
Reincarnated as Acidwire in Bleach

The protagonist is reincarnated as Orihime's brother and influenced by Sora's feelings, decides to become stronger in order to protect her and change the world. In order to do so, he seeks to gain immense power, but risks losing himself to his insatiable thirst for more. NOT MINE !!!!! SHOUT OUT FOR THE OG AUTHOR { Aonte }

DrinkNozarashi · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

28. A weird development (5)

I roared, extending my four arms outwards, the powerful muscles bulging underneath my skin.

Ichigo gritted his teeth in response, while Rukia quickly covered her ears to shield them from the deafening sound.

As the echoes of my roar subsided, I took a threatening step forward, towering over them both.

"She's mine." I growled, my eyes burning with anger. "I raised her, protected her. A dirty boy like you can't have her."

Man, I was really getting into character too much.

"Shut up." Ichigo regained his composure and swung his gigantic sword towards me, while Rukia kept her distance, ready for any sudden moves.

"Hmm" I snorted in disdain and tried to dodge the attack, but my body felt sluggish and unresponsive. Moving it was hard and felt sluggish. It was as if I was moving through thick mud.

"Damn it. I spent too much time with my mask cracked." I cursed under my breath.

This body's potential to become an arrancar on his own was low and its spiritual power was leaking out now that its mask was cracked.

Suddenly, a sharp pain spread throughout my abdomen, and I was hit by Ichigo's cleaver. A fountain of red blood burst from my wound, filling the air with a sickening scent.

Before I could react, I felt Rukia run beside Orihime, calming her down.

"Quickly, Rukia, get her back to her body." Ichigo shouted.

"It can't be done in a second, idiot." Replied the annoyed Rukia.

As Rukia struggled to calm Orihime, Ichigo's words only fueled my anger. My vision blurred with red as Sora's shard pulsed with rage.

"She's mine!" I bellowed, my voice echoing through the room. Blood sprayed from my wounds as I continued to lash out, driven by a possessive madness.

"I will not allow you to take her from me!"

Ichigo's frown hardened, his determination evident on his face. "It's time for you to rest in peace, Mister Inoue." He declared. "I will send you to Soul Society."

My chest rose in fast movement, each faster than the last. My fury was uncontrollable, but I knew I had to stop here. This body was nearing its end.

"Damn boy."I roared in anger and swung my tail at him.

However, he dodged it narrowly by positioning his sword as a shield.

With a sudden burst of energy, I made a fake swing of my claws towards Ichigo. He fell for it, and in that moment, I unleashed my acid attack from my mouth, causing a hole to open up in the wall with a sickening sizzling sound.

Quickly, I entered the hole and turned back at the girls.

"I will be back for both of you." I said with a deranged smirk at them.

As I prepared to make my escape, Orihime's voice reached my ears. Her words cut through my rage and reached something deep within me.

"Don't worry. I will find you and I will reject your existence as a monster." She said with a serious voice that surprised me. "Take care, brother. Be careful on your way."

My eyes widened and her words resonated within me, shattering a shackle that had been weighing on Sora's soul. I felt a warm feeling spread through my body, something that I had not experienced in a long time.

I smiled warmly. "I will be waiting for you."

"Wait." Ichigo attempted to thrust his sword at me, only to be surprised by the unexpected intervention of a Menos Grande. Its massive hands seized my puppet hollow body and dragged it forcefully into a newly opened Garganta.

I turned to face Ichigo one last time before disappearing into the darkness. "Until we meet again." I said.

Slowly, I returned my full attention to my main body, abandoning the crumbling puppet body crumbling.

"Such a shameful display." I said as I messed my hair out of frustration at the weird development.

Omake: Disbelief

Aizen watched the screen showing Acidwire facing Rukia, an unreadable expression on his face.

"That was an interesting development." He finally said, turning to his Espada.

"Indeed." Ulquiorra nodded in agreement, while Harribel, Stark, Kaname, and Gin exchanged a nervous look.

Aizen was never one to be surprised easily.

"Now, we have better things to do." Aizen declared and walked away, ignoring Rukia biting a long tongue.

The other Espadas couldn't help but form a sweat drop at the unexpected turn of events.