
chapter two

Bell and I are training in the back yard, bell is using daggers and I am using a katana. I used the system to give bell basic dagger mastery and me basic sword mastery and I altered bell skill that allows him to grow faster the stronger his emotions to super growth like me

So are basic weapon skill has reached intermediate level. Blade, Bell your grandfather was attacked by a monster and fell off a cliff . said a village bell and I ran and killed the monster and found our grandfather dead so we held a funeral and gave a respect and decided to go and explore the dungeon and when we arrived at the city we saw it the dungeon. We were extremely excited so we split up to find a god or goddess to join their family. We where communicating through telepathy a skill I gave to bell and I but we had no luck but when bell and I met up we were surprised when a goddess showed herself but I knew she would be here. She asked if we where willing to join her family and without hesitation we joined the hestia familia.