
Reincarnated as an energy lifeform?

A story about a normal high school student who sacrificed his own life to save his friends in a critical moment reincarnating to the world of Sardonia. Instead reincarnating into a hero... he became a ball of light? This is my first ever novel. Hope you enjoy.

captain_alcohol · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Dungeon Expedition(1)

So far, the shape and style of the dungeon is similar to the underground caves back on earth except on a much bigger scale. The caves and tunnels in this dungeon are practically endless. No matter how many areas I travel through, it always looks the same. To be honest, if I didn't have my「Arcane mapping」skill I probably would have either gotten lost or given up and used one of my precious tp scrolls to get back to the castle.

It's been about thirty minutes now ever since I killed the spider and continued my exploration. I've already been met with dead ends during this trip and according to the map, the amount of progress I've made is practically minuscule.

It's gonna be a while before I leave this place, I've already prepared my mind for this.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't frustrated by my situation but the thought of me doing this on easy mode pushes me forward. Gosh, imagine if my body still had the concept of "fatigue". I don't even want to think about how much longer I would be stuck here if it did...I might not even be able to make it out.

*Clack* *Clack*

As I'm following down the side of the cave section I'm currently in, the sound of bones clacking together and metal bumping into each other causes me to stop and hide behind a rock. Although I'm a literal floating ball of light, I can at least lower the brightness of my body to make myself less obvious.

I still do stick out like a sore thumb through...

I should probably search my storage for any sort of stealth item.

I peek out slightly from behind the rock as five figures walk under the light of the small crystals on the ceiling, revealing their identities. Each of these figures had slight tints of red lights trailing from their eye sockets and they each wore ragged and rusty armour.

Out of the five of them, the one walking in front and one walking somewhere in the middle of their group held weapons that gave off a strange aura.


Name: none

Race: Skeleton Warrior

Skills:「Medium Axeman-ship」,「Strength」

Race Skills:「Life detection」

Resistances: Medium Physical Slashing Resistance, Medium Physical Piercing Resistance, Basic Magic Resistance



Name: none

Race: Skeleton Archer

Skills:「Medium Archery」

Race Skills:「Life detection」

Resistances: Basic Physical Slashing Resistance, Basic Physical Piercing Resistance



Object: Vengeful Battle Axe

Enchantments:「Weak Magic Reinforcement」,「Curse of Anger」

Description: A two-handed cursed battle-axe that causes its user to act violently when wielded.



Object: Aerial Barrage Bow

Enchantments:「Magic Arrows」,「Rapid Fire」

Description: A magically enchanted bow that creates and fires arrows made from mana instead of physical material using the user's mana. User can also constantly pour mana into the bow after firing once to automatically fire magic arrows in rapid succession.


Moving skeletons! Undead!

I never thought I would see something like this outside of a movie!

I'm excited, but I can't help but think that they look scary as heck.

Especially with the glowing red eyes...

Aside from the skeleton warrior and archer with magic weapons, my appraisal skill also showed that the other three skeletons are also warriors but weaker.

Those enchanted weapons are also very interesting, the bow in particular. Those enchantments definitely make it more of a machine gun than a bow.

Oh right. I think I remember reading in a book that undead hold resentment to life, making them enemies of the living. They're also supposed to be very sensitive to the presence of living beings as well, is that what the「Life detection」skill is for?


Yep! it definitely is!

A blue coloured mana arrow fired by the skeleton archer's magic bow had flown into my direction and crashed into the rock I was peeking out from behind. The number of cracks formed on the rock and debris sent flying makes me question if I should have hauled up back in the castle for eternity.

Their「Life detection」definitely ratted out my location damn it. I really need to find a stealth item!

Gotta fight. Although I'm outnumbered one to five, I should be able to pull through with my physical immunity!

As the party of skeleton warriors rush closer and closer with the cursed item user skelly leading the way, I pulled out Arondite and the adamantite hammer and prepared to engage with them. Just as I came out from behind my cover and engaged my opponents, another thought crossed my mind.

Wait. Does my physical immunity protect me from magic?

