
Reincarnated as an energy lifeform?

A story about a normal high school student who sacrificed his own life to save his friends in a critical moment reincarnating to the world of Sardonia. Instead reincarnating into a hero... he became a ball of light? This is my first ever novel. Hope you enjoy.

captain_alcohol · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Into the dungeon

Two days have passed since I've come into the library.

I've mostly been grabbing every book and dumping it into my storage while also reading it.

It turns out that I can actually read and inspect any item inside my storage which is pretty useful. This way I can read any book while also storing other books.

Doing all this, I've come to learn a few things about this world.

The most significant difference between this world and my old one is the existence of magic and mana.

Although I've already been using this stuff the moment I came here, I basically know nothing about it aside from movies and games so it wouldn't hurt to check read about it.

According to one of the books I read, mana is basically a form of magical energy that dwells within everything. This includes things like air, solid objects, and animals.

Just like in video games, mana is used for many things such as to cast magic.

Magic in this world comes in many different shapes and forms. For example, that circular text I saw back at the vault door is actually a type of magic circle used to both reinforce and preserve the door which explains why there wasn't any rust on it.

To cast magic or use it, people would need to use up the mana either in their bodies or in the surrounding area.

Also, just like the vault door, some of the bookshelves in the library were enchanted with some form of preservation magic which explains why all these books are in better condition compared to the ones I picked up in the solar.

In other words, this world is a lot like you classic RPG game.

Another difference that really caught my interest in this world is a magical phenomenon called「Voice of the World」.

There are many mysteries about「Voice of the World」but the most popular theory is that it represents the world's will. Apparently, every being that lives in this world would have heard it at least once.

Also, I'm pretty sure this「Voice of the World」is that pretty female voice that I heard when I died. I can't really confirm it yet though.

Other than finding the differences between this world and earth, I've also been experimenting on my skills on the last two days.

Telekinesis has been improving little by little. Compared to two days ago, the dexterity, strength, and range of it have increased.

Now I'm able to lift multiple heavier things and smash them as much as I want!

In fact, yesterday I was actually able to lift an entire bed and slam it into the stone walls!

Yes. I'm still breaking things.

I mean, come on!

I don't feel physical fatigue anymore but I still wanna have fun you know. The boredom from only experimenting and reading claws at my soul!

I'm frkn bored!!

At least I've restrained myself from breaking the library and office. It's fine since I haven't broken things in the important rooms right?!?

Let's not talk about this!

My next skill,「Ancient Tool Construction」, has yielded some interesting results. I'd even say that its the most interesting skill in my kit.

As the description of the skills says, I'm able to create items I think of using the materials and magic I have at hand. So the first thing I thought of making was a sledgehammer since it could be used for multiple things.

Although the image of the sledgehammer in my head was super vague, when I finished using my skill, it turned out quite spectacular.

I ended up with an enormous steampunk-themed hammer that had a huge rectangular prism as the head which and the handle was about one and a half metres long. The hammer was mainly silver and reddish-bronze coloured and had many elaborate metal details.

While it isn't as amazing as Arondite, it's still a pretty nice piece of art in my eyes.

It breaks things really well too!

As for how I know that...I don't need to explain that right?

The material that I used to create the hammer is some metal ore called Adamantite. I feel like I've heard of this metal somewhere before but nothing rings a bell...

Welp, it can't be that rare right?

I got tons of it from the vault after all.


Object: Adamantite hammer

Enchantments:「Magic Reinforcement」

Description: A needlessly big hammer made purely from adamantine and has high durability due to being made from strong metal and being reinforced with magic.


It turns out that skills can also be used to create my items so I ended up adding「Magic Reinforcement」to the hammer. If you count the one from the hammer, I currently have two magic reinforcements at my disposal.

So far the hammer only thing I've made using the skill since the experience of creating was...a little painful.

After creating the hammer I actually felt a sharp ache all over my body. It's not as painful as when I got hit by a car but it still hurt enough to make me scream ok?

Not that I can scream tho...

After calming down and thinking, I realised its because this skill needs mana to activate.

And since my「Energy Life」skill makes my mp and hp bar into one, I'm practically using my blood to activate this skill.

I felt fine after a few minutes of rest but I still don't wanna feel pain again...

Damn it, why is my race trait such a burden. Is my good luck already running out?

