
Reincarnated as an Extra

In life, countless things might happen to someone at some point in their lives. Some people may call it fate, destiny, opportunity, or a turning point but for me, it wasn’t one of those. Fate? Nah, everything about my life was already trash to begin so to hell with fate right? Destiny? Who’s name was that? If destiny was real then how come nothing changed? Opportunity? What the hell was that? If there was an opportunity presented in front of me then I’ve grabbed it a long time ago. Turning point? To hell with turning points, everything about me had always been in twists and turns like I’m always riding a roller coaster of life. So, what’s the point of these things for me?

NoxLuna_0398 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 13

"Ugh… my head hurts.", huh? Where am I? I feel groggy and my memory was still hazy, then I began to look around, and huh?!

Ahhhhh? Huh? I'm back!!!

"Damn! When did I come back?!", I checked my condition. First, I look at my body, hmmm… nothing seemed wrong, then I touched my head to see if there was blood but thank god there was none.

Then, I suddenly stand up but I fell to the floor because my legs gave out. What the hell happened to me? Did I run a marathon? Why were my legs numb?

Then, I began to remember the things that happened to me the moment I took the sword out from its scabbard. From the moment I went on a season's journey, to going back to that eerie place, meeting up with that shadow bastard, going through a long dark tunnel, reaching a white place, and coming back to reality.

"Was that a dream?", but how could a dream be so vivid and real. The sensations, emotions, and fear that I felt when I was there were all real. But how could they be real when everything in that place was just an illusion?

Then suddenly a familiar ring came.


[The User did not complete the system's quest due to the User's deep slumber.]

[The User did not complete the system's quest…]

[The User did not complete the system's quest…]

[The User did not complete the system's quest…]

Huh? System's quest? Oh shit!!! What the hell?!

And to top it off, it was four incomplete system quests… then what will happen?

As far as I can remember, the system notified me that if ever I can't complete the daily quest a penalty will be given.


[As per rule, the User will be penalized.]


"Oh no?!!!!! This can't be real?!!!", but unfortunately no matter how much I scream I still can't change anything at all.

[Due to the User's lack of achievement through quests, the User's current level will be dropped to Lv.5.]

[All status points awarded for seven levels will be deducted from the stats.]

Huh?! What the hell?!!!!! This mother-fucking system!!!!!

"Open status window…", I gritted my teeth in anger upon seeing the system's messages. Who would have thought that it will reduce my level and deduct my stat points as a penalty? I can understand that I will suffer some penalties for not completing the quests but to deduct all of my stats by seven levels, that's just beyond the lowest!!!

Seven levels are not just your neighbor's name… how could I repeat everything again?!

[User Information]

Name: Krayonne Reid (Unknown)

Level: Lv.5

Age: 15 years old

Affiliation: Enrolled at Pentagon

Occupation: Swordsman

HP: 2600/2600

MP: 1300/1300


Agility – 55

Strength – 155

Stamina – 55

Intelligence – 55

Vitality – 130

Mana – 130

Unassigned Points: 0


Basic Swordsmanship Lv.3 (Active)

Haste Lv.2 (Active)

Wind Slash Lv.2 (Active)

Berserker Lv.1 (Active)

Insight Lv.3 (Passive)

Zero Lv. Max (Locked) – enables the wielder to stop time for five seconds. By using this skill the wielder's vitality stat will be permanently reduced by 10. This skill can only be used once a month.

Requiem Lv. Max (Locked) – enables the wielder to slaughter his enemies for 30 seconds. By using this skill the wielder's strength and mana will be temporarily reduced to half for 36 hours. This skill can only be used once every three days.

Aether Lv. Max (Locked) – enables the wielder to control spatial dimensions. He can either increase or decrease the size of the space. By using this skill the wielder's intelligence stat will be temporarily reduced to half for 24 hours. This skill can only be used once every three days.

Quietus Lv. Max (Locked) – enables the wielder to release an aura of death. By using this skill the wielder gives off an illusion of a death-bringer.

Hypnos Lv. Max (Locked) – enables the wielder to cast a sleeping spell that could cover an entire city. By using this skill the wielder will fall into a deep slumber for 12 hours. This skill can only be used once every three days.

"My stats!!! My hard-earned stats were gone. Even my HP and MP were reduced due to the stats' decrease.", I said in between my sobs. But as I continue to read, I noticed that the skills Midnight Requiem had in it become a part of my skill set though they were locked.

"What will I do with these locked skills?!", right now, I'm really damn pissed about this… huh? What's this?

"Where did my "Latent Abilities" go?", I scanned my skills again in case I overlook it but to my dismay, my latent abilities were gone. They were literally gone. Sob… sob… sob… this, I can't take it anymore. This fucking system is really too much!!! It already deducted my stats and reduce my level yet it still didn't even spare my latent… huh?


[Due to the User's achievement in the illusionary world, a "Special Authority" was given in place of "Latent Abilities".]

"Huhhhhhhh?!!!!!", special authority? What's that?


[A "Special Authority" is awarded due to the fusion of two "Latent Abilities" making the User fall under a deep sleep for four days.]

[The fusion was made due to the User acquiring a "Rated Weapon" – Midnight Requiem.]

[Special Authority]

Void Lv. Max (Locked) – this is an authority given to the User. This skill enables the User to use a dimensional portal that would suck everything into nothingness. Using this skill requires a lot of mana and the more mana the User had, the more bigger and destructive the skill is. This can only be used once a month.

My eyes grew big upon seeing the messages the system gave. Losing my latent abilities in the first place was already heartbreaking for me but seeing a special authority right now, made me think that it was all worth it.

Upon reading the description, I could conclude that this skill is an overpowered skill but it can only be used once a month.

"Oh well… that's practically oka…y, ah?", seeing the word "Locked" beside the skill made me furious.

Seriously, this system won't let me be happy even for a while huh? How can I use a good skill if it's locked in the first place?! At least my latent abilities weren't locked and only leveled in the lowest.

"Haaaa… system, how could you do this to me?!", I cried.

Tsk! There's no point in mulling this over and over again… it already happened and there's nothing more I can do. Even if I curse the system a thousand times or murder the system in my head a million times, nothing will change.

As I submitted myself in defeat, I received a mail from Pentagon. The mail was a reminder that the upcoming entrance ceremony will be held at the Grand Colosseum at 8 a.m. And all students and professors were required to attend.

"Hmmm… I guess it's about time I packed my things.", I said while imagining my student life in Pentagon. Hehehehe… I am already excited about meeting those heroes and watching them live-action.