
Reincarnated as an Extra

In life, countless things might happen to someone at some point in their lives. Some people may call it fate, destiny, opportunity, or a turning point but for me, it wasn’t one of those. Fate? Nah, everything about my life was already trash to begin so to hell with fate right? Destiny? Who’s name was that? If destiny was real then how come nothing changed? Opportunity? What the hell was that? If there was an opportunity presented in front of me then I’ve grabbed it a long time ago. Turning point? To hell with turning points, everything about me had always been in twists and turns like I’m always riding a roller coaster of life. So, what’s the point of these things for me?

NoxLuna_0398 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Chapter 11

After seeing all the rated weapons in the store and reading their item descriptions and skills. I began to ponder on what weapon I should choose.

Out of five, I already excluded the Dawnbreaker since it was a bow. In terms of using a spear, though it was good since you don't need to get too close to your enemy when fighting but… my spearmanship is quite abnormal.

Yes… it was above normal. Above the normal level of how spearmen use their spears in battles since my spearmanship can hurt anyone, be it an enemy, ally, or myself.

My spearmanship was way too crude to the point that even the basics would be ashamed of calling it spear arts.

So, in the end… I could only choose between Ascalon and Midnight Requiem.

Should I choose Ascalon?

Will it be okay if I choose that heavy-looking sword?

Well… the question should be 'Will I be able to lift that?'

"Haaaa… this is seriously a problem. In Ascalon's case, I could solve the problem regarding the level by simply hunting down monsters in the field or entering a dungeon and sealing it. But in the matters of strength, just by looking at it, I could already tell that Ascalon is a heavy-type of a sword.", tsk… it even said in the item description that it was used by a dragon slayer.

That means it was used to hunt dragons at first before being used as a weapon to kill demons.

Dragons were overlords. They rule the sky above and the earth below. They are also said to be the ruler of mana and nature's protector.

In the legends, a dragon only appears when nature was about to be destroyed by other races. They will even use their destructive breath to annihilate anyone who dares to harm nature and the living beings close to it – the elves.

But dragons aren't omnipotent to the point that no one would be able to counter them because they can be killed by the weapons both made by humans and dwarves. Even in my past life, a legend where a man killed a dragon existed.

"That legend was quite awesome in many degrees…", I smiled while remembering the story of Nibelungenlied in which Seigfried, the main character slew a dragon and bath its blood to attain an impenetrable body but in the end, no person didn't have a weakness.

And that's also the same case for the dragons… no matter how strong a being is, they will always have a weak point that would end up their lives.

"So… I guess, I should skip Ascalon too. It's a sword but it's not my type at all.", I lamented that I can't have Ascalon since the weapon itself was really great and it will give me a lot of skills and benefits.

On the other hand, I began to look at Midnight Requiem.

It was the last weapon in the rated category. The name Midnight Requiem sounds very ominous to me.

"It was named 'Midnight' meaning in the middle of the night and 'Requiem' meaning a song for the dead. So, in other words 'Midnight Requiem' means singing a song for the dead in the middle of the night. Isn't that creepy?"

Haaa… should I choose this? But I'm afraid of using this weapon…

Upon closer inspection, Midnight Requiem looks like your typical sword that could be seen anywhere on the continent but the design… it looks a lot like a katana, the likes that those samurais use during the Edo Period in Japan.

And since I practiced kendo in my previous life, I was more familiar with this kind of weapon but the thing is… this weapon's skills were too OP, to begin with. All the skills it had were leveled to their maximum output.

"Can I really have this kind of weapon?", I asked myself since I am just only a lowly rank awakener.

If I have this… then will I be able to achieve my goals?

Thinking along these lines made my wavering heart come to conclusion.

"Yes… I need to have this weapon since out of all the weapons here, this one seems to be the only one I could use efficiently."

But, who would have thought that the best choice that I thought of was actually the worst choice I've ever made. These seemingly good benefits were only a stepping stone to something more…

"System… I'll buy Midnight Requiem using the ticket", as I uttered those words, the system began responding.


[The User has used the 'Ticket' to acquire 'Midnight Requiem']

[A single ticket isn't enough…]



[The User had two tickets and these tickets will be used to acquire 'Midnight Requieem']

"What?!", this system is really greedy… it actually took my two tickets!!!

['Midnight Requiem' has been acquired]

Looking at the sword in my hand, I felt its slightly heavy weight that was compatible with me.

"So… this was Midnight Requiem? It really looks like a katana.", I said as I unsheath the sword from its scabbard.

After taking it out, the sword emitted flashes of light that began to engulf me.


Then all of a sudden the room where I was changed in an instant. At first, it changed into a grass field where the fresh breeze blew on my face making me feel refreshed.

After staying there for about a minute, the scenery turned then into a volcanic area where molten lava was spread everywhere

"This looks much hotter than the desert last time…", I said as look at the scenery in front of me. Even though there was lava everywhere, the temperature was okay around me.

Then, after a minute, the intense heat turned into a cool windy state where your hat could fly off at any moment. This place was wonderful as it was filled with vibrant hues of brown and orange that covered the tree branches.

As I was walking along the path in the middle under the canopy of trees, sadly, I seemed to remember my past life.

"Hmmm… I also have a faint memory of walking down a trail like this.", this made me smile and reminisce about those times.