I've also tried using my last skill,「Metaphysical Calculation」, but the moment I activated it my mana started to drain at a constant rate.

It was painful.

So I'll leave it for now...

After throwing the last book of the library into my storage, I float upwards into the air and look around at the empty library before huffing in satisfaction.

That should be it. Now I can view any book in my head whenever I want!

Right then...I think its time to head to the surface.

I wanna see sunlight damn it.

I wanna go outside!

This damn castle is holding me hostage!!


As I continue my mental complaint, I pull up the map in my mind and begin making my way to the entrance of the castle.

I would like to prepare things for this trip but...I basically don't have much to prepare.

I don't need food, water, or even a sleeping bag because of the nature of my body.

I don't need to bring any light sources either since I, myself, am a literal floating ball of light. Due to this, the only things I did actually prepare are my weapons, Arondite and the adamantine hammer, and two scrolls that I found in the treasury which apparently teleport you to the desired location you've been before when you rip it.

I haven't actually tested it but...it'll work out!

After half an hour of floating through countless hallways and climbing up many sets of stairs, finally, I make it to the front entrance of the castle.

Seriously, if I didn't have this map it would have taken me days to get here. Why is this place so huge?

The entrance was an enormous double wooden door reinforced with what is presumably iron. All the doors in this castle were in bad condition but this one might be the worst by far.

It might break if forced open. Hehe, good thing I don't need to open it though.

As I phase through the door I'm greeted by the sight of a giant underground rock dome that stretches overhead. At the top of the dome were large blue crystals that glowed and provided a large amount of light, almost as bright as sunlight, enough for a person to easily see around them.

In front of me was a small but wide set of stairs that led down to a paved stone road. The road ran along the middle of the dome and towards what is probably the gate and entrance of this place.

Wah, Pretty. I guess really am in another world...

I can't even imagine how much money would be needed to recreate something like this back on earth.

As I continue to look around, I began to float towards the middle of the dome and stop for a better view of my surroundings. The dome is about three hundred metres in diameter and the highest point of the dome would be about a hundred metres high.

And now for the most important part.

After looking around, finally, I turn around and bring my attention to the castle sitting behind me.

Yup. Incredible.

Sticking out of the wall of the dome was what looked like the front half of a huge majestic stone castle which was dozens of metres tall. It had big red flags hanging here and there, bearing the same symbols as the flags I saw inside, and the design and visually appealing aspect of the castle itself was something that could only be seen in fantasy artworks, putting real medieval castles on earth to shame. Although it was old and unattended, it still gave off a vibe of royalty and wealth.

This place continues to amaze me over and over again.

After staying here for a few days, I guess I grew attached to this place without realising it.

The reluctance to leave continues to grow in my chest.

If I stay any longer I might never be able to gather the courage to leave again...

I have no idea what might be out there but I can't stay here forever.

But man, this place is huge.

When I come back, I'm definitely gonna explore the rest of it.

After casting one last glance at the castle, I turn around and float along the paved road towards the exit of the dome. As I get closer to the end of the road the shape of a portcullis becomes clearer and clearer until, soon enough, I get close enough to touch it.

My「Magic Sense」is reacting to it, this thing is definitely enchanted.

If I look closely, I can spot a series of cleverly hidden magic circles engraved on the stone around the portcullis.

I won't be extracting it though.

This gate has been protecting the castle all this time and I definitely want it to remain that way. Even if I did want to extract the enchantments, I wouldn't know what to do with it.

It would also be against king Godefray's will since extracting the mana can potentially cause harm to the castle. Although I didn't know him personally, I still plant to uphold his will. His treasury and belongings will definitely help me and already have, so it's obvious to respect his wishes.

Which means...urgh.

I gotta squeeze through again.

Well, here goes.



Gah, that's the last time I'm doing that. I swear it.

Well then, off we go!

After a few seconds of floating off through the one way cave, my mana sense starts to tingle which causes me to look around and try to find the source.

Ah, looks like it's coming from the ceiling.

After looking up and brightening up my body so I can see, I spot a monster-sized spider clinging to the ceiling.

It's staring right at me as well.

I've been trying not to write too much but at this rate the average word count for my chapters is gonna be 2k...

Oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

captain_alcoholcreators' thoughts