
Chapter 6: Gathering

The sun had begun its descent over the picturesque landscape of the Li Clan's ancestral ground, and many core members of the Li clan have gathered around the Li tian's cultivation chamber.

Ancestor Li Fang and Ancestor Li Xian continued to hover in front of Li Tian's cultivation chamber, their expressions marked by a subtle anxiety. Li Tian, an Ascension realm cultivator of clan. After all, the Ascension realm cultivators had the potential to establish their own influential clan in the cultivation world by themselves. However, news of his struggle to break through to the next realm had left both ancestors uncertain and concerned. The gravity of the situation was further intensified by the fact that Li Tian, a mere one thousand eight hundred years old human genius, had reached the Ascension realm and that too had achieved it a thousand years prior to the present time—a feat that marked him as a rare genius, an occurrence that transpires once in a million eras. 

"Ancestor Li Fang and Ancestor Li Xian, is Ancestor Li Tian's injury severe? Is he alright?" Ancestor Li Yu and Ancestor Li Yanling spoke simultaneously, their voices filled with genuine concern as they arrived at the ancestral grounds from a considerable distance.

They both were informed about the situation of Li Tian by the clan patriarch, Li Heng, who is in the Divine Transformation realm. Li Heng became aware of the circumstances after overhearing the dialogue between the two ancestors while they were speaking to each other.

Ancestor Li Yanling is an Ascension realm cultivator in the early stages, having achieved this level in the past two hundred years. Renowned for her diplomatic skills and peacemaking abilities, Ancestor Li Yanling has played a pivotal role in negotiating treaties and alliances with neighboring clans and sects.

On the other hand, Ancestor Li Yu is a legendary warrior who has reached the middle stage of the ascension realm. Known for his exceptional combat skills and valor, Ancestor Li Yu has been instrumental in defending the clan against external threats. Due to his active role in safeguarding the clan, he does not seclude himself on the Li clan's ancestral grounds but instead resides at the border of the clan's territory.

"We can't say anything as of now since Li Tian has yet to leave his seclusion chamber and come out. We must wait and see," said Ancestor Li Fang.

Positioned behind the venerable ancestors, the core members of the Li Clan were assembled, creating a distinguished presence. Among them, the prominent figure of the great clan elder, Li Ming, immediately garnered attention. An eminent warrior, Li Ming had attained the middle stage of the Divine Transformation realm, showcasing formidable martial prowess and combat techniques that earned him widespread respect within the clan.

A step further into the hierarchy stood the illustrious Clan Patriarch, Li Heng, a cultivator of the Divine Transformation realm. Renowned for his expertise as a skilled elemental cultivator, Li Heng had ascended to the late stage of the Divine Transformation realm. His mastery over elemental spells played a pivotal role in fortifying the clan's defenses against external threats, underscoring his crucial role within the Li Clan.

In the company of these esteemed figures were other core members, including the esteemed Elder Li Sheng and Elder Li Mirong, both holding integral positions within the clan's structure. These elders, wise and experienced, contributed their counsel and knowledge to the clan's collective wisdom


Amidst the gathering, the ethereal figures of Lin Hua and her sister-in-cultivation, Chen Lian, Li Tian's wives, floated gracefully. Lin Hua, with an air of quiet strength and elegance, complemented Chen Lian's martial prowess, forming a dynamic duo that added a unique vibrancy to the clan's assembly.

In the midst of the core members, a concerned murmur spread among the younger cultivators. Li Cheng, a promising disciple with a determined gaze, stepped forward, voicing the collective worry, "Ancestor Li Fang, Ancestor Li Xian, how grave are the injuries sustained by Ancestor Li Tian? Will he be able to recover?"

Li Mei, a fellow cultivator and companion to Li Cheng, joined in. "We sensed a disturbance from afar. Ancestors, could you please enlighten us on what transpired with Ancestor Li Tian? Is there hope for his well-being?"

Senior Guardian Li Xiaojun, known for his unparalleled precision in archery, spoke with a solemn nod, "I felt a disruption in the spiritual energy as well. The situation seems serious."

Disciple Li Ming, a budding talent in spiritual arts, added, "Let us stand united in support of Ancestor Li Tian. No matter the challenges ahead, the Li Clan will face them together."

This diverse assembly, with its array of talents and generations, represented the cohesive strength of the Li Clan. Together, they stood united, awaiting information on Ancestor Li Tian's condition and ready to face whatever challenges the uncertain future in the cultivation world might bring.

Ancestor Li Xian responded, shedding light on the reason for Ancestor Li Tian's injuries, "Well, there's no one here who can pose a threat to an Ascension realm cultivator. Even if someone of that strength were present, you young ones wouldn't be able to handle a single attack from them, so don't act recklessly."

He continued, "Ancestor Li Tian has encountered difficulties during the tribulation while attempting to break through to the half-immortal realm. The injuries he sustains are a consequence of the backlash from failing the tribulation, and unfortunately, there's not much any of you can do to remedy that."

A collective hush fell over the gathered core members of the Li Clan as Ancestor Li Xian's words sank in. The gravity of Ancestor Li Tian's situation weighed heavily on the assembly, and the younger cultivators exchanged concerned glances. Lin Hua's usually composed expression displayed a flicker of worry, and Chen Lian's eyes betrayed a hint of unease. The air became charged with a mixture of anticipation and a shared sense of powerlessness.

Great clan elder Li Heng, his typically stoic demeanor momentarily softened, cast a thoughtful gaze toward the Ancestors, his concern evident in the furrow of his brows.

 Elder Li Sheng, known for his wisdom, nodded gravely, acknowledging the severity of the situation. Li Xiaojun, the Senior Guardian, tightened the grip on his bow, a silent gesture reflecting his readiness to defend the clan even in times of adversity.

Among the younger generation, Li Cheng, the patriarch's heir, clenched his fists in a display of restrained frustration. Li Mei, standing beside him, exchanged a worried glance, silently conveying their shared concern for Ancestor Li Tian. Li Ming, the talented disciple, bit his lower lip, a sign of his inner turmoil and determination to contribute in any way possible.

As the Ancestor's revelation settled among the core members, a shared solemnity descended, binding them in a collective awareness of the challenges that lay ahead. The Li Clan, a tapestry of generations and talents, stood united in the face of uncertainty, ready to support Ancestor Li Tian through the trials of his cultivation path.

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