'Truly, I've suffered a lot from those incidents.', this thought made me feel bitter.

As I was reminiscing, the scenery changed again. This time it turned into an extremely cold environment. The place I am currently at was a pure white field where snow falls every time.

"Wow… how did that happen?", I was purely curious about how the scenery changes after a minute.

"Hahaha…", the changes made me laugh because it was taking me on a journey throughout the seasons.

Another minute passed… the scene changed again and it turned to a place that was familiar to me recently.

"It's the abandoned city where I took my second quest…", I looked around again thinking that something may appear out of the blue.

As if proving that I'm not wrong with my theory, a shadow-like figure appeared from the dark alley. The figure was a head taller than me. He had a waist-long hair that was tied into a ponytail. He also had a creepy smile plastered on his face but other than that, his whole visage was shrouded and blurred.

'He looks like a ghost but also not…', I said in my thoughts while looking intently at the figure in front of me.

Then all of a sudden, the figure in front of me walked away. I immediately followed him because it seems like he wanted me to chase after him.

I chase and chase after him until we arrive at a colosseum-like place. I looked around in case there were others beside me but to my dismay, it was only me and the shadow figure.

He looked back at me while still maintaining his creepy smile and his hollowed eyes were grinning. Then cold sweat began to trickle from my body making me shiver from the chills. As of this moment, the figure in front of me was like a devil.

"Welcome…", he said while dragging his monotoned voice.

I felt fear creep onto me after he said those words and the air around us seemed to carry a heavy silence. The pressure this silence carried was weighing down on me as if someone was pressing me down forcefully.

"Why… are… you… standing… there…?", the shadow figure asked.

I couldn't reply immediately. Then, seeing that I was still not moving the shadow figure walked in my direction.

'His face was blurred but somehow, I could still perceive his expression just by looking at his creepy smile and grinning hollowed eyes.', is what I thought as of this moment.

The closer he gets the more I can see his unrecognizable visage.

"Come…", he said while pointing his finger at me. I don't know what he wants or his reason for bringing me here but my guts were telling me otherwise. It was telling me to run away and escape from this place.

'But how should I do that?', I asked myself as I think of ways to escape from this place.

"Hmmm…", the shadow figure tilted his head. Then, as if realizing something he suddenly got closer to me.

As he got closer, he began to scrutinize every nook and cranny of my body while he was circling around me as if he was conducting a scientific investigation.

"Your… not… him…", realizing that I wasn't the person he was looking for, the smile on his face instantly vanished and what only remained was his stoic and cold expression.

If your asking me how did I know, well… it was simply because the atmosphere between us change into a more hostile one.

"Ah… uhm…", no words would come out of my mouth due to the pressing pressure.

All the death signals inside my head began to ring at an alarming rate.

'Am I going to die today?', I haven't lived this life to the fullest yet why am I in this kind of situation. All I ever wanted was to survive and hand all the annoying things to the MC but… why do I have to suffer in this manner?

"Your… not… him…", he said again but this time the coldness from his monotoned voice seemed to increase a few pitches higher making me feel weak and small as if I was in front of an overlord.

Overlord? Is he perhaps a dragon? Is this what they called 'Dragon Fear'? But in the story there was no shadow dragon… then again, this was a world that began even before the main scenario started.

"Hmmm… but… why… do… you… smell… like… him…?", the shadow figure pondered for a while.

'I smell like who?', who in the hell does this figure mean?

"Hmmm… I… guess…", then he looked back and walked away but before his figure disappeared completely, I heard him say…

"Follow… me…", I didn't know what possessed me but after he said those words my body started moving on its own as if heeding his command.

Then, the shadow figure completely vanish into the dark and I, myself, followed him unilaterally.

Inside, there is no single thing that could be seen, it was like I was inside a long dark tunnel just waiting patiently until I reached the end and see the brilliantly brimming light shine upon me.

I walked and walked… until my feet become numb from the long travel and as if God heard my pleas, the long journey was about to end because of a small budding light in the distance.

'Finally!', I said in my thoughts.

Then, I began to walk more rigorously at a faster pace than my usual speed. I wanted to come out from this dark tunnel as fast as I can since staying here a second longer would make me go crazy.

As I hastened my speed, the small light at the distance seemed to be growing more and more. And each step I take would lead me a step closer to my goal.

"Huff… huff… finally, I've reached the end…", I said while still catching my breath.

I was about to jump from joy but before I could celebrate, the shadow figure transformed into a human. He had a waist-length silver hair that was fluttering as the wind passed by. His eyes, though cold and emotionless were like rubies shining brightly under the sun's light. His pale white skin that glistens when the light was reflected made me wonder, how can a man have that kind of complexion.

"Who are you?", were the only words I could speak. The beauty in front of me was a world different from those people I've seen in the empire, but his gaze… they seem familiar.

'Where have I seen those eyes again?', I asked myself.

"I am you and you are me…", he said in a low voice just enough for me to hear.

I was confused again. 'I am him and he was me'?

Then, as if lightning struck me, I realize one thing…

"Midnight Requiem", I said unintentionally but the person in front of me smiled, a kind of smile that would make someone misunderstand your feelings for that person.

"Took you long enough…", he replied.