gem Empire with White.

With each memory that appeared in my mind of my future duty and how to accomplish, the weight that surrounded me would increase.

I am sure that I am close to forming, but even now this weight still feels like it could break me at any moment.

Despite of all my memories of Steven Universe and even of the memories that I received; I never knew where I was. The only guess I could take was that I was underground in a planet somewhere.

But what I did know was that I was close to forming... I could feel the energy that once densely surrounded me was slowly being sucked away by me. At first it felt like electricity and a great heat surrounded me, similar to how you would feel when your hairs on your arms raise from static. But that feeling was mostly gone now, and instinctively I knew it was almost time.

I spent a lot of my time after receiving my new memories as a Diamond planning. Planning for what I could change, what I should do, and even what I am going to be. I hope to be able to change the Gempire to be less demanding, but even now I am unsure to how that would work.

Mostly, I just hope that I can be a good leader. I have little to no experience of being a leader, and if I do, nothing for something this grand. I am not just any leader; I am THE leader. The future leader of an entire Universal Empire, someone who will rule over trillions of beings.

The pressure of my future roll greatly diminishes my fret over changing the Empire for the better, as right now there barely even is an Empire. From my memories that were injected into me, we are only present in one part of the Homeworld Galaxy, and even then, our presence is threatened by other terrestrial life forms.

The memories that were injected into me gave me a sense of duty. I have a job and I must fulfill my duty at any cost. Deep down I knew these memories were practically brainwashing me and overpowering my old human ones, but I also knew I had time to figure it out. I'm not fully a Diamond, as I still have human ideals, but I am not even close to being a human anymore.

Luckily, I have time to figure out my mental and emotional issues as I am now officially immortal. Besides, I am about 15 thousand years before the 21st century on Earth. All I can do now... is wait.

============Light Time Skip~===========

'Something's different with the pressu-Oh?' Within my mind the last pieces of knowledge were inserted into me. The knowledge of how to finally form and use my base powers.

The pressure that once encompassed me fully was gone, and I now knew how to form so it could only mean that it was time.

'Luckily I put a lot of thought into my new form.' I idly thought to myself as I chose my form. I was choosing to look much more mature than I did in my past human life.

I was very average back then, but now I can be anything, and considering I am going to be the 2nd oldest Diamond I am going with a mature look.

I was going to have a beautiful black dress with white stars scattered across it. This dress would show my shoulders and décolleté fully. The dress has shoulder points that help emphasize my stature. Just above where my stomach is where a whitish grey star on the dress would be, which would go all the way down to my legs.

My legs would remain bare, and I would have black high heels. My long hair as dark as the night, with skin that would be a tone in between grey and black. I chose to put some light contrast on my body by using "Makeup". This "Makeup" is white and was directly under my eyes, and besides that I used black "Makeup" on my eyes and lips to accentuate my beauty.

'Alright... forms nearly complete last object on the list is my weapon.' I thought as I began to imagine a staff that would make any wizard jealous. It is a sleek grey rod with triangular diamond patterns going up it in a spiral. The top the of staff had two sleek wings that curved upwards to safeguard the black gem that was floating on the tip of my staff.

'Ahh... there we go. I doubt I will be needing it ever though' I inwardly grinned as I felt my form finalize. My diamond that looked like a black version of Whites was moving towards the center of my forehead.

(Image of Black Diamond:

"It's time..." I muttered my first words as my form completed. "Well... no time like the present." I said as I began to slowly walk forward.

As I walked, I could feel the immensely dense stone that once bound me break apart from my strength. The compact stone flowed around me like a water as I shoved my worries of the future away and proudly made my way to what I felt was the exit.

It only took a few seconds of walking until I could see light, and what a bright brilliant light it was.

"Welcome to the Universe... Black Diamond."


(A/N TIME: Hey hope you guys like the first shortish chapter of my new story... and it's going to be an interesting story at that.

I had planned this out a long time ago but never really made it as I was busy, but now I feel like it would be a nice time to start a new story.

Luckily, I have been really into Steven Universe recently, so I made this. I was first inspired to write this when I read a similar story on here by a very similar name, but sadly the Author stopped updating it, so I chose to make my own.

It will be long but also semi short with time skips. I have plans of expanding the Universe of Steven Universe and show what the Gempire really is like.

I will almost certainly, get things wrong and a lot of things will be OC as Steven Universe is a small genre that never expanded on how things were like in the Empire. Anyways I hope you all enjoy this first chap.

For those who are wondering about my other stories, I am sorry, but I can pretty much only update them when I have a feeling of writing for them which is not often. Anytime I try writing without this feeling the chap ends up awful, and I lose will to write it.