The skeleton archer, still standing far away, shot a series of mana arrows towards my location and two of them hit its mark on my body.



Crap, it's painful!!!

It hurts but thankfully not to the point where I can't think. I won't freeze up like before!

I don't think I can take many of those hits though!

There are two mana arrows sticking out of me right now which confirms that I can be hurt with magic. Does that mean I can get hurt by magic items as well?!

Thinking about this, my eyes are subconsciously drawn towards the cursed axe wielded by the skeleton warrior who is currently closing the distance towards me.

I definitely don't wanna find out the hard way...

Yep! I'm dipping!

Without a second thought, I turn and flee in the opposite direction of the skeleton party. I have no idea what lies ahead this way but I definitely don't want to them to catch me.

My「Mana Sense」signals the incoming danger of multiple mana arrows as I tilt to the side, barely dodging a projectile, while also slipping through large rocks on my path to receive cover from the machine gun bow. I don't even need to look back to know that the skeletons are hot on my tail, these damn bone heads run slightly faster than I float!

The sounds of metal armour and bones clacking keep getting louder.

This is bad.

I don't get tired but neither do the undead.

At this rate, they'll get their boney hands on me!

During my run, I began to slip through big rocks and other obstacles more often in an attempt to throw off the undead. My「Mana Sense」indicated that it only hindered their chase, less than I hoped but better than nothing!

The chase continued for another few minutes as I take a turn into a dark and narrow tunnel. It's risky but now I don't have to worry about the skeleton archer sniping me since the other skeletons are in the way.


My「Mana Sense」one again signals to me the presence of approaching danger causing me to instinctively duck down to avoid getting hit. The sound of air being cut tickles my ear(if I had one) as I dodge underneath the cursed axe by a hair's width. I made use of the opening and slammed my hammer into the skeleton warrior, causing it to lose balance as I continued my nerve-racking escape.

Gosh, they're persistent!

They're super tough as well!

There aren't any obstacles I can use in this tunnel to hinder their chase.

Damn it, they're catching up.

Should I just turn around and fight?

Soon, the tunnel comes to an end and I'm greeted with a cave section brighter and wider than the last. My「Mana Sense」began to pick up signals of another living being approaching my direction. The sight of a giant black centipede enters my view as it climbs over a rock and looks around, looking for the source of the commotion in its territory.


Name: none

Race: Giant Cave Chilopoda

Skills:「Poisonous Acid Breath」,「Deadly Venom」,「Regeneration」

Race Skills:「Carapace」,「Poisonous flesh」

Resistances: Medium Poison Resistance, Medium Pain Resistance, Basic Physical Resistance



My second time in a battle in this life and I'm already caught in a pincer. Where did all the luck I had a few days ago disappear to...

Wait, I can use this!

The undead hate the living, so can't I just use this guy as a scapegoat?

Sorry Mr bug. I'll be using you!

As I changed my direction and began heading towards the centipede, the skeleton archer once again pulls the string of its bow back and fires a series of magic arrows towards me. Taking this opportunity, I dodged to the side and allow the arrows to fly by and land onto the big bug. Only a few of the arrows actually landed on the thing but it was definitely enough to do the job.

Clearly pissed off, the giant centipede stands itself up with its head and front parts of the body towering in the air revealing its full size and displaying the unpleasant looks of a monster bug. The centipede was at least 30 metres long.


The centipede gives out a screeching roar which echoes throughout the cave, spitting its poisonous and acidic saliva all over the place, melting some rocks on the ground in the process.


Never mind, I'm sorry at all!

In fact, I'm happy I did this given how disgusting you are!

As If responding to my statement, the giant bug reels back before flinging itself forward. It used the momentum and charged at full speed towards me and the skeletons behind me, keen to destroy its unpleasant intruders.

Right! that's my queue to leave!

Later sukkahs!

I continue to fly forwards, allowing the centipede to pass through me and crash into the skeleton soldiers behind as I phase through its charge attack.


