
Chapter 92 - Overpowered

---Mael POV---

"Was it really necessary to bring all of them?", Kratos asked glancing at the people I brought, "You and I could have handled this alone.

"I was expecting more people...", I admitted, "A few hundred at least, not sure how he only has 80 people with him."

"So it must be a trap then...", Kratos grumbled.

Glancing back over at the women, I had no doubt it was a trap. Given the type of world we were in, if we weren't here with them I was certain they'd end up being captured very easily. With that in mind, I suggested that the women hang back just to be safe. Giving us unamused expressions the women weren't about to sit this out after going through all this prep.

"Knowing that there is a trap...you still want to go in head first?", I questioned.

"Of course, you'll prevent us from being captured right?", Rinko teased me.

Letting out a sigh, I told them to stay behind us just to be safe. Exiting the building we teleported into, we walked across the street making sure to keep a close eye on the surroundings. Seeing several entities moving around in the hospital I was able to single out Kiryuu, Oboro, and Bara Bara pretty easily. That said, something was off about Kiryuu's aura...the Dark Slime had definitely done something to him so we had to be cautious. Stopping our advance in the middle of the courtyard, I told the women to be on guard.

"Why there isn't anyone watching us!", Yukikaze complained.

"Don't forget Kiryuu's troops are special, they aren't like the normal ogres and trolls you have faced. Currently they are watching us from all three floors, you may not see them but I see their magic signatures.", I told her.

Walking out the front door with smug expression, Kiryuu laughed at us and called us idiots for walking straight into his open arms. Standing behind him was Oboro glared at Ingrid and Asagi while Bara Bara smirked as he saw Aishe.

"I honestly never thought I'd see the day that Asagi and Ingrid would work together.", Kiryuu said with a smirk, "It must because you finally realized that together we are a genuine threat to all of you!"

"A threat to a child maybe...", Ingrid snickered with an annoyed tone, "You are still the same arrogant, little man we all know."

"I am not little, isn't that right Murasaki?", Kiryuu jabbed as he licked his lips.

Having a momentary flash back of what he did to her, her body moved on it's own. Flicking a kunai knife straight at his forehead, I was surprised how accurate she was with a knee jerk reaction. Burying itself partway into his forehead, she expected him to drop dead but instead his forehead absorbed the knife in a matter of moments.

"He merged with the Dark Slime.", I spoke understanding the situation now, "That's why your aura is different, it's a mixture of both of yours."

"Haha, my genius mind was able to find a way to fuse with it while maintaining my own free will. With it's power no one can stand in my way now, all of you are so far beneath me now. Once I put you in your place, beneath my heel, I will take what is mine from this world!", Kiryuu laughed like he was going insane.

"You are insane! You dabbling in things that you do not truly understand.", Aishe warned him.

"What do you know!? My brilliance was what gave birth to it!! My colleague brought me the samples of creatures from many different worlds, but nothing really could hold up to what we wanted. One day though that all changed when he brought me a sample from an abnormal slime he encountered, I researched it for months till finally we had the Dark Slime! Everything there is to know about this creature I know, and now that it is a part of me...I am a God!", he howled as I sensed a surge of magic come out of him, "Finish them!"

Breaking out of the building all at once, the group of seventy-seven mutant monsters quickly encircled us. Telling Kratos I would handle Kiryuu, I stepped out from the group and four of the ogres rushed towards me. Creating several Dark Matter arms out of my back, I tore them to pieces like I was ripping paper.

"So the Dark Slime was your brainchild, I never thought Shang Tsung would lower himself to aiding such a piss ant like you.", I snickered, "Come on then, show me what you made of!!"

Launching several tentacle spikes at me, I vanished from my spot and reappeared right in front of him. Sucker punching him in the face, he flew backwards back into the hospital. Chasing after him, I wanted to see what changes his body underwent due to the fusion. I wanted to know everything the Dark Slime had at it's disposal so in the future I wouldn't be caught off guard by any tricks it might be holding.

---3rd Person POV---

"Should someone go help Mael?", Rinko questioned kicking a troll away.

"No, he can handle himself just fine.", Kratos said whipping his blades around, "Focus on the enemy in front of you! Do not break rank, stay in formation!"

Doing their best to kill all the enemies in front of them, Asagi and Ingrid realized how strong Kiryuu had made them. Their swords and elemental powers were like bee stings to the ogres and trolls, there was little to nothing they could do to level the playing field. The two were so focused on what was going on that they didn't even notice Oboro approaching from behind. Jabbing both of them in the sides, the two scream in pain as they jumped away from her.

"What's the matter, surely that little love tap didn't hurt you.", Oboro snickered.

Fighting through the pain, Ingrid looked at Asagi and gave her a nod. Understanding what she was meaning, Asagi followed Ingrid in for their counterattack. Letting loose with a flurry of strikes from her rapier, Ingrid attempted to keep her distracted long enough to land a sneaky blow on Oboro. Skillfully sliding under the blur of Ingrid's rapier, Asagi let out a battle cry as she used her legs to launch herself forward. Slamming her fist into Oboro's gut with everything she had, Oboro let out a grunt while Asagi screamed.

