
{1} Yum Dirt..

Everyone dies eventually, but nobody knows what comes after death. It's why reincarnation novels are a very popular genre on earth! Who doesn't love the idea of reincarnation into a great and powerful dragon that rules over galaxys with a mere thought after working hard all your life?

This held true for Hatchi, a young man who had been studying for his final exam in college. Hatchi was only around a month away from finally receiving a degree to be a surgical technician, quite the nice paying job! However he loved the idea of being reincarnated into some powerful mage that not a single soul could dream of challenging just like everyone else did. Casting flashy spells and saving a beautiful heroin from impending doom was any man's dream come true!

None of that was real though, which he found out the hard way, staring down the barrel of a gun. Hatchi was only a young man and would of course make stupid decisions but.. seeing a young woman getting robbed most people would try to save her right? He thought the perpetrator only had a knife though.. not a handgun. He wasn't ready to die.. and shouldn't have stepped into a fight just because the victim was a pretty girl! Hatchi gulped as the cold metal pressed to his forehead.. everything turned silent and dark.

Had she gotten away? He did hear footsteps so he sure hoped that she had... to think he never even got to have a girlfriend. The young man silently prayed that he would open his eyes to find himself in an ambulance, maybe the pretty girl would say things like "wow you're so brave and handsome thank you!!" But.. hours passed and it was still dark.

Small green orbs began to float through his vision, he wished to follow them and ever so slowly his body did. He wasnt entirely sure what he was currently in was a body but he could somewhat move it! Occasionally a hole would open in the void and swallow one of the other floating orbs, but it didn't happen to him for a very long time. The orbs seemed to travel infinitely until he was the only one left. He stayed thr only one for a very, very long time. Hatchi thought it was probably longer thsn his entire lifetime, but it was very difficult to tell as this path through dsrkness had notbing to show. However. out of the darkness emerged an old rusty gate, it seemed to initially have been black in color but had turned brown with the time it had been there causing it to rot away. It opened for him as if magic and as soon as he floated in, he plummeted into an abyss just like all the others had.

He tried to open his eyes only to find he had none! This was definetly a new body but he couldn't figure out what it was, so he tried a couple things like wiggling his fingers.. but they didn't exist. He tried blinking and still only found darkness, but when he tried thrashing around he did move! His entire body was covered by a thin membrane and a liquid of some sort keeping him curled up unnaturally tight.. in a way no human would ever be able to. Hatchi had spent alot of time alone with his thoughts and has of course spent most of it imagining where the abyss would lead him wheb it finally swallowed him so he had a pretty good clue of what was happening and wasnt as freaked out as he should be. He knew that speaking would be impossible so instead he began to think what might be trigger words "skills" "stats" "open window" "status" and it finally opened! Light blue came into his thoughts forming a square before dark green swirls covered the edges making it appear quite fancy! It was a very weird feeling knowing he couldn't see but could still perceive this screen

[Welcome to the world of Lasiena dear traveller. Unfortunately the usual 'main character' has been decided already so you have been given a casual role.] The screen faded as he finish reading before a new one appeared [Loading Travellers Status] yet again it dissapeared on its own before displaying his stats

[Name: Hatchi

Length: 2cm

Race: Lasiena common mud worm

Age: still in the egg..

Skills: none]

Wow.. he really died and got reincarnated into a worm and a side character! How was a worm even supposed to be a side character? He let out a sigh in his mind before realising something.. he had to break out of his egg! He'd never survive if he stayed locked in his egg, and so his little worm body began to strain and push until finally a small hole was poked in the thin shell letting all the liquid inside rush out into a small cavern around him.