The impact of the giant cave centipede's charge sent three of the weaker skeleton warriors flying while the leader was able to barely stop the centipede in its tracks using the cursed axe as a shield.

Holy snap.

The skelly was able to stop the charge of a behemoth sized bug...

The impact of the charge attack and the skeleton's strong stand even caused two small furrows to form on the ground at the skeleton's feet as it was pushed back. Is he the hulk?

That's actually awesome...

NO! Idiot!

Gotta dip!

As the centipede and skeleton party began fighting each other, I turned towards the closest tunnel exit in the cave section and headed towards it. However, as I headed towards the exit, I gradually began to slow down before finally stopping on the spot and looking back at the fight.

Hold up.

Isn't this an amazing opportunity?

If they fight each other and one side dies, can't I just fight the winner in their weakened state?

It may be cowardly but...come on. Who the hell cares?

I continued to watch the stalemated battle between the giant bug and the bone head party, both sides struggling to gain the upper hand, while also thinking about whether or not I should take this opportunity.

The battle between the monsters was intense and their battle caused the destruction of the surrounding rocks. The skeleton archer shot at the giant with its rapid-fire mana arrows, piercing its carapace, while the skeleton warriors brandished their weapons and slashed at it, cutting off some of its legs every now and then. The giant centipede also caused heavy damage to its foes by using「Poisonous Acid Breath」that melted some of the skeleton party's bones and equipment, as well as the ground and the surrounding rocks, over short periods of time. Its bite attacks on the skeletons would also crack their rusted armour and weapons if it wasn't reinforced like the cursed axe.

The centipede looks like its losing slightly but it has the「Regeneration」and「Carapace」skills to help with endurance. I honestly feel the battle will be very close.

It's risky but would I be able to get such as good opportunity in the future?

If I don't fight and always choose to run, wouldn't I stay a weakling forever?

Those cores can make me stronger, even if by a little...

This planet isn't earth anymore. I don't exactly know what life is like for humans in this world, but life in this dungeon is definitely survival of the fittest.


I want to live.

I need to get stronger...

Let's wait.




After about ten minutes of ferocious fighting, the battle between the monsters is nearing its end. lots of the surrounding rocks were destroyed and melted and many cracks were formed on the ground where the monsters had their battle.

Of the original five skeletons, two of the weaker skeleton warriors perish. One was melted by the acid breath of the centipede while the other was smashed into pieces. The remaining skeletons only have half their armour still intact and a lot of their bones were cracked but even then they continued to fight energetically, fueled by their hatred for the living.

The centipede on the other hand was fatigued and at the end of its rope. Most of the carapace on its body were either torn or cracked from the oppressive attacks of the rapid mana arrows and the weapons of the skeleton warriors and one of its antennae were missing. I have to say, the regeneration skill of the bug was amazing but in the end, it couldn't keep up with the damage the skeletons dished out.

I think it's about time for me to make my move...

As I lower the brightness of my body and begin to sneak around for a good shot, the battle between the monsters began to ramp up again. The skeleton archer let loose a series of arrows which pierced the centipede's weak and fatigued body. One of the mana arrows landed in the centipede's left eye, causing it to reel back in pain before letting out an angry scream and charge towards the cursed weapon skeleton for another bite attack. Just as the giant bug was about to use its huge jaws to crush the skeleton's head, the skeleton warrior brandished the pommel of the axe and used it to uppercut the centipede's head into the air before making a decisive strike and swinging down the axe edge into its belly.



The axe cut the centipede and continued through until it finally hit the ground. The giant cave centipede made one final cry before slumping on the ground with a loud thud and ceasing all movement.

As the remaining skeletons were still concentrated on the centipede and stared at its unmoving corpse, a large floating hammer emerged from the shadows behind the skeleton archer and swung itself down onto the bone head.



The smashing sound of the skeleton's head and helmet causes the two remaining skeleton warriors to turn around, only to be greeted by the sight of their archer's headless body fall onto the ground.

One down, two to go!

I cut my thumb with a vegetable slicer at work today and it started bleeding :C

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

captain_alcoholcreators' thoughts