"AHH!!", she cried looking at her mangled hand, "Fucking damn it!!"

"You didn't think those idiot monsters were the only ones to get an upgrade, did you?", Oboro snickered as wiped the blood away from her healed face, "I have a powerful regenerative factor, and my strength far exceeds anything you have seen before. This is payback for all the times both of you humiliated me!"

Before either of them could register what happened, both of them felt a sudden impact to their guts. Blown away from Oboro, the two crashed into the hospital and sank into the wall. Coughing up mouthfuls of blood, they both had broken ribs and internal bleeding. Falling to the ground, the two of them struggled to get back up. Kicking Ingrid across the face, Oboro then threw a knee right into Asagi's face temporarily blinding her. Wailing on the two of them, the women could only try to defend themselves against the onslaught. While Oboro toyed with the two of them, Bara Bara was trying to get ahold of Aishe.

"Stop resisting you bitch!", Bara Bara shouted, "Just die already!"

Trying to get to her was far harder than he expected. Annerose, Rikurou, Tatsurou, and Yukikaze were keeping him at bay while Aishe used her magic to keep the other enemies away. Keeping him on his toes, they would attack him from every which direction trying to exhaust him enough to land a killing blow. Unfortunately his patience and lack of empathy for his allies wasn't something they counted on, and their constant attacks infuriated him. Deciding that a few losses on his side was acceptable if it took the four of them out, he stopped messing around.

"Stupid pests, die!", Bara Bara said hitting everyone around him with an AOE Fire Spell.

Unable to stop herself, Annerose flew into Aishe knocking both of the unconscious. The other three fighters staggered back to their feet as Bara Bara approached Aishe.

"I have waited years to get my hands on the stone. Now give it to me!", he shouted as he went to rip it out of her.

"Not a chance!", Mitico shouted dropping down on him from above.

Plunging a dagger into his right shoulder, Mitico's surprise only served to piss him off even more. Smacking his staff into her gut, Mitico felt something burst inside her as she flew into Rikurou as he was getting up. Skipping across the ground, the two of them slammed into one of the hospital walls. Grunting as he pulled the blade out, he tossed it to the ground and seared the wound shut.

"Don't be so eager to die, you have your purpose too woman!", Bara Bara growled, "First though I will need the stone!"

Glancing back to check on the others, Maika realized that only Rinko, Asuka, Kratos, and herself were still standing. Calling that out to the others, Asuka said she wasn't able to help them as she had her hands full already with one of the stronger trolls. Rinko was too far away from them, and was trying to reach Asagi before Oboro killed her.

"Can't you do something more!? Aren't you a fucking God!?", Maika shouted at Kratos.

Ripping a troll in half, Kratos glared at her. He was frustrated that they were so useless in this fight, they were worse than new recruits in the Spartan Army. Realizing that the others were going to die soon, Kratos shouted out to Mael to hurry it up already.

"Stop playing around, your friends are going to die out here!", Kratos roared.

"I am not playing around!", Mael shouted as Kiryuu came flying through the enemy lines tearing his allies apart as he passed, "Crazy Prominence."

Bombarding the area, Mael created some space for the group to regroup. Furious that he was being denied his prize, Bara Bara pointed his staff at Mael.

"I will burn this whole place to the ground if you don't give me the-", he started say as a giant Cruel Sun formed above Mael.

"Does it look like I care buddy?", Mael questioned, "Die."

Throwing the Sun at them, the trolls and ogres attempted to stop it but were instantly incinerated by it. Realizing that it wasn't ordinary magic, Oboro grabbed Kiryuu and dove out of the way.

"You think your childish magic will work against me boy!", Bara Bara shouted, "Anti-Magic Barrier!"

Trying to eliminate Mael's perceived spell, Bara Bara was scared shitless as he the attacked sailed right through the barrier. Attempting a second spell to block his attack, Mael snapped his fingers and used Pride Flare as the Cruel Sun was only a few feet from the Mage. In an instant the mage was vaporized leaving not even his staff behind. As for Oboro and Kiryuu, the attack didn't kill them thanks to them being far enough away but the heat did severely burn them.

"AHH!!!", Oboro screamed as she rolled around on the ground.

Her healing factor was working overtime to heal her, but the damage was very intense. Healing the nerves just made it worse as the initial shock wore off and more pain hit her. Kiryuu was screaming in agony as his entire body had been partially boiled, due to being part slime. Glaring at Mael, the two of the snarled at him saying he would regret what he had done.

"Both of you are fools...this warm up is over, now comes the big guns.", Mael said, "Ash Dragon."

Creating a massive dragon out of Purgatory Flames, the dragon roared loudly break every glass object for several block. Ordering it to kill them, the dragon shot forward and dove at them. Unable to dodge due to their injuries, they were burnt away completely as the dragon devoured them.

"Kratos, I wasn't toying around with him. He was probably the weakest person one of the Dark Slimes Fragments could have merged with. We needed to know to what the fragments limits were, I got the information I needed from this fight so in the future we don't have to worry.", Mael told him.

"There are more of those things!?", Rinko gasped.

"We destroyed the main body already, what Kiryuu was working with was only a fragment of it.", Mael advised, "All of you come here so I can heal you."

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